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Mitotic index - model answers


  1. What does your data show about the rate of cell division in cancerous tissue compared to the rate of cell division in normal tissue? What data supports your answer to this question?

The rate of cell division is faster in cancerous tissues than in normal tissue.

The data shows mitotic index values in all the cancerous samples are  higher (more than 15% higher) than  the normal samples,


  1. Which type of cancer is the fastest growing? Explain your answer, using relevant data to support your claim.

The Ovarian cancer sample has the highest mitotic index and looks like the fastest growing

The ovarian cancer cells show the greatest increase in mitotic index, compared to  normal cells from the same organ.

(Previously it was the lung cancer sample which had the mitotic index.  Perhaps there is some inbuilt randomness in the online activity so that the results are not always the same.  It is quite probably that different cancers in the lungs and ovaries have a different mitotic index.  Each cell type could be different
There is some interesting extension reading about rates of cell division in different lung and ovarian cancers here)


There is an interesting student project here, showing differences in mitosis rates in different tissues.
