
DP IB Physics: SL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: SL / DP / Topic Questions / 7. Atomic, Nuclear & Particle Physics / 7.1 Discrete Energy & Radioactivity / Structured Questions

7.1 Discrete Energy & Radioactivity

Question 1a

Marks: 4
Match, by drawing a line, the words with their correct definitions.
    Assess your score
    Key Concepts
    Discrete Energy Levels

    Question 1b

    Marks: 6

    The energy of a photon can be calculated using the equation

    E equals fraction numerator h c over denominator lambda end fraction

    Define the following terms and give the unit:


      Assess your score
      Key Concepts
      Discrete Energy Levels

      Question 1c

      Marks: 2
      Calculate the wavelength of a photon with an energy of 1.44 × 10−19 J.
        Assess your score
        Key Concepts
        Discrete Energy Levels

        Question 1d

        Marks: 7


        Complete the gaps in the following paragraph by writing the correct words on the line.
        Electrons in an atom can only have specific energies. These energies are called _________ _________ _______ .

        Normally, electrons occupy the _______ energy level available. This is known as the __________ __________.

        Electrons can gain energy and move up the energy levels by ______________  energy. 


        Underline the processes that allow an electron to move up an energy level.

        Collisions with other atoms or electrons      Releasing a photon       Radioactive decay      Absorbing a photon   Changing colour      Emitting a neutrino      

        A physical source, such as heat


          Assess your score
          Key Concepts
          Discrete Energy Levels

          Question 2a

          Marks: 3

          Nuclides can be written in symbol form. 

          Complete the labels on the general nuclide symbol using the words below:
          • Chemical symbol for the element  
          • Proton number
          • Nucleon number


            Assess your score
            Key Concepts

            Question 2b

            Marks: 4
            Define radioactive decay.
              Assess your score
              Key Concepts
              Radioactive Decay

              Question 2c

              Marks: 3
              Draw lines to match the phrases with the correct definitions.
                Assess your score
                Key Concepts
                Radioactive Decay

                Question 2d

                Marks: 1

                The graph shows the count rate of a radioactive substance measured by a Geiger-Müller tube.


                State what the fluctuations in the count rate provide evidence for.
                  Assess your score
                  Key Concepts
                  Radioactive Decay

                  Question 3a

                  Marks: 3

                  The number of neutrons and number of protons for different isotopes can be plotted on a graph called a nuclear stability curve. Different regions on the graph represent the type of decay which is expected.

                  The three types of radioactive particles shown are alpha emitters, beta−minus emitters and beta−positive emitters.

                  Label the regions of the graph to indicate which type of radioactive particle is expected to be emitted.
                    Assess your score
                    Key Concepts
                    Radioactive Decay

                    Question 3b

                    Marks: 8

                    Background radiation comes from a variety of sources, some are natural and some are man-made.

                    Place ticks (✔) in the correct column to indicate whether the source is man-made or natural:
                      Assess your score
                      Key Concepts
                      Background Radiation

                      Question 3c

                      Marks: 4

                      Radiation is emitted as various different types of particle. 

                      State 4 types of radioactive particle.
                        Assess your score

                        Question 3d

                        Marks: 4

                        When a beta emission occurs, a particle called a neutrino is also emitted.

                        Complete the gaps in the following sentences. Choose from the words below:


                        A neutrino has no ___________ and negligable __________. Electron anti−neutrinos are produced during ___________ decay. Electron neutrinos are produced during ___________ decay. 

                         mass     gravity     age     charge     beta−minus     beta−positive      alpha   

                          Assess your score

                          Question 4a

                          Marks: 6
                          Complete the table with the correct properties of alpha, beta−minus, beta−positive and gamma radiation.
                            Assess your score

                            Question 4b

                            Marks: 2

                            Plutonium−239 decays to Uranium−235 through the emission of an alpha particle.

                            Determine the missing values in the decay equation:
                            Pu presubscript 94 space end presubscript presuperscript 239 space end presuperscript rightwards arrow straight U presubscript 92 space end presubscript presuperscript left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis space end presuperscript plus straight alpha presubscript left parenthesis ii right parenthesis end presubscript presuperscript 4 space end presuperscript


                              Assess your score
                              Key Concepts
                              Decay Equations

                              Question 4c

                              Marks: 2

                              Strontium−90 decays through beta−minus decay to form Yttrium−90.

                              Determine the missing values in the decay equation.

                              Sr presubscript 38 space end presubscript presuperscript 90 space end presuperscript rightwards arrow straight Y presubscript left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis end presubscript presuperscript 90 plus beta presubscript negative 1 space end presubscript presuperscript 0 space end presuperscript plus left parenthesis ii right parenthesis


                                Assess your score
                                Key Concepts
                                Decay Equations

                                Question 4d

                                Marks: 2

                                Fluorine−18 decays through beta−plus decay to form oxygen−18.

                                Determine the missing values in the decay equation.

                                straight F presubscript 9 space end presubscript presuperscript 18 space end presuperscript rightwards arrow straight O presubscript 8 presuperscript left parenthesis straight i right parenthesis end presuperscript plus beta presubscript left parenthesis ii right parenthesis space end presubscript presuperscript 0 space end presuperscript plus nu subscript e


                                  Assess your score
                                  Key Concepts
                                  Decay Equations

                                  Question 5a

                                  Marks: 2
                                  Define half−life.
                                    Assess your score
                                    Key Concepts

                                    Question 5b

                                    Marks: 5

                                    A student investigates the half−life of technetium with time. This list shows the variables in the experiment.

                                    time      size of sample      distance from detector to sample

                                    same material for the sample      radioactive activity

                                    Using variables from the list:

                                    State the independent variable
                                    State the dependent variable
                                    State the control variables for the experiment
                                      Assess your score

                                      Question 5c

                                      Marks: 4

                                      The experiment uses a variety of apparatus. 

                                      Draw a line to match the apparatus with its correct use.
                                        Assess your score

                                        Question 5d

                                        Marks: 3

                                        The student plots the following graph of their results.


                                        Determine the half−life of the sample.
                                          Assess your score
                                          Key Concepts
                                          Decay Curves