DP History Questionbank

Topic 1: Causes, practices and effects of wars
War was a major feature of the 20th century. In this topic the different types of war should be identified, and the causes, practices and effects of these conflicts should be studied.
Major themes
Different types and nature of 20th century warfare
- Civil
- Guerrilla
- Limited war, total war
Origins and causes of wars
- Long-term, short-term and immediate causes
- Economic, ideological, political, religious causes
Nature of 20th century wars
- Technological developments, tactics and strategies, air, land and sea
- Home front: economic and social impact (including changes in the role and status of women)
- Resistance and revolutionary movements
Effects and results of wars
- Peace settlements and wars ending without treaties
- Attempts at collective security pre- and post-Second World War
- Political repercussions and territorial changes
- Post-war economic problems
Material for detailed study
- First World War (1914‑8)
- Second World War (1939‑45)
- Africa: Algerian War (1954‑62), Nigerian Civil War (1967‑70)
- Americas: Falklands/Malvinas war (1982), Nicaraguan Revolution (1976‑9)
- Asia and Oceania: Indo-Pakistan wars (1947‑9, 1965, 1971), Chinese Civil War (1927‑37 and 1946‑9)
- Europe and Middle East: Spanish Civil War (1936‑9), Iran–Iraq war (1980‑88), Gulf War (1991)
Directly related questions
Examine the reasons why some 20th-century wars ended with a peace treaty while others did not.
Examine the role of economic factors in causing two wars, each chosen from a different region.
Discuss the causes of either the Falklands/Malvinas War (1982) or the Gulf War (1991).
“Technological developments were not significant to the outcome of 20th century wars.” Discuss with reference to two wars.
To what extent did guerrilla tactics determine the outcome of either the Algerian War (1954–1962) or the Chinese Civil War (1946–1949)?
With reference to Pakistan’s defeat in the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971, discuss the political consequences for Pakistan.
Sub sections and their related questions
Effects and results of wars
Examine the reasons why some 20th-century wars ended with a peace treaty while others did not.
With reference to Pakistan’s defeat in the Indo-Pakistan War of 1971, discuss the political consequences for Pakistan.
Different types and nature of 20th century warfare
To what extent did guerrilla tactics determine the outcome of either the Algerian War (1954–1962) or the Chinese Civil War (1946–1949)?
Origins and causes of wars
Examine the role of economic factors in causing two wars, each chosen from a different region.
Discuss the causes of either the Falklands/Malvinas War (1982) or the Gulf War (1991).