DP History Questionbank

Topics: last exams 2016
Introduction to route 2 topics
Students are required to study two topics from the following list.
- Topic 1: Causes, practices and effects of wars
- Topic 2: Democratic states—challenges and responses
- Topic 3: Origins and development of authoritarian and single-party states
- Topic 4: Nationalist and independence movements in Africa and Asia and post-1945 Central and Eastern European states
- Topic 5: The Cold War
The topics should be studied through a selection of case studies drawn from different regions. Knowledge
of topics beyond 2000 is not required.
The syllabus specifications for every topic include major themes and material for detailed study. Students
should study a selection from the material for detailed study using the themes to guide them. It is important
to ensure that examples selected for detailed study cover two regions as outlined by the map provided. In
the examination that tests this component (SL/HL paper 2) questions will be set on major themes. Named
questions will be confined to the material in major themes and detailed study. When answering openended
questions students can use examples from the list and/or alternative examples.
Directly related questions
With reference to Pakistan’s defeat in the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971, discuss the political consequences for Pakistan.
Discuss the causes of either the Falklands/Malvinas War (1982) or the Gulf War (1991).
To what extent were the methods used by 20th-century political parties similar to those used by pressure (interest/lobby) groups?
Evaluate the ways in which two 20th-century democratic states responded to the challenges posed by either ethnic or religious groups.
Examine the view that the policy of peaceful coexistence failed to promote good relations between the US and the USSR up to 1964.
Examine the reasons why some 20th-century wars ended with a peace treaty while others did not.
Evaluate the success of social policies in either India (1947–1964) or South Africa (1991–2000).
With reference to Africa and/or Asia, examine the impact of the Cold War on the success of two independence movements.
“Armed struggle was not the most important factor in the achievement of independence.” Discuss with reference to India or Indochina.
Discuss the factors that led to the end of Soviet control in two states in Central/Eastern Europe.
“Technological developments were not significant to the outcome of 20th century wars.” Discuss with reference to two wars.
To what extent did the Sovietization of Eastern and Central Europe contribute to the emergence of the Cold War between 1945 and 1949?
“Democratic electoral systems led to stable governments.” Discuss with reference to two post-1945 states.
Evaluate the effectiveness of economic policies in either Weimar Germany (1919–1933) or Argentina under Alfonsin (1983–1989).
Evaluate the treatment of religious groups and minorities in two authoritarian/single-party states, each chosen from a different region.
With reference to Castro (Cuba) or Nasser (Egypt), to what extent did the use of force contribute to his maintenance of power?
To what extent did guerrilla tactics determine the outcome of either the Algerian War (1954–1962) or the Chinese Civil War (1946–1949)?
To what extent did popular support for the aims and ideology of one authoritarian/single-party leader contribute to the rise to power of that leader?
Examine the role of education and propaganda in the maintenance of power in Mao’s China.
With reference to Africa and/or Asia, to what extent did political ideology contribute to the rise of independence movements in two colonial territories?
Discuss the reasons why Johnson was more successful than Eisenhower and Kennedy in securing the passage of civil rights legislation.
To what extent did the structure and organization of government in Germany between 1933 and 1939 contribute to Hitler’s maintenance of power?
Discuss the impact of racial and separatist movements in India or Pakistan or Yugoslavia.
Evaluate the impact of the Cold War on the outbreak and development of either the Korean War or the Vietnam War.
Examine the role of economic factors in causing two wars, each chosen from a different region.
Compare and contrast the conditions that led to the rise to power of two authoritarian/single-party leaders.
“The Cold War had a significant impact on the effectiveness of the United Nations between 1945 and 1989.” Discuss.
To what extent did internal problems contribute to the break-up of the Soviet Union?
Evaluate the role of two of the following in leading their countries to independence: Ben Bella (Algeria); Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam); Mugabe (Zimbabwe); Nkrumah (Ghana); Walesa (Poland); Havel (Czechoslovakia).
Sub sections and their related questions
Topic 3: Origins and development of authoritarian and single-party states
To what extent did popular support for the aims and ideology of one authoritarian/single-party leader contribute to the rise to power of that leader?
Compare and contrast the conditions that led to the rise to power of two authoritarian/single-party leaders.
Evaluate the treatment of religious groups and minorities in two authoritarian/single-party states, each chosen from a different region.
To what extent did the structure and organization of government in Germany between 1933 and 1939 contribute to Hitler’s maintenance of power?
Examine the role of education and propaganda in the maintenance of power in Mao’s China.
With reference to Castro (Cuba) or Nasser (Egypt), to what extent did the use of force contribute to his maintenance of power?
Topic 5: The Cold War
To what extent did the Sovietization of Eastern and Central Europe contribute to the emergence of the Cold War between 1945 and 1949?
Evaluate the impact of the Cold War on the outbreak and development of either the Korean War or the Vietnam War.
“The Cold War had a significant impact on the effectiveness of the United Nations between 1945 and 1989.” Discuss.
Examine the view that the policy of peaceful coexistence failed to promote good relations between the US and the USSR up to 1964.
To what extent did internal problems contribute to the break-up of the Soviet Union?
Topic 1: Causes, practices and effects of wars
Examine the reasons why some 20th-century wars ended with a peace treaty while others did not.
Examine the role of economic factors in causing two wars, each chosen from a different region.
“Technological developments were not significant to the outcome of 20th century wars.” Discuss with reference to two wars.
To what extent did guerrilla tactics determine the outcome of either the Algerian War (1954–1962) or the Chinese Civil War (1946–1949)?
With reference to Pakistan’s defeat in the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971, discuss the political consequences for Pakistan.
Discuss the causes of either the Falklands/Malvinas War (1982) or the Gulf War (1991).
Topic 2: Democratic states—challenges and responses
“Democratic electoral systems led to stable governments.” Discuss with reference to two post-1945 states.
To what extent were the methods used by 20th-century political parties similar to those used by pressure (interest/lobby) groups?
Evaluate the ways in which two 20th-century democratic states responded to the challenges posed by either ethnic or religious groups.
Evaluate the effectiveness of economic policies in either Weimar Germany (1919–1933) or Argentina under Alfonsin (1983–1989).
Evaluate the success of social policies in either India (1947–1964) or South Africa (1991–2000).
Discuss the reasons why Johnson was more successful than Eisenhower and Kennedy in securing the passage of civil rights legislation.
Topic 4: Nationalist and independence movements in Africa and Asia and post-1945 Central and Eastern European states
With reference to Africa and/or Asia, to what extent did political ideology contribute to the rise of independence movements in two colonial territories?
With reference to Africa and/or Asia, examine the impact of the Cold War on the success of two independence movements.
“Armed struggle was not the most important factor in the achievement of independence.” Discuss with reference to India or Indochina.
Discuss the factors that led to the end of Soviet control in two states in Central/Eastern Europe.
Evaluate the role of two of the following in leading their countries to independence: Ben Bella (Algeria); Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam); Mugabe (Zimbabwe); Nkrumah (Ghana); Walesa (Poland); Havel (Czechoslovakia).
Discuss the impact of racial and separatist movements in India or Pakistan or Yugoslavia.