HL Sample: Non-literary Body of Work - George Monbiot's Essays

  George Monbiot is a contemporary English journalist. Much of his work, published in the British newspaper, The Guardian, has an environmental focus, and Monbiot is much concerned with environmental and social justice. You are going to read a Higher Level (HL) Essay written by a student who has, as part of their course of study, read a number of Monbiot's essays as part of a body of work.


You will read the essay shortly. Before doing so, review the marking criteria for the HL Essay.

Once you have read the marking criteria, prepare to read the student's essay. Ensure you have a pen or pencil handy to make notes. Feel free to make a note of anything that occurs to you, but try to address the following questions:

Reading the Essay

Read the essay (see below) at least three times. The first time you read it, aim to get a broad gist of it. You can read it quite quickly. On a second reading, slow down and read more critically. Allow the questions (above) to guide your thinking. Begin to make notes. On a third reading, continue to read critically and evaluatively. Continue to be guided by the questions (above) and find evidence for the claims you are making.

The Sample Essay

The Examiner's Comments

Now that you have read the essay several times and considered it carefully, read the comments of the teacher. The teacher, in this case, is an experienced IB examiner.

  • What is their view?
  • Where do you agree?
  • What points does the teacher make that you don't?
  • What points have you made that the teacher hasn't?


What have you learned from this activity? That is, what ideas and strategies have you identified that will inform the writing of your own HL Essay? It is useful to write your ideas down in your own words and add them to your Learner Portfolio. 


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