
DP IB Physics: SL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: SL / DP / Topic Questions / 7. Atomic, Nuclear & Particle Physics / 7.3 The Structure of Matter / Multiple Choice

7.3 The Structure of Matter

Question 1

Marks: 1

The diagram is an example of a ‘baryon decuplet’. Baryons are organised along horizontal and diagonal axes, as shown in the diagram below.


What is the quark structure of the straight capital xi to the power of asterisk times minus end exponent bayron?

  • u with bar on top s

  • u s s

  • d s s

  • u d s

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

A collision between particles creates 4 mesons:

s u with bar on top space plus space d s with bar on top space plus space X space plus space Y

The overall charge and strangeness of the 4 mesons is zero.

What are possible quark combinations for X and Y?





d u with bar on top s d with bar on top


u s with bar on top u d with bar on top


s s with bar on top u d with bar on top


u s with bar on top s s with bar on top
    Choose your answer

    Question 3

    Marks: 1

    The capital sigma to the power of 0 baryon has strangeness of −1 and is produced through the strong interaction between a pi to the power of plus meson and a neutron.

     pi to the power of plus space plus space n space rightwards arrow space capital sigma to the power of 0 space plus space X

    What is the quark composition of particle X?

    • u s with bar on top

    • u u d

    • u d with bar on top

    • u u s

    Choose your answer

    Question 4

    Marks: 1

    Particles can be organised in a plot known as the ‘eightfold way’, as shown in the diagram below. 


    What are the quark compositions of Σ+, Σ, Ξ0 and Ξ?







     u u s  d d s  u d s  d s s


     u u d  d s s  u d d  d d d


     u u s  d d s  u s s  d s s


     u u d  d d d  u s s  d d s
      Choose your answer

      Question 5

      Marks: 1

      The K is an example of a meson with strangeness –1.

      Which of the following combinations of particles could the K particle decay to?

      • pi to the power of plus plus pi to the power of minus plus e to the power of minus

      • pi to the power of 0 plus pi to the power of minus plus n

      • pi to the power of minus plus e to the power of minus plus space v with bar on top subscript e

      • pi to the power of 0 plus mu to the power of minus plus v with bar on top subscript mu

      Choose your answer

      Question 6

      Marks: 1

      Which of the four hadrons shown could be Ξ0?


        Choose your answer

        Question 7

        Marks: 1

        None of the following decay equations for baryons are permitted. 

        Equation 1: n rightwards arrow p plus ⅇ to the power of minus plus v subscript e

        Equation 2: capital delta to the power of plus rightwards arrow pi to the power of plus plus pi to the power of 0

        Equation 3:  p rightwards arrow n plus e to the power of minus plus space v subscript e

        Equation 4: identical to to the power of 0 rightwards arrow p plus v with bar on top plus pi to the power of 0

        Which property is not conserved in each equation?


        Equation 1

        Equation 2

        Equation 3

        Equation 4



        baryon number

        charge and lepton number

        baryon number


        lepton number

        baryon number

        charge and lepton number

        charge and lepton number


        baryon number

        lepton number

        baryon number

        lepton number and baryon number


        lepton number




          Choose your answer

          Question 8

          Marks: 1

          The charmed sigma particle, straight capital sigma subscript straight c superscript plus plus end superscript decays through the following equation:

          straight capital sigma subscript straight c superscript plus plus end superscript rightwards arrow straight capital lambda subscript straight c superscript plus plus straight pi to the power of plus

          Both straight capital sigma subscript straight c superscript plus plus end superscript and straight capital lambda subscript straight c superscript plus contain one charm quark and have strangeness of 0.

          Which of the following could be the quark structure of the straight capital sigma subscript straight c superscript plus plus end superscript and the straight capital lambda subscript straight c superscript plus?


          bold capital sigma subscript bold c superscript bold plus bold plus end superscript

          bold capital lambda subscript bold c superscript bold plus


          d d c u with bar on top c


          u d c d s c


          u u c u d c


          u d c u u c

            Choose your answer

            Question 9

            Marks: 1

            The following Feynman diagram shows the baryons and leptons in a nuclear decay


            Which of the four Feynman diagrams, A to D, is physically equivalent to the diagram given for this decay?


              Choose your answer

              Question 10

              Marks: 1

              The Higgs Boson was discovered at CERN in 2012. It is not stable and decays into other particles.

              Which of the following could not be a possible decay pathway for the Higgs Boson?

              • W to the power of plus plus W to the power of minus

              • p plus e to the power of minus plus nu subscript e

              • gamma gamma

              • b b with bar on top

              Choose your answer