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Topic 2 - Bio molecules SL revision list

This pages gives outline details of the content of the topic together with essential questions and student skills and applications. Helpful for revision.

2.1 Molecules to metabolism

Carbon based compounds

  • Molecular biology explains biological processes in terms of the chemicals involved.
  • The is a diversity of Carbon based compounds in living things because carbon atoms can form four covalent bonds.
     e.g. carbohydrates, lipids, proteins & nucleic acids.
  • All the enzyme-catalysed reactions in a cell make up its metabolism. There are two types:
    • Anabolism: forming macromolecules from monomers by condensation.
    • Catabolism: breaking complex macromolecules into simpler molecules by hydrolysis.
  • Some biological compounds can be synthesized ouside of living things: e.g. urea.

Revision Questions

  • How many covalent bonds can each or the molecules Carbon, Nitrogen Oxygen and Hydrogen form?
  • How does the number of covalent bonds formed by carbon, and the elements N, O and H influence the shapes and the structures of biological molecules?
  • Explain why hydrolysis reactions and condensation reactions are opposites?

Drawing molecules

  • Draw diagrams of:
    • αD-glucose & βD-glucose,
    • D-ribose,
    • a fatty acid
    • an amino acid with generalised R-group.
  • Identification of biochemicals from diagrams to include:
    • monosaccharides
    • disaccharides,
    • lipids (triglycerides, phospholipids and steroids)
    • amino acids
    • polypeptides and peptide bonds.
  • Knowledge of the Benedicts reagent test for reducing sugars and iodine to test for starch.

Revision Questions

  • Can you name and identify five biological molecules?
    • Three monomers?
    • Three macromolecules?
  • Can you draw αD-glucose then change it into βD-glucose,?
  • Which of the drawings on the right best represents D-ribose?
  • Can you write N-C-C on the page and turn it into an amino acid, with an R-group?
  • How can we test for the presence of different biological molecules using Benedict's reagent and Iodine?

2.2 Water

  • Hydrogen bonds form between polar water molecules.
  • This force give water special properties, e.g. cohesiveness, adhesiveness, thermal
    and solvent properties.
  • Glucose, amino acids and salts are hydrophilic while cholesterol and fats are hydrophobic.
  • Compare the thermal properties of water with those of methane and explain how this affects its use a as a coolant in sweat.
  • Compare the solubility of glucose, amino acids, cholesterol, fats, oxygen and sodium chloride in water and link this to the way they are transported.
  • Explain benefits of water properties to living organisms (Transparency and density not required.)
  • Evaluate how significant hydrogen bonding is in the properties of water.

Revision Question(s)

  • What are the forces which hold water molecules together?
  • What properties does this give water?
  • Why do some substances dissolve easily in water and others don't mix with it at all.
  • How does the human body transport transport substances which dissolve easily in water and how does it transport those substances which don't dissolve.
  • What would happen if water didn't have H-bonding?

2.3 Carbohydrates & Lipids

  • Condensation reactions link Monosaccharide monomers together to
    form disaccharides (Sucrose, lactose and maltose) and polysaccharides.(cellulose starch and glycogen)
  • Fatty acids can be saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated.
    and cis or trans isomers if they are unsaturated. (molecule names not required)
  • Three fatty acids and one glycerol molecules can form a Triglycerides by condensation reactions.
  • How the structure of cellulose and starch (amylose & amylopectin) in plants and glycogen in humans relates to function.
  • For long-term energy storage in humans
    lipids are better than carbohydrates.
  • Potatoes have been genetically modified to reduce the level of amylose to
    produce a more effective adhesive.
  • Evaluate the conflicting evidence for health risks of trans fats and saturated fatty acids and evaluate the methods used
  • Abiliy to use molecular visualization software like jmol to compare cellulose, starch and glycogen.
  • Ability to work out a BMI using a nomogram or by calculation

Revision Question(s)

  • How many different types or molecule could be made by linking simple sugars like glucose and fructose together?
  • What different types of hydrocarbon chain are possible in fatty acids and how might these different structures affect their properties?
  • What could be made by linking fatty acids together?
  • What sort of uses could there be in the body for carbohydrate molecules which were; long threads, or tightly wound spiral shapes?
  • What uses could there be for these carbohydrate molecules as household products?
  • In science how can we work out if one experiment is better than another.

2.4 Proteins

  • Amino acids are linked together by condensation reactions to form a di-peptides and polypeptides.
  • Genes and mRNA strands code for 20 different amino acids which are built into polypeptides on ribosomes.
  • Amino acids can be linked together in any sequence (coded for by genes) giving a huge range of possible polypeptides.
  • A protein may be a single polypeptide or more than one polypeptide joined together.
  • The three-dimensional shape of a protein is determined by the sequence of amino acids.
  • Living organisms synthesize many different proteins with a wide range of functions (not structure)
    e.g. Rubisco, insulin, immunoglobulins, rhodopsin, collagen & spider silk.
  • Every individual has a unique proteome.
  • Proteomics and the production of proteins by cells cultured in fermenters
    offer many opportunities for the food, pharmaceutical and other industries
    (a utilisation)
  • Ability to draw molecular diagrams of peptide bond formation.

Revision Question(s)

  • How are amino acids linked together?
  • How many different amino acids are there?
  • How many different proteins are there?
  • What causes a protein to bend and coil into a 3D shape rather than a simple chain?
  • What happens if two or more polypeptide chains join together?
  • What are the functions of proteins in the cell, and also proteins which are secreted by living things?
  • How can an understanding of the proteins in living things help in industry?

2.5 Enzymes

  • The role of the active site where specific substrates bind.
  • The effect of the motion of molecules and the collision of substrates with the active site.
  • The effect of Temperature, pH and substrate concentration on the rate of activity of enzymes. (including denaturing)
  • Enzymes (often immobilized) are extensively used in industry for the production of items including Lactose-free milk, fruit juice and washing powder.

Revision Question(s)

  • How does the shape of a protein (which is a globular protein) help it's function?
  • How does the random movement of molecules help enzymes to function?
  • What effect do abiotic factors like temperature have on;
    • the shape of a protein and
    • the random movement of particles?
  • How could enzymes be used in industry for manufacture of biological molecules?
  • Advantages of latose-free milk, and ways of producing it, including immobilization in alginate beads.
  • Knowledge of possible designs of experiments to test the effect of temperature, pH and substrate concentration on enzyme activity.
  • Practical 3: Investigation of a factor affecting enzyme activity.
  • The skill of sketching a graph of expected results in enzymes experiments and the ability to explain reasons for their shapes.

2.6 Structure of DNA and RNA

  • DNA and RNA are polymers each made of nucleotides.
  • A DNA nucleotide is made from phosphate, deoxyribose (pentose sugar), and nucleotide bases (T, A,G,C)
  • RNA nucleotides are made from phosphate, ribose (pentose sugar) and nucleotide bases (U, A, G, C)
  • Base pairing is "complementary"
  • DNA is a double helix made of two strands of nucleotides linked by hydrogen bonding RNA is a single strand of nucleotides.
  • Students should be able to draw simple diagrams of DNA and RNA nucleotides - using simple shapes (not chemical symbols)
  • Students should learn to draw two antiparallel strands of DNA showing base pairing, A 'ladder' structure is enough, and details of purines / pyrimidines are not required

Revision Question(s)

  • Which molecule in cells is used for storage of genetic information?
  • What are the similarities between DNA and RNA?
  • What are the nucleotide bases found in DNA?
  • What is uracil?

2.7 DNA Replication

  • DNA replication
  • Complementary base pairing leads to the semi-conservative replication of DNA.
  • The enzyme helicase unwinds the double helix and breaks hydrogen bonds which hold the two DNA strands together.
  • DNA polymerase (generalised name) links DNA nucleotides together to form a new strand DNA,using the pre-existing strand as a template.
  • Transcription is the synthesis of mRNA by RNA polymerase using the DNA base sequence as a template
  • Translation is the synthesis of polypeptides on ribosomes.
  • The amino acid sequence of polypeptides is determined by mRNA according to the genetic code.
  • Three bases of mRNA is called a codon and corresponds to one amino acid in the polypeptide.
  • Translation depends on complementary base pairing between codons on mRNA and anticodons on tRNA.

Revision Question(s)

  • What property of the bases of DNA helps the process of replication of DNA ?
  • What are the roles of the two enzymes in the SL description of DNA replication?
  • RNA polymerase can unzip the DNA strand and build a strand of mRNA, what materials does it need?
  • What is the "genetic code"?
  • What is the difference between a codon and an anti-codon?
  • Where are they found?
  • Awareness that in polymerase chain reaction (PCR) an enzymes called Taq DNA polymerase produces multiple copies of DNA.
  • Ability to explain how Meselson and Stahl’s results support for the theory of semi-conservative replication of DNA.
  • knowledge that human insulin can be produced in bacteria because of the "universality" of the genetic code. This allows genes to be transferred between species.
  • Ability to use a table of the genetic code to deduce which codon(s) corresponds to which amino acid and to deduce the sequence of amino acids coded by a short mRNA or the DNA base sequence for a given mRNA strand

2.8 Respiration

  • Cell respiration definition,"the controlled release of energy from organic compounds to produce ATP"
  • ATP produced is a source of energy ready for immediate use in the cell.
  • Anaerobic cell respiration gives a small yield of ATP from glucose compared to aerobic respiration whose yield is large.
  • Aerobic cell respiration also requires oxygen.
  • Substrates (e.g. glucose) and final waste products (e.g. water, CO2, lactate, ethanol) should be known.
  • Anaerobic cell respiration in yeasts is used to produce ethanol and carbon dioxide in baking.
  • In the human body anaerobic respiration is used to maximize the power of muscle contractions & produces lactate.
  • Know how to use simple respirometers to measure the rate of respiration.
    • to know that an alkali is used to absorb CO2 produced in respirometers, so that reductions in gas volume are due to oxygen use.
    • To keep the temperature constant, so that gas volumes don't change through expansion / contraction of gas.

Revision Question(s)

  • Why does the energy have to released step by step in cell respiration?
  • What is the role of ATP in cells?
  • Name the substrate and final waste products of
    • aerobic respiration
    • anaerobic respiration
  • What are the similarities and differences between aerobic and anaerobic cell respiration?

2.9 Photosynthesis

  • Photosynthesis uses light energy to produce carbon compounds in cells.
  • Visible light ranges from violet (400nm) the shortest wavelength to red (700nm) the longest.
    (Students are not expected to recall the wavelengths of other colours.)
  • Absorption specrum shows - red and blue light absorbed most and green light least (it is reflected).
  • Photolysis of water produces oxygen
    (and also ATP & NADPH)
  • Energy ( from photolysis) is needed to produce carbohydrates and other carbon compounds from carbon dioxide.
  • Limiting factors of photosynthesis can be; Temperature, light intensity and carbon dioxide concentration.

Revision Question(s)

  • What benefit to plants in photosynthesis?
  • Can plants absorb all colours of light?
  • Which colours are absorbed most?
  • Water is split in photosynthesis, what does it form?
  • Carbon is trapped in photosynthesis - what does this form?
  • What conditions are required to make the fastest possible photosynthesis rate?
  • Understand that photosynthesis have caused changes to the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and rock deposition.
  • learn how to draw
    • an absorption spectrum for chlorophyll and
    • an action spectrum for photosynthesis.
  • Design experiments to investigate the effect of limiting factors on photosynthesis.
    Ref: control of variables is essential.
  • Separate photosynthetic pigments by chromatography. (Practical 4) either by paper chromatography or thin layer chromatography (gives better results)