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5. Chinese Civil War: Videos and activities

This page has suggestions for videos on the Chinese civil war. For other videos focusing more on Mao's rule (i.e. effects of the civil war) go to: The People's Republic of China (1949 - 2005): videos

1. PBS: China, a Century in Revolution, Part 1

This video starts in 1911 so it gives a good context to the rise of Mao and traces the key events from Sun Yet Sen, through the Northern Expedition and then the outbreak of the civil war. It also includes interesting eye-witness accounts.

Click on the eye for timings:

3 minutes     Warlords                                 

4. 40             Foreign intervention               

6                   May Fourth                             

6.30              Sun Yixian                              

7.30              Collusion with Soviets            

11.30           Jiang in charge and Northern Expedition – role of communists in the expedition  

14                Actions of CCP  - growing hostility with the nationalists    

15.45           1927 White purge Shanghai 

19.30            Established Nationalist government and strengthens his position 

21                New era; modernisation        

23                Conflict with Communists; growing support for Communism 

25.45           Role of Mao and organisation in Jiangxi province; the attraction of the CCP; treatment of landlords  ;

29. 45          Establishment of Red Army   

32                New Life Movement               

33                Tactics against CCP – ‘stronghold’ tactic 

38                Start of long march, struggle for power    

45.20           CCP reaches Yun'an               

46                Threat from Japan; invasion of Manchuria and establishment of Manchukuo - protest from Chinese population  

57 minutes: part 2

58:               Jiang refuses to fight Japan: Xian kidnapping

59:               start of united front

59. 45:         Marco Polo bridge incident – invasion of China, treatment of Chinese

1 hour: 4:       Fall of Shanghai – pleas by Soong to the international community to boycott Japanese goods

1 hour 5.45:   Rape of Nanjing

1.7:               Exodus of Chinese in front of Japan; new capital of Chungking

1.9:               Chinese join the CCP at Yan'an; "the Yan'an spirit”

1.15:             End of United Front

1.16. 40:       Pearl Harbour – impact on China

1.18.30:        Issue of Jiang wanting to focus on the CCP rather than Japan and also issue of corruption and impact on GMD army – treatment of conscripts, corruption - Stilwell's frustrations

1.23:             Dixie mission to China; role of US in helping the CCP

1.28:             Clash between Stilwell and Jiang over how to fight: US advisers fired

1.29:                End of war; race to see who would take surrender from Japanese in Manchuria

1.30:               Meeting between Mao and Jiang for talks; Marshall sent to mediate but civil war starts

1.31:             Civil war: reasons for CCP success - Land Reform movement

1.36:             Currency problems for Jiang: situation in cities. US continues aid and support

1.41:               Problems faced by GMD in fighting

1.44:             GMD flees to Taiwan

1.46:             Final stages of the civil war