DP History Questionbank

Topic 4: Nationalist and independence movements in Africa and Asia and post-1945 Central and Eastern European states
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An important development of the 20th century, especially in the post-Second World War period, was the decline of imperial rule and the emergence of new states. This topic covers decolonization in Africa and Asia. It also covers the break-up of Soviet control in Eastern Europe, as well as the emergence of new states elsewhere in Europe. Emphasis should be placed on the origins and development of the nationalist and independence movements, the formation of post-colonial governments/new states, the problems facing new governments (both internal and external pressures) and attempts to solve them.
Please note that students will not be asked to compare and contrast the nationalist and independence movements in Africa and Asia with the new states in Europe post‑1945.
Major themes
Origins and rise of nationalist/independence movements in Africa and Asia
- Anti-colonialism (opposition to Belgian, British, Dutch, French and Portuguese colonial rule)
- Nationalism, political ideology, religion
- Impact of the two world wars and the Cold War
- Other factors fostering growth of nationalist and independence movements
Methods of achieving independence in Africa and Asia
- Armed struggle
- Non-violent movements, elite and mass movements
- Role and importance of leaders of nationalist/independence movements
- Political organization
Challenges to Soviet or centralized control in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans
- Origins and growth of movements challenging Soviet or centralized control
- Role and importance of leaders, organizations and institutions
- Methods of achieving independence from Soviet or centralized control
Formation of, and challenges to, post-colonial governments/new states
- Colonial legacy, neo-colonialism and Cold War
- Conflict with neighbours
- Lack of political experience
- Economic issues
- Social, religious and cultural issues
- Ethnic, racial and separatist movements
Material for detailed study
Nationalist and independence movements in Africa and Asia
- Movements: Africa—Algeria, Angola, Belgian Congo/Zaire, Ghana, Rhodesia/Zimbabwe; Asia—India and Pakistan, Indochina
- Leaders: Ben Bella (Algeria), Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam), Jinnah (Pakistan), Gandhi (India), Mugabe (Zimbabwe), Nkrumah (Ghana)
Post-1945 nationalist and independence movements in Central and Eastern Europe
- Movements: Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Yugoslavia and its dissolution and successor states
- Leaders: Walesa (Poland), Havel (Czechoslovakia)
Directly related questions
With reference to Africa and/or Asia, examine the impact of the Cold War on the success of two independence movements.
With reference to Africa and/or Asia, to what extent did political ideology contribute to the rise of independence movements in two colonial territories?
Evaluate the role of two of the following in leading their countries to independence: Ben Bella (Algeria); Ho Chi Minh (Vietnam); Mugabe (Zimbabwe); Nkrumah (Ghana); Walesa (Poland); Havel (Czechoslovakia).
“Armed struggle was not the most important factor in the achievement of independence.” Discuss with reference to India or Indochina.
Discuss the impact of racial and separatist movements in India or Pakistan or Yugoslavia.
Discuss the factors that led to the end of Soviet control in two states in Central/Eastern Europe.
Sub sections and their related questions
Methods of achieving independence in Africa and Asia
“Armed struggle was not the most important factor in the achievement of independence.” Discuss with reference to India or Indochina.
Challenges to Soviet or centralized control in Central and Eastern Europe and the Balkans
Discuss the factors that led to the end of Soviet control in two states in Central/Eastern Europe.
Origins and rise of nationalist/independence movements in Africa and Asia
With reference to Africa and/or Asia, to what extent did political ideology contribute to the rise of independence movements in two colonial territories?
With reference to Africa and/or Asia, examine the impact of the Cold War on the success of two independence movements.