Number & Algebra Exam Questions

Number & Algebra Exam Questions

The following are exam style questions for the sub-topics in the number and algebra unit. There are questions with video solutions here for here for Standard Index Form, Arithmetic Sequences and Geometric Sequences, Exponents and Logarithms.

Standard Index Form - Exam Style Questions

The following questions are based on IB exam style questions from past exams. You should print these off (from the document at the top) and try to do these questions under exam conditions. Then you can check your work with the video solution.

Question 1

Video Solution

 Question 2

Video Solution

Question 3

Video Solution

Arithmetic Sequences - Exam Style Questions

The following questions are based on IB exam style questions from past exams. You should print these off (from the document at the top) and try to do these questions under exam conditions. Then you can check your work with the video solution.

Question 1

Video solution

Question 2

Video solution

Question 3

Video solution

Geometric Sequences - Exam Style Questions

The following questions are based on IB exam style questions from past exams. Try to do these questions under exam conditions. Then you can check your work with the video solution.

Question 1

Video Solution

Question 2

Video Solution

Question 3

Video Solution

Exponents & Logarithms - Exam Style Questions

The following questions are based on IB exam style questions from past exams. You should print these off (from the document at the top) and try to do these questions under exam conditions. Then you can check your work with the video solution.

Question 1

The population (P) of turtles on a beach after t years is modelled by the formula \(P=200\times e^{0.1t}\)

a. Find the number of turtles: 

i. Initially

ii. After 3 years

b. The year that the population first exceeds 500. 

(4 marks)

Video Solution

 Question 2

The Richter scale measures the strength of an earthquake. The strength (S) is given by \(S=\log\left(A\right)\), where A is the amplitude of the wave. 

a. If the amplitude of the wave is 500, find the strength of the earthquake

b. If the strength of the earthquake is 6.5, find the amplitude of the wave

c. If the strength of wave increases by 1, what is the change in the amplitude on the seismograph?

Video Solution

Just For Fun

There are some fascinating properties of the number 'e'. You can learn more about them here: 


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