Fatimid Resources
Fatimid Resources
In this page, you will find a variety of resources and references that present aspects of Fatimid legacy and impact from both print and media in order to help you gain an overview.
The literature on Ismailism is rapidly increasing and the field has developed exciting and interesting research avenues and trajectories. Serious work from original manuscripts as well as earlier theories and hypotheses are being revised or refreshed with new analysis. Below are some of the key books on the Fatimids readily available that are important for depth and detail on the formation, development and interaction of the Fatimid state as well as its key rulers, importance and legacy:

Below are some key websites for academic references and publications on the Fatimids (and various aspects of Ismaili thought in general). There are search options and tags within the sites for you to identify or locate specifically what you're looking for. Fatimid Art Collections: the David Collection
There are a number of specialists in the field on Fatimid studies. Below are a few:
Farhad Daftary
Shainool Jiwa
Wilfred Madelung
Paul Walker
Jamel Velji
Yaacov Lev
Heinz Halm
Sumaiya Hamdani
You may want to visit the academia site where specialists and researchers upload their papers or academic material for reading on to their respective personalised pages. This is invaluable and you will find a lot of material albeit technical and specialised.
The following are all useful videos on different aspects of the Fatimids
Basil Davidson: The Fatimid Ismailis:
Fatimid Period of Ismaili History
"Robin Hoods of Islam"
Fatimid Culture (exhibition)