Paper 2 - Great Examples


Paper 2 is an excellent opportunity to be successful, since it awards 25% of the overall marks for HL students and 35% of marks for SL students for an essay about works of literature studied. Now, students can even choose which works studied can be used for this assessment - a positive change from the past.

Positives and Pitfalls of Paper 2

Paper 2 is truly an inquiry-based assessment, in which, rather than trying to double-guess the examiner as to what question will be asked about works you have studied, you instead will be posed four general questions to which you should apply knowledge and understanding of the works you have studied.

To a question, 'How is "home" depicted in two of the works you have studied and what is its signficance?' there is every chance that at least two of the works you still have available to use for Paper 2 implicitly or explicitly present or explore this concept. Thus, you will be able to define the concept, consider its nuances, and supply evidence for how it is presented and in what ways it is significant.

However, the challenge with essay writing is always to ensure that it is suitably literary in focus - analysing the literary choices and their effect on the thematic meaning, rather than talking about characters and plot as if they are real people and events - and, for this new assessment, to ensure that the essay is comparing the two works used. Thus, a strategy for essay writing and plenty of practice in advance of the final examination is imperative.

It is also crucial to look at examples of good essays.

Comparative Essay Example #1

Consider the following question:

Looking closely at how weakness and strength are represented in at least two of the works you have studied, discuss the significance of the relationship between the two.

How would you set about answering this question?

Below you will find a student response to this essay question. Read it, and, using the assessment criteria from the Subject Guide and shared in this site, award it a mark out of 30:

Take a look at the Assessment Criteria in Marking Criteria and mark the essay out of 30 according to the criteria for Paper 2.

Read the examiner's commentary below to discover how it was marked according to each assessment criterion:

Comparative Essay Example #2

Consider the following question:

“Tension is a necessity in all works of art.” Saying what you mean by “tension” in literature, discuss how far you agree with this view.

How would you set about answering this question?

Below you will find a student response to this essay question. Read it, and, using the assessment criteria from the Subject Guide and shared in this site, award it a mark out of 30:

Take a look at the Assessment Criteria in Marking Criteria and mark the essay out of 30 according to the criteria for Paper 2.

Read the examiner's commentary below to discover how it was marked according to each assessment criterion:



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