Despite being able to prepare in advance, the greatest challenge of the Individual Oral has to be one of time. Exploring a global issue and how it is presented by two different texts, considering both their content and form, all in only ten minutes presents challenges of organising the oral effectively.
A Comparative Approach?
If the new Individual Oral has its origins in the old Higher Level Paper 1 - Individual Oral - Textual Commentary or Global Issue? - and the key is to ensure that it doesn't become two short commentaries on two different texts but instead is really focused on the global issue primarily, then a comparative approach to the oral even though it does not need to be a comparison could be very useful. After all, a pair of well-chosen texts will be ones that shine light on the global issue in new ways when considered together than when considering either text individually.
It is essential that you select your literary work and your non-literary body of work (and the extracts that you will use to exemplify your ideas) in order that, by considering them together, you shine new light on the global issue and what we can learn about it. But, remember: you are not discussing the extracts per se, but using the extracts to provide focused evidence (and quotations) about the literary work or non-literary body of work as a whole. How to build this balance into the structure of your oral is explored in Individual Oral - Organising the 10 minutes.
Ideas about how to prepare the body of work discussion can be found here.
How much of Individual Oral - Structure Ideas have you understood?