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Date November 2016 Marks available 2 Reference code 16N.1.SL.TZ0.T_11
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 1 (with calculator from previous syllabus) Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Calculate Question number T_11 Adapted from N/A


AC is a vertical communications tower with its base at C.

The tower has an observation deck, D, three quarters of the way to the top of the tower, A.


From a point B, on horizontal ground 250 m from C, the angle of elevation of D is 48°.

Calculate CD, the height of the observation deck above the ground.


Calculate the angle of depression from A to B.



* This question is from an exam for a previous syllabus, and may contain minor differences in marking or structure.

tan 48 = CD 250    (M1)


Note:     Award (M1) for correct substitution into the tangent ratio.


( CD = )   278   ( m )   ( 277.653 )    (A1)     (C2)

[2 marks]


tan ABC (or equivalent) = 4 3 × 277.653 250      (M1)(M1)(M1)


Note:     Award (M1) for 4 3 multiplying their part (a), (M1) for substitution into the tangent ratio, (M1) for correct substitution.



90 tan 1 ( 250 4 3 × 277.653 )    (M1)(M1)(M1)


Note:     Award (M1) for 4 3 multiplying their part (a), (M1) for substitution into the tangent ratio, (M1) for subtracting from 90 and for correct substitution.


(angle of depression = 56.0   ( 55.9687 )    (A1)(ft)     (C4)


Note:     Follow through from part (a).


[4 marks]


Examiners report


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