
DP IB Physics: SL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Physics: SL / DP / Topic Questions / 2. Mechanics / 2.3 Work, Energy & Power / Multiple Choice

2.3 Work, Energy & Power

Question 1

Marks: 1

To exit an underground cave network, an electric winch is used to raise a lift containing the four cavers back to the surface. 


Each caver has a mass of 50 kg and the lift has a mass of 340 kg. The winch raises the lift through a vertical height of 2 km in 3 minutes. 

Assuming that the acceleration due to free-fall is 10 m s−2, what is the total power wasted by the winch when the motor is 75% efficient?

  • 80 kW

  • 20 kW

  • 60 kW

  • 10800 kW

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

A child on a swing is released from rest at position P. They move at m s−1 at position Q. The mass of the child and the swing is kg. The rope connecting the swing to the frame is m. The positions P and Q are shown below. 


There is a constant resistive force acting on the child between P and Q. 

Which expression shows the resistive force in its most simplified form?  

  • fraction numerator 180 g m over denominator pi theta end fraction minus fraction numerator 180 g m cos theta over denominator pi theta end fraction minus fraction numerator 180 m v squared over denominator 2 pi theta l end fraction

  • fraction numerator pi theta l over denominator 180 end fraction

  • fraction numerator 90 m over denominator pi theta end fraction open square brackets 2 g left parenthesis 1 space minus space cos theta right parenthesis space minus v squared over l close square brackets

  • m open square brackets g l left parenthesis 1 minus cos theta right parenthesis minus v squared over 2 close square brackets

Choose your answer

Question 3

Marks: 1

A 4 kg mass is released from rest at a height of 5 m and falls to the ground pulling a 3 kg mass up the slope. The rough surface of the ramp provides a constant frictional force of 3 N. 


Use the acceleration due to free fall g = 10 m s−2.

What speed will the 4 kg mass hit the ground? 

  • 250 over 7 m s−1

  • square root of 430 over 7 end root m s−1

  • square root of 220 over 7 end root m s−1

  • square root of 250 over 7 end root m s−1

Choose your answer

Question 4

Marks: 1

A stone of mass kg is dropped from a height of 15 m above the surface of a thick, oily liquid. The surface of the liquid is 2 m above the ground. 


The resistive force acting on the stone as it falls through the liquid is equivalent to 3mg N. Assume the acceleration due to free fall = 10 m s−2 and air resistance is negligible.

What is the speed of the stone when it has travelled m through the liquid?

  • 2 square root of 5 left parenthesis 15 space minus space 2 x right parenthesis end root m s−1

  • 10m(15 − 2x) m s−1

  • 2 square root of 5 left parenthesis 15 minus x right parenthesis end root m s−1

  • 2 square root of 15 left parenthesis 5 minus x right parenthesis end root m s−1

Choose your answer

Question 5

Marks: 1

The diagram shows a pulley in a crane system. An elevator m1 is used to lift building materials.  A counterbalance m2 is used in the system. is the acceleration due to free fall. 


What rate does the motor provide energy to the system when the elevator is rising at a steady speed m s−1?

  • m1gv

  • 1 half m subscript 1 v squared

  • gv(m1 − m2)

  • gv(m1 + m2)

Choose your answer

Question 6

Marks: 1

A wire undergoes elastic deformation. The force-extension graph is shown below. 


What is the work done on the wire to increase the extension from 4.0 to 5.0 cm? 

  • 0.09 J

  • 0.25 J

  • 2.0 J

  • 0.010 J

Choose your answer

Question 7

Marks: 1

The diagram shows the design of a water wheel which drives a generator to produce electrical energy. The flow rate of the water is 100 000 g s−1. The generator supplies a current of 10 A at a potential difference of 240 V. Assume the acceleration due to free fall is 10 m s−2


Ignore any changes in the kinetic energy of the water. What is the efficiency of the system?

  • 0.3 %

  • 3 %

  • 3.33 %

  • 30 %

Choose your answer

Question 8

Marks: 1

A bunjee jumper has 0.036 MJ of gravitational potential energy at the top of the jump. He is attached to an elastic rope that starts to stretch after half the time of his fall has elapsed. The table below shows values of his gravitational potential energy, GPE, his kinetic energy KE, and the elastic potential energy in the rope, EPE. 













What are the possible values of gravitational potential, elastic potential and kinetic energy when the bungee jumper is a quarter of the time through his fall? Assume that no energy is lost through air resistance. 


GPE / kJ

EPE / kJ

KE / kJ

A. 21 0 15
B. 9 0 27
C. 9 18 9
D. 18 9 9
    Choose your answer

    Question 9

    Marks: 1

    A shopping mall director is considering the easiest way for shoppers to access as many floors as they can in the mall.

    They are considering installing escalators that rise at 30° to the horizontal with a vertical height of 15 m. It will take 20 seconds for an escalator step to rise from the bottom to the top. The director takes the average mass of each passenger to be kg and the acceleration due to free fall as 10 m s−2.


    If all the passengers on the escalator stand still then 90 people can step on at the bottom and off at the top each minute.

    When the escalator is fully laden with passengers the motor driving the escalator is 62.5% efficient. The magnitude of frictional forces acting on the system are equal to 20m.

    What is the input power needed to operate the motor of the escalator?

    You may use the following data:

     sin space left parenthesis 30 right parenthesis equals 1 half

    • 384m

    • 360.8m

    • 408m

    • 360m

    Choose your answer

    Question 10

    Marks: 1

    Two springs Sand S hang vertically whilst being attached to a horizontal rod. A force is applied to the bottom of Sand it extends by with an elastic potential energy, in the spring. 

    The same load is applied to the bottom of S2. The extension of Sis one third of the extension of S1.


    What is the equation for elastic potential energy in S2?

    • fraction numerator 2 E over denominator 3 end fraction

    • 3E

    • 9E

    • E over 3

    Choose your answer