Deadlines and feedback

Important dates for the submission of materials

When planning your teaching schedule it is worth bearing in mind exactly when certain information on assessment has to be sent to the IB. Your IB co-ordinator will register the candidates in the correct subjects etc. but you will need to provide specific information and send their work off to arrive by certain specified dates. All work will be sent digitally. The dates for the actual written examinations differ each year so check these with the current IB examination timetable

Extended Essays

To arrive by 15 March (May session) or 15 September (November session)

Sent  digitally to IBIS. Remember to complete, sign and date the cover sheet.

Predicted Grades (1-7)

To arrive by 10 April (May session) or 10 October (November session)

Sent digitally to IBIS (your IB co-ordinator will have the password)

Internal Assessment Marks (out of 24)

To arrive by 10 April (May session) or 10 October (November session)

Sent digitally to IBIS (your IB co-ordinator will have the password)

Samples of Individual investigations for IA moderation (between 5 and 10 students depending on number of candidates entered)

To arrive by 20 April (May session) or 20 October (November session)

Sent digitally.

Teachers' comments on written examinations (Teacher Feedback Form)

Sent digitally to arrive at IBCA within 28 days of the examination

Enquiry upon results (EUR)

15 September (May session) or 15 March (November session)


Information received via the school IB co-ordinator or My IB

  • Examination results including component grades
  • Internal Assessment Feedback forms
  • Subject reports from Chief Examiner (access from DP Programme Resource Centre on My IB)
  • Extended Essay reports (access from DP Programme Resource Centre on My IB)
  • Statistical bulletin (on
  • Details of any changes to the programme or method of assessment (access from DP Programme Resource Centre on My IB)
  • Details of IB Chemistry workshops (also on
All materials on this website are for the exclusive use of teachers and students at subscribing schools for the period of their subscription. Any unauthorised copying or posting of materials on other websites is an infringement of our copyright and could result in your account being blocked and legal action being taken against you.