
DP IB Chemistry: HL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Chemistry: HL / DP / Topic Questions / 3. Periodicity / 3.2 Oxides, Group 1 & Group 17 / Multiple Choice: Paper 1

3.2 Oxides, Group 1 & Group 17

Question 1

Marks: 1

Which statement correctly describes the trend in metallic radius in group I elements
Na to Rb?

  1. Increases moving down the group
  2. Increases moving down due to the addition of electron shells
  3. Decreases moving down due to increasing nuclear forces

  • I and II only  

  • I and III only  

  • II and III only 

  • I, II and III

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

The Period 4 elements gallium (Ga), germanium (Ge), arsenic (As) and selenium (Se) are the elements directly below aluminium, silicon, phosphorus and sulfur in the Periodic Table.

The properties of each Period 4 element resemble those of the Period 3 element directly above it.

Which period 4 elements form oxides that dissolve in water to give an acidic solution?

  • Ga and Ge 

  • Ge and Se

  • As and Se 

  • Se only

Choose your answer

Question 3

Marks: 1

Non-metallic elements in the p block can have the following two properties:

                 property 1        atoms with no paired electrons in 3p

      property 2        have an oxide that can form a strong acid in water

Which properties do phosphorus and sulfur have? 

  sulfur phosphorus

2 only

1 and 2 


1 and 2 

2 only


1 and 2 

1 and 2

D 2 only 1 only
    Choose your answer

    Question 4

    Marks: 1

    Which graph correctly illustrates a trend found in the halogen group?q4_medium_mcq_3-2_ib-chemistry-sl

      Choose your answer

      Question 5

      Marks: 1

      Which of the following statements is true as you move down group 1?

      • The first ionisation energy increases

      • The atomic radius increases

      • The melting point increases

      • The reaction with water becomes less vigorous

      Choose your answer

      Question 6

      Marks: 1

      Which statement is not correct?

      • Caesium has a lower first ionisation energy than rubidium

      • Rubidium reacts less violently with water than potassium

      • Potassium has a larger atomic radius than sodium

      • Sodium melts at a higher temperature than caesium

      Choose your answer

      Question 7

      Marks: 1

      When a student dissolved the oxides of calcium and tellurium in water, the resulting solutions were tested with litmus paper. It would be seen that:

      • Calcium turns litmus paper blue, but tellurium turns litmus paper red

      • Calcium and tellurium both turn litmus paper red

      • Calcium turns litmus paper red, but tellurium turns litmus paper blue

      • Calcium and tellurium both turn litmus paper blue

      Choose your answer

      Question 8

      Marks: 1

      Which of the following statements about strontium oxide and lithium oxide are true?

      1. Strontium oxide has pH > 7
      2. Lithium oxide is basic
      3. A solution containing both oxides would turn universal indicator red 
      • I and II only

      • I and III only 

      • II and III only

      • I, II and III

      Choose your answer

      Question 9

      Marks: 1

      Which statements are correct?

      1. Fluorine will react with potassium chloride solution to produce chlorine.
      2. Iodine will react with sodium chloride solution to produce chlorine.
      3. Bromine will react with lithium iodide solution to produce iodine.
      • I and II only

      • I and III only

      • II and III only

      • I, II and III

      Choose your answer

      Question 10

      Marks: 1

      Which is a characteristic property of sodium oxide?

      • It turns moist litmus paper blue

      • It turns moist litmus paper red

      • When it dissolves in distilled water it forms a solution with pH less than 7

      • It reacts with magnesium metal

      Choose your answer