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Extension concept - Hydrolysis of ATP

The role of ATP as an energy currency in cells.

In the process of transcription the enzyme RNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the growing mRNA molecule. To achieve this the enzyme requires molecules called nucleoside triphosphate. The aim of this page is to explore the similarity between the ATP cycle and ATP hydrolysis with the process of transcription, when a mRNA molecule is made using DNA as a template.

Lesson Description

Guiding Questions

Why does RNA synthesis progress in just one direction?

What characteristic of the nucleoside-triphosphate molecule helps the 5' carbon of the ribose bind to the 3' carbon in the RNA polymer?

Why can't the 3' carbon of the nucleoside triphosphate bind the 5' carbon of the growing RNA molecule?

Compare this reaction with the hydrolysis of ATP to form ADP and Pi

Activity 1 - The structure of ATP

Look at each diagram and answer the questions which follow.

Name the three parts of an ATP molecule




How is the structure of ATP similar to a DNA nucleotide?




Describe the features of a hydrolysis reaction in general.  (3)



Outline the hydrolysis of ATP and the use of this reaction in cell metabolism. (2)





Activity 2 - The structure of nucleotides and nucleosides

Look at each diagram and answer the questions which follow.

The naming of nucleotides seems complex at first but there is a logic to it. Use the diagram above to answer the wollowing questions.

Outline the difference in structure of a nucleoside and a nucleotide.




Explain how a nucleoside triphosphate is different from a nucleotide.




Identify the molecule type from this diagam which corresponds to ATP structure.


This diagram illustrates the role of RNA polymerase, the enzyme which adds nucleotides to a growing RNA molecule.

Name the molecule shown in the bottom left hand corner of the illustration ?


How is this molecule changed as it reacts with the 5' carbon of the growing RNA molecule?



Is this process a hydrolysis reaction or a phosphorylation?  Explain why.




This diagram shows the two processes mentioned on this page, ATP hydrolysis and RNA synthesis. In both cases there is a nucleoside triphosphate molecule involved. Study the similarities and differences in the the two reactions and then answer the question below.

Compare and contrast the addition of a nucleoside triphosphate to a growing RNA molecule with the hydrolysis of ATP.


