Paper 2: Reading is externally assessed and consists of comprehension exercises on three written texts. The aim of this section is to help you to improve your reading skills and be perfectly prepared and confident for the exam.
⇨ What are the assessment requirements for Paper 2: Reading?
⇨ What reading skills and strategies are required to be successful in this paper?
⇨ How important are text types and types of questions for Paper 2: Reading?
⇨ How can you make your reading practice effective and successful?
You will find the answer to these essential questions in the following sections.
Assessment requirements for this component
The four steps used to effective reading with relevant and exhaustive practice
Written text types used in the development of reading comprehension
Types of questions with exam tips.
Nivel superior (HL)
En esta sección: Trabajamos la comprensión de lectura (Prueba 2) dentro de las áreas temáticas y a través de cuatro temas.