
DP IB Physics: SL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: SL / DP / Topic Questions / 5. Electricity & Magnetism / 5.3 Electric Cells / Multiple Choice

5.3 Electric Cells

Question 1

Marks: 1

Which is the correct unit for electromotive force?

  • Newton, N

  • Ampere, A

  • Volt, V

  • Coulomb, C

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Electromotive Force

Question 2

Marks: 1

A cell has an emf of 5 V and internal resistance 5 Ω and is connected to a lamp of resistance 200 Ω. What is the current in the cell?

  • 0.10 A

  • 0.050 A

  • 0.025 A

  • 0.024 A

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Internal Resistance

Question 3

Marks: 1

Which statement correctly describes internal resistance?

  • The internal resistance of a cell is measured in amperes.

  • When the internal resistance is zero, the terminal pd of a cell is equal to its emf.

  • Internal resistance of a cell is due to resistance in the circuit wires.

  • Internal resistance within a cell increases its emf.

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Internal Resistance

Question 4

Marks: 1

Which graph correctly shows the variation of terminal potential difference V of a cell with current I ?


    Choose your answer

    Question 5

    Marks: 1

    A graph showing the variation of terminal potential difference V of a cell with the current I flowing through it is shown:


    Which line identifies the quantity which is represented by the magnitude of the slope of the graph?

    • The internal resistance of the cell.

    • The terminal potential difference provided by the cell.

    • The current through the cell.

    • The external resistance in the circuit.

    Choose your answer

    Question 6

    Marks: 1

    In a circuit-building investigation, two rechargeable 1.5 V AA batteries and one non-rechargeable 9.0 V C battery are used. What types of cells are these?

      rechargeable 1.5 V AA non-rechargeable 9.0 V C
    A. primary cell primary cell
    B. primary cell secondary cell
    C. secondary cell primary cell
    D. secondary cell secondary cell
      Choose your answer

      Question 7

      Marks: 1

      Primary and secondary cells both transfer energy due to the movement of electrons between the positive and negative terminals of the cell.

      Which row correctly identifies the direction of flow of electrons when the cell is in use, powering a circuit?

        primary cell secondary cell
      A. from negative to positive from positive to negative
      B. from negative to positive from negative to positive
      C. from positive to negative from negative to positive
      D. from positive to negative from positive to negative
        Choose your answer

        Question 8

        Marks: 1

        For the discharge curve shown, which line most closely describes the discharging voltage of the cell over time?


          at start of use during most use at end of use
        A. slow fast plateaus
        B. fast plateaus fast
        C. plateaus plateaus fast
        D. fast slow slow
          Choose your answer

          Question 9

          Marks: 1

          Three discharge curves are shown, for three identical cells. The cells are connected to three different circuits, I, II and III.

          By interpreting the graph, what can be said about the circuits?


          • Circuit I draws less current than circuit III

          • Circuit II includes an ammeter

          • Circuit I draws more current than circuit III

          • Circuit II includes a voltmeter

          Choose your answer

          Question 10

          Marks: 1

          Which of the following statements about the emfspace ϵ spaceof a cell is correct?

          • The emf is measured in Newtons

          • ϵ space equals space I R space plus space I r squared, where R is the load resistance and r is the internal resistance

          • ϵ is the amount of chemical energy transferred to electric energy, per unit of charge through a cell

          • The emf of a cell is always less than its terminal – or output – potential difference

          Choose your answer
          Key Concepts
          Electromotive Force