
DP IB Biology: SL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Biology: SL / DP / Topic Questions / 2. Molecular Biology / 2.3 Proteins / Multiple Choice: Paper 1

2.3 Proteins

Question 1

Marks: 1

The following diagram shows a dipeptide with various parts of the molecule numbered (1 to 4).


Which row of the table below correctly identifies each labelled part of this dipeptide?

  1 2 3 4
A. Carboxyl group Peptide bond R-group Amino group
B. R-group Amino group Peptide bond Carboxyl group
C. Amino group Carboxyl group Peptide bond R-group
D. Amino group Peptide bond R-group Carboxyl group
    Choose your answer

    Question 2

    Marks: 1

    Which of the following is not a function of proteins?

    • Involved in the formation of the cytoskeleton within a cell that facilitates chromosome movement

    • Act as a store of chemical potential energy in cells

    • Act as chemical messengers that are secreted by glands and act on different parts of the body

    • They may speed up chemical reactions within a cell

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Functions of Proteins

    Question 3

    Marks: 1

    A simple tetrapeptide consists of four amino acids.

    How many different combinations of amino acids would be possible for this peptide?

    • 16 000

    • 160 000

    • 1 600 000

    • 16 000 000

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Polypeptide Diversity

    Question 4

    Marks: 1

    Which of the following are ALL examples of proteins?

    • Rubisco, collagen, amylopectin

    • Amylopectin, collagen, guanine

    • Insulin, amylose, spider silk

    • Rhodopsin, immunoglobulins, rubisco

    Choose your answer
    Key Concepts
    Examples of Proteins

    Question 5

    Marks: 1

    Which of the following would represent all the elements that are present in proteins?


      Choose your answer