
DP IB Biology: SL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Biology: SL / DP / Topic Questions / 3. Genetics / 3.4 Genetic Modification & Biotechnology / Structured Questions: Paper 2

3.4 Genetic Modification & Biotechnology

Question 1a

Marks: 1
In the electrophoretogram, the DNA has moved from the negative cathode to the positive anode.


State the property of DNA which results in movement from cathode to anode.

[1 mark]

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    Key Concepts
    Gel Electrophoresis

    Question 1b

    Marks: 2

    State two uses of gel electrophoresis.

    [2 marks]

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      Question 1c

      Marks: 1

      In some situations, gel electrophoresis cannot be carried out as the DNA samples are not collected in a large enough quantity.

      Identify the process used to amplify the DNA in order to supply enough DNA for electrophoresis to be successful.

      [1 mark]

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        Question 1d

        Marks: 2

        The stages of electrophoresis can be seen below.

        Complete the table below by adding a number to the column to show the correct sequence of events in the process. The first one has been done for you.

        A sample of DNA is collected from an individual 1
        Samples of DNA fragments are loaded into wells in the agarose gel using a micropipette  
        An enzyme is used to create fragments of the DNA in the sample  
        An electrical current is applied to the tank  

        [2 marks]

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          Key Concepts
          Gel Electrophoresis

          Question 2a

          Marks: 3

          The molecules named below are all required during the process of PCR.

          Draw a line between the boxes to show the function for each of the molecules named.

          [3 marks]

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            Question 2b

            Marks: 1

            State the property of Taq polymerase that makes it suitable for use in PCR.

            [1 mark]

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              Question 2c

              Marks: 1
              The graph shows how the quantity of DNA increases over several cycles of PCR

              Identify the stage of the graph where replication is exponential.

              [1 mark]

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                Question 2d

                Marks: 1

                The electrophoretogram shows a pattern produced from the DNA of two people.


                State how the electrophoretogram shows that the two people are identical twins.

                [1 mark]

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                  Question 3a

                  Marks: 4
                  The diagram shows the process of genetic modification used to produce multiple copies of a required gene.

                  Label the diagram using the words provided.

                  Recombinant DNA    Transgenic organism    Plasmid    Desired gene

                  [4 marks]

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                    Key Concepts
                    Genetic Modification

                    Question 3b

                    Marks: 1

                    Identify the vector used in this genetic modification process.

                    [1 mark]

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                      Key Concepts
                      Genetic Modification

                      Question 3c

                      Marks: 1

                      Gene transfer between organisms is possible due to the universal nature of the genetic code.

                      State what is meant by the term 'universal'.

                      [1 mark]

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                        Key Concepts
                        Genetic Modification

                        Question 3d

                        Marks: 1

                        Identify the enzyme used in recombinant DNA technology to cut out a desired gene at a specific base sequence resulting in the formation of sticky ends.

                        [1 mark]

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                          Question 3e

                          Marks: 1
                          Crops can be genetically modified to include the BT toxin, a natural pesticide produced by a bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis. The graph shows the changes in pesticide application in response to changes in the quantity of BT modified crops grown in the U.S.

                          Describe the effect that the increasing use of BT crops has on pesticide application. 

                          [1 mark]

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                            Question 3f

                            Marks: 1

                            BT toxin has a negative impact on many types of insects, including those which do not feed on the crops such as bees, flies, beetles and butterflies.

                            Suggest why there may be opposition to the use of BT corn by some.

                            [1 mark]

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                              Question 4a

                              Marks: 1
                              Identify the cloning process shown in the image.vJAe9cql_e-4a

                              [1 mark]

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                                Question 4b

                                Marks: 5
                                Complete the table by placing a (✓) or an (X) in the correct column to identify which methods of cloning are natural and which are artificial.

                                  Natural cloning Artificial cloning
                                Somatic cell transfer    

                                [5 marks]

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                                  Question 4c

                                  Marks: 1

                                  The cells of the early embryo are described as being pluripotent.

                                  Define the term pluripotent.

                                  [1 mark]

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                                    Key Concepts

                                    Question 5a

                                    Marks: 4

                                    One mark is available for clarity of communication throughout this question.


                                    Outline some of the concerns that people may have over the use of genetically modified crops in agriculture.

                                    [4 marks]

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                                      Key Concepts
                                      Genetic Modification

                                      Question 5b

                                      Marks: 5

                                      Describe some of the potential benefits of genetic modification of crops.

                                      [5 marks]

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                                        Question 5c

                                        Marks: 3

                                        Outline the process used to determine paternity using electrophoretograms produced in gel electrophoresis. 

                                        [3 marks]

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