This section will give you lots of tips and ideas for essential pieces of knowledge that will help you to be successful in this course.
The IB Diploma is the global benchmark for pre-university, post-16, High School education. Being an inquiry-driven programme, the articulation of essential questions at the forefront of any study is a prerequisite. Below you find kinds of questions that will be answered within this section of the site:
Are there things you need to know for English Language and Literature?
What knowledge would help me to succeed in English A?
What terminology is required to be successful in English A?
Can I revise for English?
This section will:
- Help you with understanding key terms like the oft-misused 'theme', or 'intertextuality';
- Give you access to specific language to use when analysing certain texts;
- Decode things that classmates all seem to understand yet you don't.
What is a theme?
What is a theme? This page clarifies frequent misunderstanding and misuse of the devilishly important term.
Words and Phrases for Writing about Text
This page will provide you with key vocabulary that will help you maximise your performance in the organisation and language criteria of each assessment.
What is intertextuality (and why does it matter)?
Exploring the connections between texts, how one influences another, how ideas develop, how writers are inspired, and how genres evolve is essential to understanding why intertextuality became a central tenet of the newly designed Language & Literature cou
Inquiry through Essential Questions
This page helps you to understand how inquiry works and how structuring your learning through essential questions about concepts can assist your application and production.
The Language of Photography
In your Paper 1 examination you will, almost certainly, be asked to write about visual texts. It is quite likely that many of these visual texts will be photographs. It is quite probable that you will study photographic 'bodies of work'...