Paper 1 - Examination Strategy


The biggest question we all have is, how do I best use the time I have in the examination? If so much rests on these controlled assessments, how do I maximise my chances of success? This page considers this question for Paper 1.

Using Time Wisely

Once all of the concepts have been understood, and once the role of literature and non-literature in life and your understanding of it has been thoroughly contemplated, the simple skill of maximising your performance in the controlled examinations becomes crucial. Other pages of this site explore how to work with good model examples, or how to structure a response, such as in Paper 1 - Structuring a Guided Textual Analysis. Getting all of these aspects as trained and natural as possible, so that you have a strategy for success when the pressure is really on, is vital. Consider the outstanding penalty-taker in football, who still practises for hours and hours so that, when it really matters, they can still guarantee on striking that ball exactly how and where it is required. However, it is also just important to have an idea on how time should be utilised in the examination room.

Below you will find advice and guidance on how to use time effectively, whether you be a Higher Level or a Standard Level student.

Higher Level - Paper 1

At Higher Level, you need to write two separate guided textual analyses. You have 2 hours and 15 minutes.

I recommend the following use of time:

Standard Level - Paper 1

At Standard Level you only need to write one guided textual analyses about one of the given texts. You have 1 hour and 15 minutes.

I recommend the following use of time:


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