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Date May 2022 Marks available 5 Reference code 22M.1.AHL.TZ1.1
Level Additional Higher Level Paper Paper 1 (without calculator) Time zone Time zone 1
Command term Find Question number 1 Adapted from N/A


Find the value of 193x-5xdx.


3x-5xdx=3-5x-12dx             (A1)

3x-5xdx=3x-10x12+c             A1A1

substituting limits into their integrated function and subtracting             (M1)

39-10912-31-10112  OR  27-10×3-3-10

=4             A1


[5 marks]

Examiners report

A mixed response was noted for this question. Candidates who simplified the algebraic fraction before integrating were far more successful in gaining full marks in this question. Many candidates used other valid approaches such as integration by substitution and integration by parts with varying degrees of success. A small number of candidates substituted the limits without integrating.

Syllabus sections

Topic 5 —Calculus » SL 5.5—Integration introduction, areas between curve and x axis
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Topic 5 —Calculus » SL 5.10—Indefinite integration, reverse chain, by substitution
Topic 5 —Calculus » SL 5.11—Definite integrals, areas under curve onto x-axis and areas between curves
Topic 1—Number and algebra
Topic 5 —Calculus

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