The business end!
This section focusses on the elements of the assessment of the course. Whilst we all know that assessment is not the principle goal of education (I hope so anyway!) we also know how important it is to be super well advised and prepared for the exams and the internal assessment. This section then, is about just that. Exam tips and advice and more here....
What is here?
Examination Questions
This section of the website has practice examination questions for SL Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation for you to try. They all come with video solutions and are split up by the same subtopics we have on the site. There is no substitute...
Exam Advice
This page is a simple list of things that you can do and prepare for relating to exam technique. Small things that can make a big difference. We should all know that there are more things to life than exams (although it doesn't feel like it...
Practice Questions
This page is a place where all the quizzes from the different chapters are written in one place as a kind of 'practice' zone. Please don't forget to go back to all of the individual pages for help in between if and when you need it! Remember,...
Sixes & sevens
This is a page with advice about what it takes to hit the top grades - 6s and 7s in the Maths Studies exams. Everyone has different starting points and different goals, but this page is specifically about the things to watch out for to help...
IA & technology
This page is full of tips about how to make the best use of technology when you are doing your internal assessment. It is highly recommended that you do use technology to be both accurate and clear and tell help tell the story of your investigation....
Question Bank
Here you can find our question bank! Over 1700 questions, specifically made to check your knowledge of the course. You can sort by difficulty or topic, and chose between 5, 10, 15 or 20 questions to practise. Follow this link to access the...
Know your Calculator
Don't forget that each year examiners will talk about how many marks are lots because students dont know how to use their calculators probably. We know there is a lot to remember, but like anything, if you do it often enough then it becomes second nature. This page on Your Graphical Display Calculator has got you covered and the pages are also linked below.
Your Graphical Display Calculator
This section is a catalogue of the key calculator skills you should have before the exam. Run through this regularly to make sure you don't forget! There are three sets of videos for the most common calculators: TI-Nspire, TI 84 and the Casio....
You can refer to these Casio videos at any point during your course, and it makes an excellent summary as you prepare for exams. Examiners reports have, on many occasions, pointed out that large amounts of marks were lost because students...
You can refer to these TI-84 videos at any point during your course, and it makes an excellent summary as you prepare for exams. Examiners reports have, on many occasions, pointed out that large amounts of marks were lost because students did...
You can refer to these TI-Nspire videos at any point during your course, and it makes an excellent summary as you prepare for exams. Examiners reports have, on many occasions, pointed out that large amounts of marks were lost because students...
IA & technology
This page is full of tips about how to make the best use of technology when you are doing your internal assessment. It is highly recommended that you do use technology to be both accurate and clear and tell help tell the story of your investigation....
Exam Advice
This page is a simple list of things that you can do and prepare for relating to exam technique. Small things that can make a big difference. We should all know that there are more things to life than exams (although it doesn't feel like it...
Sixes & sevens
This is a page with advice about what it takes to hit the top grades - 6s and 7s in the exams. Everyone has different starting points and different goals, but this page is specifically about the things to watch out for to help...