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Model answers

1) Describe the changes to each of the coloured parts of the neural tube. 

  • The spinal cord differentiates from the lower part of the neural tube. It gets longer, and it could show spina bifida if the tube hasn't properly formed.

  • The top, brown vesicle becomes the cerebral cortex

  • The second vesicle (orange) becomes the hypothalamus and other structures.

  • The third vesicle (green) becomes midbrain.

  • The fourth (pink vesicle) becomes the cerebellum  [and the Pons - not in the IB syllabus

  • The fifth region becomes the medulla oblongata.

2) Describe what must be happening to individual neurones within these structures

As a fetus grows, nerve cells (neurons) are produced and they travel to their eventual locations within the brain.

The survival of any one neuron is not guaranteed and those neurones that do not find a place where they can live and thrive — are destroyed by neural pruning.

3) What effect will these developments have on energy requirements of a growing embryo?

Watch this   Two minute brain development video from Neuroscientifically Challenged to illustrate how the brain develops from the anterior part of the neural tube