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How to make the best use of this website in your lesson planning?
This website contains loads of ideas related to teaching of IB biology within the new guide. This section of the site contains information about the changes to the guide as well as information about this Inthinking Biology website.
There are pages of information about the structure of the IB Biology course and its assessment. Introductions to the ideas about the Nature of Science and suggestions of ways to incorporate ToK in lessons and the IB Learner Profile.
A large section of the site is devoted to lesson ideas and learning activities. Interactive resources online are linked to student worksheets in structured lesson plans which are tailored specifically for the IB Biology course. Planning pages show how the learning activities link to the understandings, skills and applications in the IB guide. They also suggest some guiding questions for students.
In more and more schools the Biology lab is equipped with a projector or an interactive whiteboard. The lesson plans in this site are written to both the teacher and the student with the intention that they are projected on the board and guide the lesson. Instructions for students are clearly displayed next to the online resources or worksheets. Teachers can spend their time helping students to complete tasks as "the guide by the side" rather than writing notes on the board. I am fortunate enough to teach in an environment where all the students have access to the website on their own laptops and in some lessons students work directly from the lesson plan on their own laptop.
Many school are not so well resourced in ICT, so in almost all lesson there are also printable pdf files and the lesson plans themselves can be printed neatly using the print icon at the top of each page.
Some pages refer to resources which a biology teacher might use during the year to build their own lessons. These resources include some of the things which inspire ideas for this website.
Selected Pages
Modelling energy flow
This activity builds on the SL Ecology topic 'Energy in food chains'. Food chains show species in Trophic levels and multiple...
Key terms - Cells topic
1.1 Introduction to cells. (navigate the cards using the buttons in the box)
Reproduction in angiosperms.
This lesson begins with a short screencast activity to help students draw the structure of an idealised animal-pollinated...
ORF activity
The concept of Open Reading Frames seems quite complex at first, but this activity with it's practial approach helps students...
Prokaryote cell structure & function
This activity includes; a full set of resources for teaching about prokaryotes, a student activity sheet, with examiner's...
Key terms - Evolution topic
Flashcards are a valuable revision tool for any student. They allow you to test your knowledge of definitions and key ideas...