These pages contain exam style questions, organised by topic.
Paper 1 style questions are multiple choice. You are not allowed to use a calculator.
They test breadth of knowledge and and biological skills.
Practise these questions to improve understanding and exam techniques like;
- reading the question accurately,
- identifying the incorrect distracter answer that looks correct at first,
- eliminating obviously incorrect answers.
Every question has an examiner's explanation of the correct answer. Great for revision.
Topic 1 Cell Biology Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about cell biology.
Topic 10 Genetics HL Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about HL Genetics.
Topic 11 Animal physiology HL Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about HL animal physiology.
Topic 2 Molecular Biology Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about molecular biology.
Topic 3 Genetics Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about genetics.
Topic 4 Ecology Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about Ecology.
Topic 5 Evolution Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about Evolution.
Topic 6 Human Physiology Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about Human Physiology.
Topic 7 Nucleic acids HL Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about the Nucleic acids HL topic.
Topic 8 Metabolism HL Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about HL Metabolism.
Topic 9 Plant biology HL Paper 1 questions
This page contains multiple choice questions in the style of Paper 1 of the Biology exams. They test the breadth of your knowledge of the understandings and skills about Plant biology.