Practice, Practice, Practice!
Here you can find our question bank! Over 1700 questions, specifically made to check your knowledge of the course. You can sort by difficulty or topic, and chose between 5, 10, 15 or 20 questions to practise. Follow this link to access the question bank! This is in addition to the 100 exam style question son the topic pages with video solutions and the on page quizzes. See the advice below about how to access this and don't forget that you can access all of this on the app on your mobile device as well!
Question bank on the app!
Don't forget that with your subscription (Basic or Premium) you get access to our mobile app that you can use to access the 1700+ questions that we have on the qbank so you can practice anywhere! Apple app store and the google play store.
Here are a few options for how you could use the question bank:
1. 5 a day
Choose 5 assorted questions to try every day. Set aside 10 minutes every day to practice all the different skills to keep them fresh in your mind. You can do this anytime you have a spare few minutes!
2. After a lesson
Try some questions about the topic that you have just learnt to check your understanding
3. Revision
Choose the subtopics you need to focus on before a topic test
4. Formative Assessment
Choose all topics you should know and use it to check how well you have understood a topic
Do you have any other ways that you use the question bank? Share them with us and we will post them here!