DP Biology: Nitrogen cycle - applications

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Nitrogen cycle - applications

This activity introduces the chemicals of the nitrogen cycle and the concept or biogeochemical cycles.  Some simple revision flashcards cards can be printed or practised online and there are two interesting examples of the nitrogen cycle, in carnivorous plants and in a home aquarium. The activity is completed using some IB style questions covering eutrophication and agriculture.


Guiding Question

Which of the following Chemicals do you know already?

  • Nitrate (NO3)

  • Nitrite (NO2)

  • Ammonia (NH3)

  • Ammonium (NH4+)

  • Nitrogen Gas (N2)

  • Oxygen (O2)

Activity 1 - Molecules containing Nitrogen

Practice basic understanding using these flash cards.  
Students should ensure that the can explain the notes on each of the cards.

Answer these "Introductory questions".

"Introductory questions".

Oxidation is the addition of oxygen or the removal of hydrogen.

Reduction is the removal of oxygen or the addition of hydrogen.


  1. Name a molecule which you might make by reducing Nitrogen gas in 'nitrogen fixation'.  

  2. Name three nitrogen containing molecules which are common in living organisms?

  3. Is the conversion of Nitrate into Nitrogen gas reduction or oxidation?

  4. When anaerobic bacteria convert nitrate to nitrogen gas, what is this process called?

  5. Which type of bacteria can oxidise ammonia into nitrates?

  6. What nitrogen containing chemicals do plant roots often absorb?
    _____________________________ and ________________________

  7. Which nitrogen containing chemical is excreted by aquatic animals to remove waste nitrogen?

Click the eye icon to see some model answers.

Model answers for the introductory questions:

  1. Name a molecule which you might make by reducing Nitrogen gas in 'nitrogen fixation'.  
    Ammonia / Ammonium ions

  2. Name three nitrogen containing molecules which are common in living organisms?
    DNA / RNA
    Proteins / Amino acids
    Urea / Ammonia

  3. Is the conversion of Nitrate into Nitrogen gas reduction or oxidation?

  4. When anaerobic bacteria convert nitrate to nitrogen gas, what is this process called?

  5. Which type of bacteria can oxidise ammonia into nitrates?
    Nitrifying bacteria

  6. What nitrogen containing chemicals do plant roots often absorb?
    Nitrates and Ammonia

  7. Which nitrogen containing chemical is excreted by aquatic animals to remove waste nitrogen?
    Ammonia / ammonium ions

Extension / alternative quiz

Try the self-marking online test on this information here: Quizlet introductory question on the nitrogen cycle

Activity 2 - Preparing an aquarium

The poster below shows an explanation of the chemical changes which take place in the water of a tropical aquarium.


Some people who keep fish recommend that the aquarium is left without fish for about ten days and that the owner just adds a little bit of food to give bacteria populations time to develop in the new filter.

Using knowledge from Activity 1 read the information and answer the questions on the worksheet Niotrogen cycle aquarium application shown below.

Activity 3 - IB style questions including Agriculture & Venus fly traps

Test your understanding using these IB style questions on the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen cycle IB style questions

Teachers notes

Activity one s a simple introduction to the nitrogen cycle.  There are some more complex cards covering a wider range of nitrogen cycle terms here: //quizlet.com/341640128/nitrogen-cycle-basics-diagram/  They didn't quite make it into this page.

Activity 2 looks at setting up an aquarium to explain and illustrate the nitrogen cycle.  Students who have looked at the flashcards in activity one might need a short explanation of the aquarium diagram before attempting the questions, but these are not meant to be difficult questions.

Activity 3 takes the basics of the nitrogen cycle and tests student understanding by putting these details into unusual contexts. This is rather like the IB questions which cold appear in the exam.

Model answers for the IBstyle questions can be found here: Nitrogen cycle - model answers