Identifying to what or who refer the words

These quizzes will help you to identify these cohesive devices. Tips:

  • These words are usually pronouns and possesives which substitute words or phrases to make the text cohesive.
  • Look for the context of the word or phrase: what are the words surrounding this particular pronoun or possesive?



Quiz 1

This quiz will help you to link two parts of a sentence, which is one of the frequent questions asked in the exam. Refer to  Reading: Training & Exam tips for any questions regarding this skill.


Quiz 2

This quiz will help you to link two parts of a sentence, which is one of the frequent questions asked in the exam. Refer to  Reading: Training & Exam tips for any questions regarding this skill.


Quiz 3

This quiz will help you to link two parts of a sentence, which is one of the frequent questions asked in the exam. Refer to  Reading: Training & Exam tips for any questions regarding this skill.




How much of Identifying to what or who refer the words have you understood?