DP Mathematics HL Questionbank

Topic 10 - Option: Discrete mathematics
The aim of this option is to provide the opportunity for students to engage in logical reasoning, algorithmic thinking and applications.
Directly related questions
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: It is known that α2=α+1 where α=1+√52. For...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Write down the auxiliary equation and use it to find an expression for fn in terms of n.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b.ii: State the value of gcd(4k+2,3k+1) for even positive...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b.i: State the value of gcd(4k+2,3k+1) for odd positive integers k.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Show that...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Let T be a tree with v where v ≥ 2. Use the handshaking lemma to prove that T has at...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b.i: In the context of graph theory, state the handshaking lemma.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.iii: Draw κ3,2 and explain why it does not have a Hamiltonian cycle.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.ii: Show that κ3,3 has a Hamiltonian cycle.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.i: Draw κ3,3.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b.ii: Hence solve the linear congruence 5x≡7(mod13).
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b.i: Use Fermat’s little theorem to show that x≡ap−2b(modp).
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: State Fermat’s little theorem.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c.iii: Calculate the total weight of the solution.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c.ii: Starting and finishing at B, find a solution to the Chinese postman problem for G.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c.i: State the Chinese postman problem.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Write down an Eulerian trail in G.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a.ii: State what feature of G ensures that G does not have an Eulerian circuit.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a.i: State what feature of G ensures that G has an Eulerian trail.
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Show that the number of edges in G′, the complement of G, is...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3f: Find the smallest value of n for which un>100000.
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3e: Find the value of u20.
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3d: (i) Given that A=1√5(1+√52), use the...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: (i) Write down the auxiliary equation for this recurrence relation. (ii) Hence find the...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Show that un+2=un+1+un.
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Find the values of u1, u2, u3.
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4d: By splitting the weight of the edge AiAj into two parts or otherwise,...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: (i) Use the nearest-neighbour algorithm, starting at vertex A1, to find a...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Consider the graph κ5. Use the deleted vertex algorithm, with A5 as...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: (i) Draw the graph κ4 including the weights of all the edges. (ii) Use the...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: a tree cannot exist with a degree sequence of...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: a simple, connected, planar graph cannot exist with a degree sequence of...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: a graph cannot exist with a degree sequence of...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: Using the method from part (b), find the unit digit when the base 9 number (321321321)9 is...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Let y be the base 9 number (anan−1…a1a0)9. Show that y is...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: (i) By converting the base 7 number to base 10, find the value of x, in base 10. (ii) ...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: show that v2−13v+24⩽0 and hence determine the maximum possible value of v.
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: Find a simplified expression for un+vn given that, (i) n is even. (ii) ...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Use strong induction to prove that the solution to the recurrence relation...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Solve the recurrence relation vn+4vn−1+4vn−2=0 where...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Show that there are no possible values of n satisfying...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Determine the set of values of n satisfying (13)n×(21)n=(273)n.
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: (i) Given that (43)n×(56)n=(3112)n, show that...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: By first removing A , use the deleted vertex algorithm to find a lower bound for the travelling...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Starting at A, use the nearest neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound for the travelling...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to show that 1463 and 389 are relatively prime.
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: show that the sum of the number of faces in G and the number of faces in G′ is...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c.ii: Hence state the value of a.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c.i: Using your answers to part (a) and (b), prove that there is only one possible value for b and...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Write the decimal number 1071 as a product of its prime factors.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Convert the decimal number 1071 to base 12.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Hence or otherwise, find the general solution to the above system of linear congruences.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: With reference to the integers 5, 8 and 3, state why the Chinese remainder theorem guarantees a...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: If an edge E is chosen at random from the edges of κn, show that the probability...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: A connected graph G has v vertices. Prove, using Euler’s relation, that a spanning tree...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.ii: Prove that κ3,3 is not planar.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.i: Draw the complete bipartite graph κ3,3.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: For every prime number p>3, show that p|up−1.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Find an expression for un in terms of n.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: By first removing library C, use the deleted vertex algorithm, to find a lower bound for...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Starting at library D use the nearest-neighbour algorithm, to find an upper bound for Mathilde’s...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Draw the weighted graph H.
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Solve the recurrence relation un+2−2un+1+5un=0 given that...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Verify that the recurrence relation is satisfied by \[{u_n} = A{\alpha ^n} + B{\beta...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Find an example of a graph H, with five vertices, such that H and its complement H′...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: The graph G has six vertices and an Eulerian circuit. Determine whether or not its complement...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.ii: In the context of graph theory, explain briefly what is meant by an Eulerian circuit.
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.i: In the context of graph theory, explain briefly what is meant by a circuit;
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: By first deleting vertex A , use the deleted vertex algorithm together with Kruskal’s algorithm...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Starting at A , use the nearest neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound for the travelling...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: By expressing each of 264 and 1365 as a product of its prime factors, determine the lowest common...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b.ii: Hence find the general solution of the Diophantine equation 264x−1365y=6.
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b.i: Hence, or otherwise, find the general solution of the Diophantine equation 264x−1365y=3.
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of 264 and 1365.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Hence determine whether the base 3 number 22010112200201 is divisible by 8.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Given a sequence of non negative integers {ar} show that (i) ...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4f: Hence prove that K3, 3 is not planar.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4e: Hence prove that for H (i) e≥2f; (ii) e≤2v−4.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4d: H is a simple connected planar bipartite graph with e edges, f faces, v vertices...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: In a planar graph the degree of a face is defined as the number of edges adjacent to that...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: State which two vertices should be joined to make G equivalent to K3, 3.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Show that G is bipartite.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Hence, or otherwise, find the remainder when 19821982 is divided by 37.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Show that there are exactly two solutions to the equation 1982=36a+74b, with...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: A second recurrence relation, where v1=u1 and v2=u2, is given by...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Find an expression for un in terms of n.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Use the recurrence relation to find u2.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Visitors to Switzerland can visit some principal locations for tourism by using a network of...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: The distances by road, in kilometres, between towns in Switzerland are shown in the following...
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Find the least positive solution of 123x≡1(mod2347) .
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: What information about G is contained in the diagonal elements of M2 ?
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3d: List the trails of length 4 starting at A and ending at C.
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: A simple graph G has v vertices and e edges. The complement G′ of G has e′ edges. (i)...
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Find 22003(mod11) and 22003(mod13).
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: Use the Chinese remainder theorem, or otherwise, to evaluate 22003(mod1001), noting...
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to express gcd (123, 2347) in the form 123p + 2347q, where...
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: Find the general solution of 123z≡5(mod2347) .
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1d: State the solution set of 123y≡1(mod2346) .
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Draw the graph G .
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Draw the complement of the following graph as a planar graph.
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Use the result 2003=6×333+5 and Fermat’s little theorem to show that...
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Hence find integers A and B such that 861A + 957B = h .
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Using Dijkstra’s algorithm, find the length of the shortest path from vertex S to vertex T ....
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Does this graph have an Eulerian circuit? Justify your answer. (ii) Does this graph...
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: The graph above is now to be considered with the edges representing roads in a town and with the...
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Using the Euclidean algorithm, find h .
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Using part (b), solve 287w≡2(mod319) , where...
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3d: Find the general solution to the diophantine equation 861x+957y=6 .
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: State Fermat’s little theorem.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.1: Use the Euclidean Algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of 7854 and 3315. Hence state...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.2a: Define what is meant by the statement...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.2b: Hence prove that if x≡y(modn) then x2≡y2(modn) .
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.2c: Determine whether or not x2≡y2(modn) implies that x≡y(modn) .
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.3a: Show that when p = 2 , N is even if and only if its least significant digit, a0 , is 0.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.3b: Show that when p = 3 , N is even if and only if the sum of its digits is even.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.4a: Draw G in a planar form.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.4b: Giving a reason, determine the maximum number of edges that could be added to G while keeping the...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.4c: List all the distinct Hamiltonian cycles in G beginning and ending at A, noting that two cycles...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.5a: The weighted graph H is shown below. Use Kruskal’s Algorithm, indicating the order in which...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.5b: (i) A tree has v vertices. State the number of edges in the tree, justifying your...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.1: (a) Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the gcd of 324 and 129. (b) Hence show that...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.2a: The table below shows the distances between towns A, B, C, D and E. (i) Draw the...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.2b: Show that a graph cannot have exactly one vertex of odd degree.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.3a: (i) Given that a≡d(modn) and b≡c(modn) prove...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.3b: Show that x97−x+1≡0(mod97) has no solution.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.4b: Prove that a graph containing a triangle cannot be bipartite.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.4c: Prove that the number of edges in a bipartite graph with n vertices is less than or equal to...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.5: (a) (i) Show that Euler’s relation f−e+v=2 is valid for a spanning tree of...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Convert the decimal number 51966 to base 16.
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Using the Euclidean algorithm, find the greatest common divisor, d , of 901 and...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: In each of the following cases find the solutions, if any, of the given linear congruence. (i) ...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree for the following weighted graph and...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path from A to D in the following weighted graph...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Write 57128 as a product of primes.
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Prove that 22|511+1711.
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: (a) A connected planar graph G has e edges and v vertices. (i) Prove that...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Find the general solution to the diophantine equation 56x+315y=21. (ii) ...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of the numbers 56 and 315.
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: By first finding a minimum spanning tree on the subgraph of H formed by deleting vertex A and all...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Find the total weight of the cycle ADCBEA.
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: What do you conclude from your results?
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Given that a , b∈N and c∈Z+, show that if...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Using mathematical induction, show that 9n≡1(mod4) , for n∈N .
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: The positive integer M is expressed in base 9. Show that M is divisible by 4 if the sum of its...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: (i) Determine if any Hamiltonian cycles exist in G . If so, write one down. Otherwise,...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Explaining your method fully, determine whether or not 1189 is a prime number.
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: (i) State the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. (ii) The positive integers M and N have...
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: (a) Use the Euclidean algorithm to find gcd(12306, 2976) . (b) Hence give the...
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: Two mathematicians are planning their wedding celebration and are trying to arrange the seating...
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1: Sameer is trying to design a road system to connect six towns, A, B, C, D, E and F. The possible...
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5: (a) Using Fermat’s little theorem, show that, in base 10, the last digit of n is always equal...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a + c: (a) (i) What feature of the graph enables you to deduce that G contains an Eulerian...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5: Show that a graph is bipartite if and only if it contains only cycles of even length.
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1: An arithmetic sequence has first term 2 and common difference 4. Another arithmetic sequence has...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: The planar graph G and its complement G′ are both simple and connected. Given that G has 6...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Show that a positive integer, written in base 10, is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: The representation of the positive integer N in base p is denoted by (N)p . If...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of 259 and 581.
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Hence, or otherwise, find the general solution to the diophantine equation 259x + 581y = 7 .
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Giving a reason, state whether or not G is (i) simple; (ii) connected; (iii) ...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2e: Find the maximum number of edges that can be added to the graph G (not including any loops or...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: One version of Fermat’s little theorem states that, under certain conditions,...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Find all the integers between 100 and 200 satisfying the simultaneous congruences...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: The sequence {un} , n∈Z+ , satisfies the recurrence relation...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Draw the graph G as a planar graph.
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: Explain what feature of G enables you to state that it has an Eulerian trail and write down a trail.
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2d: Explain what feature of G enables you to state it does not have an Eulerian circuit.
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Starting at A, use the nearest neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound for the travelling...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: (i) Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find and draw a minimum spanning tree for the subgraph...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: The sequence {vn} , n∈Z+ , satisfies the recurrence relation...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: (i) One version of Fermat’s little theorem states that, under certain...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: A graph G with vertices A, B, C, D, E has the following cost adjacency...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5: Given that a, b, c, d∈Z, show...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Find the general solution to the simultaneous congruences \[x \equiv 3(\bmod...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: The positive integer N is expressed in base 9 as (anan−1…a0)9. (a) ...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: (a) Show that, for a connected planar graph, v+f−e=2. (b) Assuming that...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) A graph is simple, planar and connected. Write down the inequality connecting v and e,...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: (a) Write down Fermat’s little theorem. (b) In base 5 the representation of a natural...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: (a) Find the general solution for the following system of congruences. ...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: Consider the following weighted graph. (a) (i) Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: A graph has n vertices with degrees 1, 2, 3, …, n. Prove that n≡0(mod4) or...
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Find the general solution to the diophantine equation 332x−99y=1. (ii) ...
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: (i) Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the path of minimum total weight joining A to D. (ii) ...
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Show that p∑k=1kp≡0(modp).
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Given that p∑k=1kp−1≡n(modp) where...
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Using the Euclidean algorithm, show that gcd(99, 332)=1.
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: (i) Explain briefly why the graph contains an Eulerian trail but not an Eulerian...
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: By writing down an appropriate polynomial equation, determine the value of n.
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Rewrite the above equation with numbers in base 7.
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: The vertices of a graph L are A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. The weights of the edges in L are given...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find gcd(752, 352).
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: In any graph, show that (i) the sum of the degrees of all the vertices is even; (ii) ...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Consider the following graph, M. (i) Show that M is planar. (ii) Explain why M is not...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: Anna is playing with some cars and divides them into three sets of equal size. However, when she...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Use the above result to show that if p is prime then ap≡a(modp) where a is any...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: (i) State the converse of the result in part (a). (ii) Show that this converse is not true.
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: A farmer spends £8128 buying cows of two different breeds, A and B, for her farm. A cow of breed...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Show that 2341≡2(mod341).
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Let G be a simple graph with n vertices, n⩾2. Prove, by contradiction, that at...
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: The adjacency table of the graph G , with vertices P, Q, R, S, T is given by: (a) ...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Draw the graph K.
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Consider the integers a=871 and b=1157, given in base 10. (i) Express...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2d: Consider the set P of numbers of the form n2−n+41, n∈N. (i)...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: (a) Draw a spanning tree for (i) the complete graph, K4; ...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: By removing customer A, use the method of vertex deletion, to determine a lower bound to the...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: A list L contains n+1 distinct positive integers. Prove that at least two members of...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: Consider the simultaneous equations 4x+y+5z=a 2x+z=b ...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: (a) (i) Write down the general solution of the recurrence relation...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1: The following diagram shows a weighted graph. (a) Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find a...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: The following figure shows the floor plan of a museum. (a) (i) Draw a graph G that...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Show that graph G is Hamiltonian. Find the total number of Hamiltonian cycles in G,...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4e: Show that the lower bound found in (d) cannot be the length of an optimal solution for the...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Show that 30 is a factor of n5−n for all n∈N.
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: (i) Show that 33m≡3(mod4) for all m∈N. (ii) ...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: Consider an integer a with (n+1) digits written as...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Starting from customer D, use the nearest-neighbour algorithm, to determine an upper bound to the...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: State an upper bound for the travelling salesman problem for graph G.
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4d: Hence find a lower bound for the travelling salesman problem for G.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: The weights of the edges of a graph H are given in the following table. (i) Draw the...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Draw K2, 2 as a planar graph.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: Draw the graph of the complement of K2, 2.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: Draw an example of a simple connected planar graph on 6 vertices each of degree 3.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: State the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic for positive whole numbers greater than 1.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Use the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, applied to 5577 and 99099, to calculate...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Consider the following weighted graph. (i) Write down a solution to the Chinese postman...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: The sequence {un}, n∈N, satisfies the recurrence relation...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: (i) State the travelling salesman problem. (ii) Explain why there is no solution to the...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Draw a spanning tree for K2, 2.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2d: Show that the complement of any complete bipartite graph does not possess a spanning tree.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: The sequence {vn}, n∈N, satisfies the recurrence relation...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: The sequence {vn}, n∈N, satisfies the recurrence relation...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: (i) Show that 2e≥3f if v>2. (ii) Hence show that K5, the...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: (i) State the handshaking lemma. (ii) Determine the value of f, if each vertex has...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: Prove that gcd(n, m)×lcm(n, m)=n×m for all...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: Explain why f(n) is always exactly divisible by 5.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1d: By factorizing f(n) explain why it is always exactly divisible by 6.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1e: Determine the values of n for which f(n) is exactly divisible by 60.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Use the pigeon-hole principle to prove that for any simple graph that has two or more vertices...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Find the values of f(3), f(4) and f(5).
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find (i) gcd(f(3), f(4)); (ii)...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: Explain why each person cannot have shaken hands with exactly nine other people.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the cheapest route between A and J, and state its cost.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: For the remainder of the question you may find the cheapest route between any two towns by...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Find the remainder when 4182 is divided by 11.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: Using your answers to parts (a) and (b) find the remainder when 4182 is divided by 55.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: State the value of u1.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Seventeen people attend a meeting. Each person shakes hands with at least one other person and...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5d: After they have played many games, Pat comes to watch. Use your answer from part (c) to estimate...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Solve, by any method, the following system of linear congruences \(x \equiv 9(\bmod...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Show that un satisfies the recurrence...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: Solve this recurrence relation to find the probability that Andy wins the nth...
Sub sections and their related questions
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: The sequence {vn} , n∈Z+ , satisfies the recurrence relation...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: A list L contains n+1 distinct positive integers. Prove that at least two members of...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Use the pigeon-hole principle to prove that for any simple graph that has two or more vertices...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Seventeen people attend a meeting. Each person shakes hands with at least one other person and...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: It is known that α2=α+1 where α=1+√52. For...
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to express gcd (123, 2347) in the form 123p + 2347q, where...
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Using the Euclidean algorithm, find h .
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Hence find integers A and B such that 861A + 957B = h .
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.1: Use the Euclidean Algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of 7854 and 3315. Hence state...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.1: (a) Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the gcd of 324 and 129. (b) Hence show that...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Using the Euclidean algorithm, find the greatest common divisor, d , of 901 and...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Write 57128 as a product of primes.
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of the numbers 56 and 315.
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Explaining your method fully, determine whether or not 1189 is a prime number.
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: (i) State the fundamental theorem of arithmetic. (ii) The positive integers M and N have...
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: (a) Use the Euclidean algorithm to find gcd(12306, 2976) . (b) Hence give the...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of 259 and 581.
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Using the Euclidean algorithm, show that gcd(99, 332)=1.
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find gcd(752, 352).
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Consider the integers a=871 and b=1157, given in base 10. (i) Express...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2d: Consider the set P of numbers of the form n2−n+41, n∈N. (i)...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Show that 30 is a factor of n5−n for all n∈N.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Find the values of f(3), f(4) and f(5).
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find (i) gcd(f(3), f(4)); (ii)...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1d: By factorizing f(n) explain why it is always exactly divisible by 6.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1e: Determine the values of n for which f(n) is exactly divisible by 60.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: State the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic for positive whole numbers greater than 1.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Use the Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, applied to 5577 and 99099, to calculate...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: Prove that gcd(n, m)×lcm(n, m)=n×m for all...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to show that 1463 and 389 are relatively prime.
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of 264 and 1365.
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: By expressing each of 264 and 1365 as a product of its prime factors, determine the lowest common...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Show that...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b.i: State the value of gcd(4k+2,3k+1) for odd positive integers k.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b.ii: State the value of gcd(4k+2,3k+1) for even positive...
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3d: Find the general solution to the diophantine equation 861x+957y=6 .
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.1: Use the Euclidean Algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of 7854 and 3315. Hence state...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.1: (a) Use the Euclidean algorithm to find the gcd of 324 and 129. (b) Hence show that...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Find the general solution to the diophantine equation 56x+315y=21. (ii) ...
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: (a) Use the Euclidean algorithm to find gcd(12306, 2976) . (b) Hence give the...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1: An arithmetic sequence has first term 2 and common difference 4. Another arithmetic sequence has...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Hence, or otherwise, find the general solution to the diophantine equation 259x + 581y = 7 .
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Find the general solution to the diophantine equation 332x−99y=1. (ii) ...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: A farmer spends £8128 buying cows of two different breeds, A and B, for her farm. A cow of breed...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Show that there are exactly two solutions to the equation 1982=36a+74b, with...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b.i: Hence, or otherwise, find the general solution of the Diophantine equation 264x−1365y=3.
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b.ii: Hence find the general solution of the Diophantine equation 264x−1365y=6.
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Find the least positive solution of 123x≡1(mod2347) .
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: Find the general solution of 123z≡5(mod2347) .
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1d: State the solution set of 123y≡1(mod2346) .
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Use the result 2003=6×333+5 and Fermat’s little theorem to show that...
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Find 22003(mod11) and 22003(mod13).
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: Use the Chinese remainder theorem, or otherwise, to evaluate 22003(mod1001), noting...
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Using part (b), solve 287w≡2(mod319) , where...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.2a: Define what is meant by the statement...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.2b: Hence prove that if x≡y(modn) then x2≡y2(modn) .
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.2c: Determine whether or not x2≡y2(modn) implies that x≡y(modn) .
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.3a: (i) Given that a≡d(modn) and b≡c(modn) prove...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: In each of the following cases find the solutions, if any, of the given linear congruence. (i) ...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Find the general solution to the diophantine equation 56x+315y=21. (ii) ...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Given that a , b∈N and c∈Z+, show that if...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Using mathematical induction, show that 9n≡1(mod4) , for n∈N .
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: Two mathematicians are planning their wedding celebration and are trying to arrange the seating...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Find all the integers between 100 and 200 satisfying the simultaneous congruences...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Find the general solution to the simultaneous congruences \[x \equiv 3(\bmod...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5: Given that a, b, c, d∈Z, show...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: (a) Find the general solution for the following system of congruences. ...
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Find the general solution to the diophantine equation 332x−99y=1. (ii) ...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: Anna is playing with some cars and divides them into three sets of equal size. However, when she...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: Consider the simultaneous equations 4x+y+5z=a 2x+z=b ...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: (i) Show that 33m≡3(mod4) for all m∈N. (ii) ...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Solve, by any method, the following system of linear congruences \(x \equiv 9(\bmod...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: Using your answers to parts (a) and (b) find the remainder when 4182 is divided by 55.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Hence, or otherwise, find the remainder when 19821982 is divided by 37.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Given a sequence of non negative integers {ar} show that (i) ...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Hence determine whether the base 3 number 22010112200201 is divisible by 8.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: With reference to the integers 5, 8 and 3, state why the Chinese remainder theorem guarantees a...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Hence or otherwise, find the general solution to the above system of linear congruences.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b.ii: Hence solve the linear congruence 5x≡7(mod13).
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.3a: Show that when p = 2 , N is even if and only if its least significant digit, a0 , is 0.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.3b: Show that when p = 3 , N is even if and only if the sum of its digits is even.
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Convert the decimal number 51966 to base 16.
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: The positive integer M is expressed in base 9. Show that M is divisible by 4 if the sum of its...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Show that a positive integer, written in base 10, is divisible by 9 if the sum of its digits is...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: The representation of the positive integer N in base p is denoted by (N)p . If...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: The positive integer N is expressed in base 9 as (anan−1…a0)9. (a) ...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: (a) Write down Fermat’s little theorem. (b) In base 5 the representation of a natural...
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: By writing down an appropriate polynomial equation, determine the value of n.
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Rewrite the above equation with numbers in base 7.
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Consider the integers a=871 and b=1157, given in base 10. (i) Express...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: Consider an integer a with (n+1) digits written as...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Hence determine whether the base 3 number 22010112200201 is divisible by 8.
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: (i) Given that (43)n×(56)n=(3112)n, show that...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Determine the set of values of n satisfying (13)n×(21)n=(273)n.
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Show that there are no possible values of n satisfying...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: (i) By converting the base 7 number to base 10, find the value of x, in base 10. (ii) ...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Let y be the base 9 number (anan−1…a1a0)9. Show that y is...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: Using the method from part (b), find the unit digit when the base 9 number (321321321)9 is...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Convert the decimal number 1071 to base 12.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Write the decimal number 1071 as a product of its prime factors.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c.i: Using your answers to part (a) and (b), prove that there is only one possible value for b and...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c.ii: Hence state the value of a.
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Use the result 2003=6×333+5 and Fermat’s little theorem to show that...
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Find 22003(mod11) and 22003(mod13).
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: State Fermat’s little theorem.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.3b: Show that x97−x+1≡0(mod97) has no solution.
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Prove that 22|511+1711.
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5: (a) Using Fermat’s little theorem, show that, in base 10, the last digit of n is always equal...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: The representation of the positive integer N in base p is denoted by (N)p . If...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: One version of Fermat’s little theorem states that, under certain conditions,...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: (i) One version of Fermat’s little theorem states that, under certain...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: (a) Write down Fermat’s little theorem. (b) In base 5 the representation of a natural...
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Show that p∑k=1kp≡0(modp).
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Given that p∑k=1kp−1≡n(modp) where...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Use the above result to show that if p is prime then ap≡a(modp) where a is any...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Show that 2341≡2(mod341).
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: (i) State the converse of the result in part (a). (ii) Show that this converse is not true.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: Explain why f(n) is always exactly divisible by 5.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Find the remainder when 4182 is divided by 11.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Hence, or otherwise, find the remainder when 19821982 is divided by 37.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: For every prime number p>3, show that p|up−1.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: State Fermat’s little theorem.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b.i: Use Fermat’s little theorem to show that x≡ap−2b(modp).
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Draw the graph G .
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Draw the complement of the following graph as a planar graph.
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: A simple graph G has v vertices and e edges. The complement G′ of G has e′ edges. (i)...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.4a: Draw G in a planar form.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.4b: Giving a reason, determine the maximum number of edges that could be added to G while keeping the...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.4c: List all the distinct Hamiltonian cycles in G beginning and ending at A, noting that two cycles...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.5b: (i) A tree has v vertices. State the number of edges in the tree, justifying your...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.2b: Show that a graph cannot have exactly one vertex of odd degree.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.4b: Prove that a graph containing a triangle cannot be bipartite.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.4c: Prove that the number of edges in a bipartite graph with n vertices is less than or equal to...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.5: (a) (i) Show that Euler’s relation f−e+v=2 is valid for a spanning tree of...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: (a) A connected planar graph G has e edges and v vertices. (i) Prove that...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: The planar graph G and its complement G′ are both simple and connected. Given that G has 6...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5: Show that a graph is bipartite if and only if it contains only cycles of even length.
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Draw the graph G as a planar graph.
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Giving a reason, state whether or not G is (i) simple; (ii) connected; (iii) ...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2e: Find the maximum number of edges that can be added to the graph G (not including any loops or...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: (a) Show that, for a connected planar graph, v+f−e=2. (b) Assuming that...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) A graph is simple, planar and connected. Write down the inequality connecting v and e,...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: A graph has n vertices with degrees 1, 2, 3, …, n. Prove that n≡0(mod4) or...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Let G be a simple graph with n vertices, n⩾2. Prove, by contradiction, that at...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: The vertices of a graph L are A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H. The weights of the edges in L are given...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: In any graph, show that (i) the sum of the degrees of all the vertices is even; (ii) ...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Consider the following graph, M. (i) Show that M is planar. (ii) Explain why M is not...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Draw the graph K.
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: (a) Draw a spanning tree for (i) the complete graph, K4; ...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: The following figure shows the floor plan of a museum. (a) (i) Draw a graph G that...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Use the pigeon-hole principle to prove that for any simple graph that has two or more vertices...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Seventeen people attend a meeting. Each person shakes hands with at least one other person and...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: Explain why each person cannot have shaken hands with exactly nine other people.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: The weights of the edges of a graph H are given in the following table. (i) Draw the...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Draw K2, 2 as a planar graph.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Draw a spanning tree for K2, 2.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: Draw the graph of the complement of K2, 2.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2d: Show that the complement of any complete bipartite graph does not possess a spanning tree.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: (i) Show that 2e≥3f if v>2. (ii) Hence show that K5, the...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: (i) State the handshaking lemma. (ii) Determine the value of f, if each vertex has...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: Draw an example of a simple connected planar graph on 6 vertices each of degree 3.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Show that G is bipartite.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: State which two vertices should be joined to make G equivalent to K3, 3.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: In a planar graph the degree of a face is defined as the number of edges adjacent to that...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4d: H is a simple connected planar bipartite graph with e edges, f faces, v vertices...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4e: Hence prove that for H (i) e≥2f; (ii) e≤2v−4.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4f: Hence prove that K3, 3 is not planar.
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Show that the number of edges in G′, the complement of G, is...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: show that the sum of the number of faces in G and the number of faces in G′ is...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: show that v2−13v+24⩽0 and hence determine the maximum possible value of v.
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: a graph cannot exist with a degree sequence of...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: a simple, connected, planar graph cannot exist with a degree sequence of...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: a tree cannot exist with a degree sequence of...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.i: Draw the complete bipartite graph κ3,3.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.ii: Prove that κ3,3 is not planar.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: A connected graph G has v vertices. Prove, using Euler’s relation, that a spanning tree...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: If an edge E is chosen at random from the edges of κn, show that the probability...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.i: Draw κ3,3.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.ii: Show that κ3,3 has a Hamiltonian cycle.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.iii: Draw κ3,2 and explain why it does not have a Hamiltonian cycle.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b.i: In the context of graph theory, state the handshaking lemma.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Let T be a tree with v where v ≥ 2. Use the handshaking lemma to prove that T has at...
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: What information about G is contained in the diagonal elements of M2 ?
- 12M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3d: List the trails of length 4 starting at A and ending at C.
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: (i) Does this graph have an Eulerian circuit? Justify your answer. (ii) Does this graph...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.4a: Draw G in a planar form.
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.4b: Giving a reason, determine the maximum number of edges that could be added to G while keeping the...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.4c: List all the distinct Hamiltonian cycles in G beginning and ending at A, noting that two cycles...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.2a: The table below shows the distances between towns A, B, C, D and E. (i) Draw the...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: (i) Determine if any Hamiltonian cycles exist in G . If so, write one down. Otherwise,...
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: The adjacency table of the graph G , with vertices P, Q, R, S, T is given by: (a) ...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a + c: (a) (i) What feature of the graph enables you to deduce that G contains an Eulerian...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: Explain what feature of G enables you to state that it has an Eulerian trail and write down a trail.
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.2d: Explain what feature of G enables you to state it does not have an Eulerian circuit.
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: (i) Explain briefly why the graph contains an Eulerian trail but not an Eulerian...
- 11N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Consider the following graph, M. (i) Show that M is planar. (ii) Explain why M is not...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: The following figure shows the floor plan of a museum. (a) (i) Draw a graph G that...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Show that graph G is Hamiltonian. Find the total number of Hamiltonian cycles in G,...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Visitors to Switzerland can visit some principal locations for tourism by using a network of...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.i: In the context of graph theory, explain briefly what is meant by a circuit;
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a.ii: In the context of graph theory, explain briefly what is meant by an Eulerian circuit.
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: The graph G has six vertices and an Eulerian circuit. Determine whether or not its complement...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: Find an example of a graph H, with five vertices, such that H and its complement H′...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a.i: State what feature of G ensures that G has an Eulerian trail.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a.ii: State what feature of G ensures that G does not have an Eulerian circuit.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Write down an Eulerian trail in G.
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Using Dijkstra’s algorithm, find the length of the shortest path from vertex S to vertex T ....
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ1.5a: The weighted graph H is shown below. Use Kruskal’s Algorithm, indicating the order in which...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find the minimum spanning tree for the following weighted graph and...
- 08N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the shortest path from A to D in the following weighted graph...
- 09M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1: Sameer is trying to design a road system to connect six towns, A, B, C, D, E and F. The possible...
- 09N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a + c: (a) (i) What feature of the graph enables you to deduce that G contains an Eulerian...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: (i) Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find and draw a minimum spanning tree for the subgraph...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: A graph G with vertices A, B, C, D, E has the following cost adjacency...
- 10N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3: Consider the following weighted graph. (a) (i) Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find...
- 13M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: (i) Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the path of minimum total weight joining A to D. (ii) ...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1: The following diagram shows a weighted graph. (a) Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find a...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Use Dijkstra’s algorithm to find the cheapest route between A and J, and state its cost.
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: The weights of the edges of a graph H are given in the following table. (i) Draw the...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: The distances by road, in kilometres, between towns in Switzerland are shown in the following...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Starting at A, use the nearest neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound for the travelling...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: By first removing A , use the deleted vertex algorithm to find a lower bound for the travelling...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: (i) Draw the graph κ4 including the weights of all the edges. (ii) Use the...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Consider the graph κ5. Use the deleted vertex algorithm, with A5 as...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: (i) Use the nearest-neighbour algorithm, starting at vertex A1, to find a...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4d: By splitting the weight of the edge AiAj into two parts or otherwise,...
- 12N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: The graph above is now to be considered with the edges representing roads in a town and with the...
- 08M.3dm.hl.TZ2.2a: The table below shows the distances between towns A, B, C, D and E. (i) Draw the...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: By first finding a minimum spanning tree on the subgraph of H formed by deleting vertex A and all...
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Find the total weight of the cycle ADCBEA.
- 11M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: What do you conclude from your results?
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Starting at A, use the nearest neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound for the travelling...
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: (i) Use Kruskal’s algorithm to find and draw a minimum spanning tree for the subgraph...
- 10M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2: A graph G with vertices A, B, C, D, E has the following cost adjacency...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: By removing customer A, use the method of vertex deletion, to determine a lower bound to the...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4e: Show that the lower bound found in (d) cannot be the length of an optimal solution for the...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Starting from customer D, use the nearest-neighbour algorithm, to determine an upper bound to the...
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: State an upper bound for the travelling salesman problem for graph G.
- 13N.3dm.hl.TZ0.4d: Hence find a lower bound for the travelling salesman problem for G.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: For the remainder of the question you may find the cheapest route between any two towns by...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Consider the following weighted graph. (i) Write down a solution to the Chinese postman...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: (i) State the travelling salesman problem. (ii) Explain why there is no solution to the...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Starting at A , use the nearest neighbour algorithm to find an upper bound for the travelling...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: By first deleting vertex A , use the deleted vertex algorithm together with Kruskal’s algorithm...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1a: Draw the weighted graph H.
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1b: Starting at library D use the nearest-neighbour algorithm, to find an upper bound for Mathilde’s...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c: By first removing library C, use the deleted vertex algorithm, to find a lower bound for...
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c.i: State the Chinese postman problem.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c.ii: Starting and finishing at B, find a solution to the Chinese postman problem for G.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.1c.iii: Calculate the total weight of the solution.
- SPNone.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: The sequence {un} , n∈Z+ , satisfies the recurrence relation...
- 14M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4: (a) (i) Write down the general solution of the recurrence relation...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: State the value of u1.
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5b: Show that un satisfies the recurrence...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5c: Solve this recurrence relation to find the probability that Andy wins the nth...
- 14N.3dm.hl.TZ0.5d: After they have played many games, Pat comes to watch. Use your answer from part (c) to estimate...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: The sequence {un}, n∈N, satisfies the recurrence relation...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: The sequence {vn}, n∈N, satisfies the recurrence relation...
- 15M.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: The sequence {vn}, n∈N, satisfies the recurrence relation...
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Use the recurrence relation to find u2.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2b: Find an expression for un in terms of n.
- 15N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2c: A second recurrence relation, where v1=u1 and v2=u2, is given by...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Solve the recurrence relation vn+4vn−1+4vn−2=0 where...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Use strong induction to prove that the solution to the recurrence relation...
- 16M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4c: Find a simplified expression for un+vn given that, (i) n is even. (ii) ...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3a: Find the values of u1, u2, u3.
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3b: Show that un+2=un+1+un.
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3c: (i) Write down the auxiliary equation for this recurrence relation. (ii) Hence find the...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3d: (i) Given that A=1√5(1+√52), use the...
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3e: Find the value of u20.
- 16N.3dm.hl.TZ0.3f: Find the smallest value of n for which un>100000.
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4a: Verify that the recurrence relation is satisfied by \[{u_n} = A{\alpha ^n} + B{\beta...
- 17M.3dm.hl.TZ0.4b: Solve the recurrence relation un+2−2un+1+5un=0 given that...
- 17N.3dm.hl.TZ0.2a: Find an expression for un in terms of n.
- 18M.3dm.hl.TZ0.5a: Write down the auxiliary equation and use it to find an expression for fn in terms of n.