
DP IB Maths: AI HL

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5.6 Differential Equations

Question 1

Marks: 5

Consider the first-order differential equation

 fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction minus x cubed equals 2 sin x 

Solve the equation given that y equals 0 when x equals 0,  giving your answer in the form y equals f open parentheses x close parentheses.

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    Question 2a

    Marks: 4

    Use separation of variables to solve each of the following differential equations:

    fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction equals 10 x cubed y cubed
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      Question 2b

      Marks: 5
      fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction equals x open parentheses x squared minus 1 close parentheses cubed e to the power of 3 y end exponent
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        Question 3a

        Marks: 5

        Use separation of variables to solve each of the following differential equations for y which satisfies the given boundary condition:

        fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction equals fraction numerator cos 3 x over denominator y end fraction semicolon space space space y open parentheses straight pi over 6 close parentheses equals negative 1
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          Question 3b

          Marks: 5
          e to the power of 2 x end exponent fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction equals cos squared y semicolon space space space space y open parentheses 0 close parentheses equals straight pi over 4
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            Question 4a

            Marks: 5

            Radiangast the Beige is chief mathemagician of the wizards’ council.  After animals begin falling ill in the forest where he lives, Radiangast realises that an evil magic has begun spreading through the forest.  After studying the situation, he believes that at any point in time, t, the rate of change of the area, A, affected by the evil magic is inversely proportional to the square root of the area already affected. 

            Write down a differential equation representing Radiangast’s model, and solve it to find the general solution.  Be sure to define any constants that occur in your equation or solution.
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              Question 4b

              Marks: 6

              At the time when Radiangast first noticed its presence, the evil magic was affecting an area of 16 acres of forest.  One week later he noticed that the area has increased to 41 acres.

              Radiangast knows that as long as the wizards’ council convenes to weave spells before the area affected by the evil magic exceeds 100 acres, then they will be able to stop the evil magic from spreading further. 

              From the time that Radiangast first noticed the presence of the evil magic, determine how long the wizards’ council has to convene to weave spells, if they are to stop the evil magic from spreading further.
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                Question 5a

                Marks: 8

                After an invasive species of insect has been introduced to a new region, it is estimated that at any point in time  the rate of growth of the population of insects in the region will be proportional to the current population size P. At the start of a study of the insects in a particular region, researchers estimate the population size to be 1000 individuals. A week later another population survey is conducted, and the population of insects is found to have increased to 1150.

                By first writing and solving an appropriate differential equation, determine how long it will take for the population of insects in the region to increase to 10 000.
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                  Question 5b

                  Marks: 2
                  Comment on the validity of the model for large values of t.
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                    Question 6a

                    Marks: 3

                    The graph below shows the slope field for the differential equation fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction equals fraction numerator open parentheses 0.2 x minus 0.85 close parentheses y over denominator open parentheses 0.75 minus 0.2 y close parentheses x end fraction comma x greater than 0 comma space y greater than 0 comma in the intervals 0 less than x less or equal than 10 and 0 less than y less or equal than 10.


                    Find the equations of the lines on which will lie the points where the solution curves to the differential equation have (i) horizontal and (ii) vertical tangents.
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                      Key Concepts
                      Tangents & Normals

                      Question 6b

                      Marks: 5
                      On the graph above sketch:
                      the lines identified in part (a)
                      the solution curve that passes through the point (8, 6)
                      the solution curve that passes through the point (4, 6)



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                        Key Concepts
                        Slope Fields

                        Question 7a

                        Marks: 3

                        Consider the differential equation

                         fraction numerator d y over denominator d x end fraction equals open parentheses fraction numerator 1 over denominator e to the power of square root of x end exponent cos space x end fraction close parentheses squared minus fraction numerator y over denominator square root of x end fraction 

                        with the boundary condition y open parentheses straight pi over 3 close parentheses equals 0

                        Apply Euler’s method with a step size of h equals 0.01 to approximate the solution to the differential equation at x equals fraction numerator 20 straight pi plus 3 over denominator 60 end fraction.
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                          Question 7b

                          Marks: 7

                          It can be shown that the exact solution to the differential equation with the given boundary condition is

                          y equals fraction numerator tan space x minus square root of 3 over denominator e to the power of square root of x end exponent end fraction 

                          Compare your approximation from part (a) to the exact value of the solution at x equals fraction numerator 20 straight pi plus 3 over denominator 60 end fraction.
                          Explain how the accuracy of the approximation in part (a) could be improved.
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                            Question 7c

                            Marks: 3
                            Compare your approximation from part (a) to the exact value of the solution at x equals fraction numerator 20 straight pi plus 3 over denominator 60 end fraction.
                            Explain how the accuracy of the approximation in part (a) could be improved.
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                              Question 8a

                              Marks: 3

                              A particle moves in a straight line, such that its displacement x at time t is described by the differential equation

                              x equals fraction numerator t space sin space t squared over denominator cos space x end fraction comma space space space space space space space t greater or equal than 0 

                              At time t equals 0 comma space x equals negative straight pi over 3 

                              By using Euler’s method with a step length of 0.2, find an approximate value for x at time t equals 0.6.
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                                Question 8b

                                Marks: 5
                                Solve the differential equation with the given boundary condition.
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                                  Question 8c

                                  Marks: 2
                                  Hence find the percentage error in your approximation for x at time  t equals 0.6.
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                                    Key Concepts
                                    Percentage Error