
DP IB Biology: SL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Biology: SL / DP / Topic Questions / 4. Ecology / 4.1 Species, Communities, Ecosystems & Energy Flow / Multiple Choice: Paper 1

4.1 Species, Communities, Ecosystems & Energy Flow

Question 1

Marks: 1

The Ghost Orchid (Epipogium aphyllum) is a rare plant species which lacks leaves or chlorophyll. The plant has formed a symbiotic relationship with a fungus in order to obtain the nutrition it requires. The growth of the fungus is slowed as a result of the relationship.

Which of the following rows correctly describes E.aphyllum?

  Heterotroph Autotroph Parasite Saprotroph
    Choose your answer

    Question 2

    Marks: 1

    Which of the following statements about inorganic nutrients are true?

    1. Carbon and hydrogen are key components of inorganic ions necessary for cell growth and development
    2. Inorganic ions enter the ecosystem through plant roots using energy from ATP
    3. Drought leading to dry soils results in a reduced availability of inorganic ions
    4. Sustainability of an ecosystems relies on inorganic ions being locked up within the biomass of an organism
    • I, II and IV

    • II and III

    • II, III and IV

    • II only

    Choose your answer

    Question 3

    Marks: 1

    The graph shows changes in percentage cover of four plant species on a sand dune ecosystem over 500 years.


    Which of the following explanations cannot be supported using the information in this graph.

    • All four species never formed part of the same community

    • Beech grass became extinct after 100 years

    • Interspecific competition between conifer trees and shrub bunchgrass occurs leading to a decrease in shrub bunchgrass

    • Intraspecific competition results in a decrease in conifer trees after around 400 years

    Choose your answer

    Question 4

    Marks: 1

    A water quality investigation was carried out after some cases of heavy metal poisoning were detected in a countryside village with a river running through it. The investigators were trying to establish if poisoning was worse on the north or the south of the river.

      North of the river South of the river
    Number of cases of heavy metal poisoning 26 12

    The results from a chi-squared test were:

    Chi-squared value: 5.2
    Degrees of freedom: 1

    Critical values table:

    Degrees of Freedom P = 0.05 P = 0.01 P = 0.001
    1 3.83 6.64 10.83
    2 5.99 9.21 13.82
    3 7.82 11.35 16.27

    What conclusions can be drawn from the information above?

    • The χ2 value is greater than the critical value so there is an association between heavy metal poisoning and location

    • The  χ2 value is lower than the critical value so there is no association between heavy metal poisoning and location

    • Poisoning from heavy metals is worse in villages

    • Heavy metals are found in both locations, north and south of the river

    Choose your answer

    Question 5

    Marks: 1

    Which row of the table correctly identifies an observation of food chains and the theory used to explain that observation?

      Observation Theory
    I Food chains are short Energy losses occur at each trophic level
    II Food chains have a pyramid structure Organisms with a larger biomass provide more energy to the next trophic level
    III Food chains all start with a producer Producers transfer energy most efficiently
    IV Energy losses occur at each trophic level Energy is transferred to the surroundings during respiration 
    • I only

    • I and IV

    • II and IV

    • I and III

    Choose your answer

    Question 6

    Marks: 1

    Which of the following is not true about mesocosms?

    • Mesocosms allow the control of environmental conditions

    • Mesocosms allow collection of reliable data

    • Continuous data can be collected from a mesocosm

    • It is easy to mimic natural environmental conditions in a mesocosm

    Choose your answer