Complex Numbers - Roots of Polynomials

The Conjugate Root Theorem states that if the complex number a + ib is a root of a polynomial in one variable with real coefficients, then the complex conjugate a - bi also a root of that polynomial. This is a useful theorem for solving polynomials with real coefficients. Since the coefficients of the polynomial are real numbers, complex roots must always come in pairs and more than that they must be conjugate pairs - this way two complex numbers can multiply to give a real number.

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Finding Roots of a Polynomial Equation

In the following video we will look at an example involving complex roots of a polynomial equation. Since the coefficients of the polynomial are real numbers, complex roots must always come in pairs and more than that they must be conjugate pairs - this way two complex numbers can multiply to give a real number.

The conjugate root theorem states that if the complex number \(a+ib\) is a root of a polynomial f(x) in one variable with real coefficients, then the complex conjugate \(a-ib\) also a root of that polynomial.

One root of the equation \(4z^4-4z^3-25z^2+55z-42=0\) is \(1+\frac {\sqrt{3}}{2}i\)

Find the other roots of the equation.

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Exam-style Questions

Question 1

One root of the equation z² + bz + c = 0 is 2+3i where \(b,c\in\mathbb{Z}\).

Find the value of b and the value of c.


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Question 2

\(\frac{2}{1+i}\) is a root to the quadratic equation z² + px + q = 0

a) Find the other root

b) Hence find the values of p and q.


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Question 3

2 - 3i is a root of the equation \(z^3-7z^2+az+b=0\quad ,a, b\in\ \mathbb{R}\)

Work out a and b and the other roots of the equation.


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Question 4

The quartic equation \(z^4+az^3+bz^2+cz+d\) has roots 2 + i and 2i

a) Work out the other roots of the equation

b) Find the values of a , b , c and d


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Question 5

The equation \(2z^{ 4 }−9z^{ 3 }+pz^{ 2 }+qz−174=0 \quad,\quad p,q\in\mathbb{Z}\) has two real roots \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) and two complex roots \(\gamma\) and \(\delta\) where \(\gamma=2-5i\).

a. Show that \(\alpha+\beta=\frac{1}{2}.\)

b. Find \(\alpha\beta\).

c. Hence find the two real roots α and β.

d. Find the values of p and q.


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