DP Psychology Questionbank

Last exams 2018 - Core
The study of the biological level of analysis, the cognitive level of analysis and the sociocultural level of analysis comprises the core of the psychology course.
The three levels of analysis focus on three fundamental influences on behaviour:
- biological
- cognitive
- sociocultural.
The interaction of these influences substantially determines behaviour.
The level of analysis approach reflects a modern trend in psychology towards integration and demonstrates how explanations offered by each of the three levels of analysis (biological, cognitive and sociocultural) complement one another and together provide more complete and satisfactory explanations of behaviour.
The three levels of analysis can be usefully compared to three microscope lenses of different magnification. Each lens reveals a different picture of the intricate structure that exists at a variety of levels, but no single picture explains the whole object; a synthesis is necessary. Synthesis of the rich and diverse content of modern psychology is the chief aim of IB psychology.
Directly related questions
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Explain how one principle that defines the biological level of analysis has been demonstrated in one example of research (theory or study).
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.4:
To what extent does genetic inheritance influence behaviour?
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe how one biological factor may affect one cognitive process, with reference to one research study.
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.6:
Discuss why two particular research methods are used to investigate behaviour at the sociocultural level of analysis.
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
Describe social learning theory with reference to one relevant study.
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.5:
Evaluate one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Describe the “etic” concept, making reference to one example.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Describe one explanation for the formation of stereotypes.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5:
Discuss the use of technology in investigating one cognitive process.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss how social and/or cultural factors affect one cognitive process.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.6:
Evaluate social identity theory.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Describe one effect of neurotransmission on human behaviour.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.4:
Discuss the use of one or more brain imaging technologies in investigating the relationship between biological factors and behaviour.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Describe one study investigating the reliability of one cognitive process.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.6:
Discuss the role of one or more cultural dimensions on human behaviour.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.4:
Discuss two effects of the environment on one or more physiological processes.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Describe one ethical consideration related to one research study at the cognitive level of analysis.
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.01:
Describe one study related to localization of function in the brain.
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.02:
Explain how one principle that defines the cognitive level of analysis may be demonstrated in one example of research (theory or study).
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.03:
Describe one ethical consideration related to one study at the sociocultural level of analysis.
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.04:
Examine one interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behaviour.
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.05:
Evaluate schema theory.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Biological level of analysis
Describe one ethical consideration related to one study at the biological level of analysis.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Cognitive level of analysis
With reference to one study, describe how one particular research method is used at the cognitive level of analysis.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Sociocultural level of analysis
With reference to one study, describe one error in attribution.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Sociocultural level of analysis
With reference to one study, describe one error in attribution.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.4:
Examine one evolutionary explanation of behaviour.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss the reliability of one cognitive process.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Cognitive level of analysis
Describe how one social or cultural factor affects one cognitive process.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.4:
To what extent does genetic inheritance influence behaviour?
- 18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5: Discuss one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.6:
Discuss the use of two compliance techniques.
21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe schema theory, with reference to one relevant study.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.5:
Discuss one or more ethical considerations related to one or more research studies at the cognitive level of analysis.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.4:
Discuss one or more effects of the environment on one or more physiological processes.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Explain how one principle that defines the biological level of analysis has been demonstrated in one example of research (theory or study).
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
With reference to one study, describe how one biological factor may affect one cognitive process.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
With reference to one study, outline the role of situational and/or dispositional factors in explaining behaviour.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.6:
Examine two or more factors influencing conformity.
22M.Paper 1.HL.TZ1.5:
Evaluate one method used to study the interaction between technology and cognitive processes.
Sub sections and their related questions
The biological level of analysis
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Explain how one principle that defines the biological level of analysis has been demonstrated in one example of research (theory or study).
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.4:
To what extent does genetic inheritance influence behaviour?
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.6:
Discuss why two particular research methods are used to investigate behaviour at the sociocultural level of analysis.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Describe one effect of neurotransmission on human behaviour.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.4:
Discuss the use of one or more brain imaging technologies in investigating the relationship between biological factors and behaviour.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.4:
Discuss two effects of the environment on one or more physiological processes.
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.01:
Describe one study related to localization of function in the brain.
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.04:
Examine one interaction between cognition and physiology in terms of behaviour.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Biological level of analysis
Describe one ethical consideration related to one study at the biological level of analysis.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.4:
Examine one evolutionary explanation of behaviour.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.4:
To what extent does genetic inheritance influence behaviour?
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Explain how one principle that defines the biological level of analysis has been demonstrated in one example of research (theory or study).
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.4:
Discuss one or more effects of the environment on one or more physiological processes.
The sociocultural level of analysis
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
Describe social learning theory with reference to one relevant study.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Describe one explanation for the formation of stereotypes.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.6:
Discuss the role of one or more cultural dimensions on human behaviour.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Describe the “etic” concept, making reference to one example.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.6:
Evaluate social identity theory.
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.03:
Describe one ethical consideration related to one study at the sociocultural level of analysis.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Sociocultural level of analysis
With reference to one study, describe one error in attribution.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Sociocultural level of analysis
With reference to one study, describe one error in attribution.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.6:
Discuss the use of two compliance techniques.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
With reference to one study, outline the role of situational and/or dispositional factors in explaining behaviour.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.6:
Examine two or more factors influencing conformity.
Cognitive level of analysis
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe how one biological factor may affect one cognitive process, with reference to one research study.
16N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.5:
Evaluate one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Describe one ethical consideration related to one research study at the cognitive level of analysis.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss how social and/or cultural factors affect one cognitive process.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Describe one study investigating the reliability of one cognitive process.
17M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5:
Discuss the use of technology in investigating one cognitive process.
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.02:
Explain how one principle that defines the cognitive level of analysis may be demonstrated in one example of research (theory or study).
17N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.05:
Evaluate schema theory.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Cognitive level of analysis
With reference to one study, describe how one particular research method is used at the cognitive level of analysis.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss the reliability of one cognitive process.
18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Cognitive level of analysis
Describe how one social or cultural factor affects one cognitive process.
- 18M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5: Discuss one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
With reference to one study, describe how one biological factor may affect one cognitive process.
18N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.5:
Discuss one or more ethical considerations related to one or more research studies at the cognitive level of analysis.
21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe schema theory, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.HL.TZ1.5:
Evaluate one method used to study the interaction between technology and cognitive processes.