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Condensation & Hydrolysis.

Condensation and Hydrolysis Reactions.

A set of slides helps a teacher led description of how two glucose molecules form a dissacharide by condensation and the same for two amino acids and three fatty acids with glycerol, as in a triglyceride.
Students then complete IB style questions to check their understanding and complete their notes.

Lesson Description

Guiding Questions

How do cells make big molecules which they contain? E.g. Proteins, Lipids, and large Carbohydrates.

How are these big molecules broken down to more useable soluble molecules?

Activity 1 - Intro to hydrolysis and condensation.

Teacher exposition of the mechanism of Hydrolysis and Condensation using these ineractive whiteboard slides.

PDF of the whiteboard file

Students could run through these slides themselves but they are intended to be for the teacher as the diagrams illustrate the molecules quite well but the mechanisms are not thoroughly explained.

Students do not need to be able to draw these molecular diagrams, descriptions of the molecules and simple word equations to explain the formation of macromolecules from monomers are detailed enough.

Activity 2 IB Style Questions.

Answer the  Hydrolysis and Condensation Reactions IB Style questions using the slides for guidance.

Teachers notes

For students who also study Chemistry this lesson may be quite short, but many students find these concepts difficult and it is worth spending time on these ideas so that students can make notes at their own level.

Practice writing word equations and drawing simple diagrams is useful for student understanding but the IB exams rarely includes such questions. For this reason the IB style questions are a little more in a written stlye. This deliberately complements the multiple choice style questions used in the chemical elements lesson.

One of the resources is a SMARTBOARD interactive whiteboard 'notebook' file. 

Smart Whiteboard file. This can be viewed freely via
This file can be downloaded and opened using the online viewer, freely via The advantage of using this file over the powerpoint is the the images can be moved and notes added to the slides, including annotations.

HL Students: In the HL Proteins topic students are expected to draw a diagram showing the structure of a peptide bond in a dipeptide. This lesson is a very good opportunity to cover this detail, even though it may be revised in a HL lesson later in the term.