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DNA Replication for HL Students

In this lesson students explore the extra details require in the explanation of DNA replication for HL students. This includes the functions of four extra enzymes and the concepts of leading and lagging strands with their 3' (three prime) and 5' (five prime) ends. The first activity is a simple diagram summary of each of the components, the second activity is a dynamic trasure hunt to bring a bit of excitement to this lesson which might otherwise be quite theoretical.

Lesson Description

Guiding Questions

  • What are the main steps in DNA replication?
  • Which four enzymes are involved in DNA replication?
  • What is the 'leading strand' and the 'lagging strand'?

Activity 1 - Produce a summary DNA Replication Poster HL

DNA Replication Poster HL

Produce a poster on A3 paper to explain the process of DNA Replication. Follow the points below.

  • Explain the role of each of the following enzymes
    • helicase,
    • DNA gyrase,
    • single strand binding proteins,
    • DNA primase (Note: this was called RNA primase in the 2006 guide, but has been revised to DNA primase)
    • DNA polymerase III,
    • DNA polymerase I and
    • DNA ligase
  • Include an explaination of Okazaki fragments and
  • Explain how deoxynucleoside triphosphates are involved.
  • State that DNA replication occurs in a 5´ to 3´ direction.
  • State that in eukaryotic chromosomes, replication is initiated at many points.
This is the diagram which was covered in the SL topic. It makes a good starting point.

This video   DNA replication. gives a good explanation of the process.
It includes the coiling of DNA? the enzyme DNA gyrase and single strand binding proteins.

This is an excellent   3D animation of DNA replication from YourGenome

Beware of the enzyme DNA primase, in this video called 'primase'

Be sure to annotate your diagram of the DNA replication fork and all it's enzymes with the details from this video.

Activity 2: QR code DNA replication challenge


Find the QR codes which have been displayed around your lab / school.

Scan each QR code into your mobile device to get a challenge question.

Research the answers and write down the correct answers to all of the *9* questions.

The winner is the student with the most correct answers at the end of the time available.

Good luck!

Scan this QR code to begin

The QR codes for this quiz can be found on the DNA replication QR code challenge worksheet.
Print the sheets and stick them up around the lab before the lesson.

As an alternative to the QR code activity - this video could be shown and paused from time to time.  It shows a lot of processes from the IBDP Biology course, including DNA replication, the role of promoters, the structure of nucleosomes.
  DNA animations by Wehi for Science-art exhibition

Activity 3 - Online quick test or flashcards

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Teachers notes

The first activity could supplement a reading homework task or a class explanation by the teacher. The aim is to introduce all the enzymes needed in the explanation of DNA replication at HL. There are six new details above those in SL.

The second activity is a lively way to test student knowledge and it uses the attraction of playing with an app on a mobile phone or an iPad to motivate students to research the details covered in activity one again and to consolidate their understanding.

The third activity is there because you may prefer to simply study the quizlet flashcards or take an online test - Online self marking test of the HL details of DNA replication