
DP IB Biology: SL

Topic Questions

Home / IB / Biology: SL / DP / Topic Questions / 6. Human Physiology / 6.2 The Blood System / Multiple Choice: Paper 1

6.2 The Blood System

Question 1

Marks: 1

Which was a feature of Galen's theory of blood flow prior to his theory being superseded by that of William Harvey?

  • Blood flows in a closed loop

  • Blood is constantly re-used throughout a day

  • The heart is a pump

  • Blood flow is bidirectional

Choose your answer

Question 2

Marks: 1

A student studied the structure of a blood vessel and found:

  1. An innermost layer of endothelial cells
  2. A thick middle layer of smooth muscle and elastic tissue
  3. An outer layer of collagen fibres

Which vessel was the student studying? 

  • Vein

  • Capillary

  • Venule

  • Artery

Choose your answer

Question 3

Marks: 1

The aquatic crustacean the water flea (Daphnia magna, pictured below) has a heart that pumps blood-like liquid called hemolymph around its body cavity. wOdjGLLP_h-3

Which statement about Daphnia magna's circulatory system is correct?

  • single closed

  • single open

  • double closed

  • double open

Choose your answer
Key Concepts
Double Circulation

Question 4

Marks: 1

The graph shows changes in pressure at various stages of the cardiac cycle.


Which statement describes the events at point Y of the graph?

  • Ventricular systole

    The ventricle contracts

    Pressure in the left ventricle goes higher than in the aorta

    Aortic valve opens and blood is forced into the aorta

  • Early diastole

    Left ventricle is empty

    Muscles in the walls of the left ventricle relax and pressure drops below the pressure in the aorta

    Aortic valve closes

  • Diastole

    The relaxed left atrium fills with blood, causing the pressure in the atrium to exceed that in the empty ventricle

    The AV valve opens

  • Late diastole

    There is a short period of time during which the left ventricle expands due to relaxing muscles

    This increases the internal volume of the left ventricle and decreases the ventricular pressure

    At the same time, blood is flowing slowly through the newly opened AV valve into the left ventricle, causing a brief decrease in pressure in the left atrium

    The pressure in both the atrium and ventricle then increases slowly as they continue to fill with blood

Choose your answer

Question 5

Marks: 1

Which is not a feature of the sinoatrial node (SAN)?

  • It acts as a natural pacemaker

  • It is formed from a group of highly specialised muscle cells

  • It occupies the area between the right atrium and the right ventricle

  • It sends out a wave of electrical activity, causing contraction, across both atria and both ventricles

Choose your answer