Three important analytical techniques in the chemist's toolkit are Mass Spectrometry, MS, Infrared Spectroscopy, IR and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, NMR.
For each technique identify the characteristic chemical information provided.
For each of the following, identify their significance in an 1H NMR spectrum: number of peaks, area under each peak, chemical shift and splitting patterns.
An organic molecule with molecular formula C2H4O is analysed using MS, IR and 1H NMR. Use section 26, 27 & 28 of the Data booklet to help you answer this question.
The MS is shown below:
Determine the relative molecular mass from the spectrum and account for the peak at m/z 29.
The MS of compound P is shown below. Compound P contains carbon, hydrogen and oxygen only. Use section 26, 27 & 28 of the Data booklet to help you answer this question.
Determine the relative formula mass of P and account for the peak at m/z 45.