Criterion E
Criterion E: Engagement (maximum mark 6)
1. Reflections on engagement with the process – planning & progress
2. Reflections on engagement with the research focus - intellectual initiative and/or creative approach in the ”student voice”
The assessment is based upon how the student has engaged with the research process and with their research focus. It is the final part of the assessment and will be applied by the external examiner after the student’s Reflections on planning and progress form (EE/RPPF) has been considered.
Specific points covered
Specifically the assessment considers:
1. How well has the student engaged with the process? (This includes discussion with his/her supervisor during the planning and progress of the research.)
2. How well was the student able to reflect upon and refine the research process?
3. How did the student react to insights gained through exploring his/her research question?
4. Was the student able to evaluate decisions made through the research process and suggest improvements to their own working practice?
5. Did the student demonstrate intellectual initiative and a creative approach through reflections on the thought and research process?
6. To what extent is the student’s voice, rather than the supervisor’s or academics’ voice, present?
Level 5-6 descriptor
How the student has addressed each of the specific points above then determines the mark out of six to be awarded. The level descriptors are given on pages 105 and 106 of the Extended Essay Guide. To achieve the highest mark band of 5-6 the assessor must be satisfied that each of the main indicators has been properly and competently addressed:
The engagement is excellent, i.e.
The reflections on decision-making and planning are evaluative . They include reference to the student’s capacity to consider actions and ideas in response to any setbacks experienced in the research process.
A high degree of intellectual and personal engagement with the research focus and process of research is communicated through the reflections.
The reflections demonstrate authenticity, intellectual initiative and/or a creative approach in the student voice.