DP Psychology Questionbank

First exams 2019 - Core
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[N/A]Directly related questions
20N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1b:
Describe the sampling method used in the study.
20N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
Describe one study investigating cultural norms.
20N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1c:
Suggest one alternative or one additional research method that could be used to investigate the aim of the original study, giving one reason for your choice.
20N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.3:
Discuss the possibility of generalizing the findings of the study.
20N.Paper 1.SL.TZ0.4:
Discuss the effect of one or more neurotransmitters on behaviour.
20N.Paper 1.SL.TZ0.5:
Discuss two or more ethical considerations in research investigating the link between emotion and cognition.
20N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Describe one twin or kinship study.
20N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
With reference to one study, outline one model of memory.
20N.Paper 1.HL.TZ0.4:
With reference to research investigating the brain, discuss the role of animal research in understanding human behaviour.
20N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.6:
Discuss the formation of stereotypes and/or the effect(s) of stereotypes on human behaviour.
20N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1a:
Identify the research method used and outline two characteristics of the method.
20N.Paper 1.HL.TZ0.5:
Discuss the influence of technology on one or more cognitive processes.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Outline one link between genes and behaviour with reference to one relevant study.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.4:
Discuss how one or more hormones affect human behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.SL.TZ1.6:
Discuss one or more research methods used to investigate cultural origins of behaviour and/or cultural origins of cognition.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Describe one study investigating how one bias in thinking and decision-making influences human behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Evaluate one or more studies investigating reconstructive memory.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Describe one study investigating enculturation.
21M.Paper 1.HL.TZ2.6:
To what extent does globalization influence behaviour?
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Describe one study investigating acculturation.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.1:
With reference to one study, outline the effect of one agonist or one antagonist on human behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Describe one study investigating how one bias in thinking and decision-making influences human behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.SL.TZ2.6:
Discuss one or more ethical considerations related to research studies investigating cultural origins of behaviour and/or cultural origins of cognition.
21M.Paper 1.HL.TZ1.6:
Discuss one or more effects of the interaction of local and global influences on behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.4:
Evaluate one or more research methods used when investigating the relationship between the brain and behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5:
Discuss schema theory in relation to cognitive processing.
- 21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.5: Discuss one cognitive process.
21N.Paper 1.SL.TZ0.4:
Discuss how one or more hormones and/or one or more pheromones affect human behaviour.
21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Outline neural pruning with reference to one relevant study.
21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
Outline the influence of culture on behaviour and/or cognition with reference to one relevant study.
21N.Paper 2.HL.TZ0.12:
Evaluate one or more studies investigating social responsibility.
21N.Paper 2.HL.TZ0.4:
To what extent do sociocultural factors influence the development of identity?
21N.Paper 1.HL.TZ0.4:
Evaluate one or more studies that use an animal model to investigate the relationship between genetics and behaviour.
22M.Paper 1.SL.TZ1.5:
Discuss reconstructive memory.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.1:
Describe neuroplasticity, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.HL.TZ2.5:
Discuss one or more studies of the positive and/or negative effects of technologies on cognitive processes.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Describe one effect of one hormone on behaviour, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Describe one ethical consideration related to one relevant study from the cognitive approach to understanding behaviour.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.6:
Discuss one cultural dimension of human behaviour.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Describe one model of memory, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Describe social cognitive theory, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.4:
Discuss the relationship between genetics and behaviour.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.4:
Evaluate one technique used to study the brain in relation to behaviour.
22M.Paper 1.SL.TZ2.5:
Evaluate one or more studies on the influence of emotion on cognitive processes.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Describe social identity theory, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.6:
Discuss one or more cultural influences on human cognition and/or behaviour.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss the influence of emotion on one cognitive process.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.1:
Describe localization with reference to one relevant study.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5:
Discuss one or more biases in thinking and/or decision-making.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1a:
Identify the research method used and outline two characteristics of the method.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Describe the effect of one neurotransmitter on human behaviour with reference to one relevant study.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Outline social identity theory with reference to one relevant study.
19M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.1:
Discuss validity and reliability of diagnosis.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Describe one study investigating reconstructive memory.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.6:
Discuss the influence of culture on behaviour and/or cognition.
19M.Paper 1.SL.TZ1.4:
Discuss one or more techniques used to study the brain in relation to behaviour.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1c:
Suggest an alternative or additional research method giving one reason for your choice.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.3:
Discuss the possibility of generalizing/transferring the findings of the study.
19M.Paper 1.SL.TZ2.4:
Discuss the effect of pheromones on human behaviour.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1b:
Describe the sampling method used in the study.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.6:
Evaluate social identity theory, with reference to one or more studies.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Explain one cultural dimension with brief reference to one relevant study.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.2:
Describe the ethical considerations that were applied in the study and explain if further ethical considerations could be applied.
19M.Paper 1.HL.TZ2.4:
Discuss two or more ethical considerations in animal research when investigating the brain and behaviour.
19M.Paper 1.HL.TZ1.4:
Discuss how animal research may provide insight into human behaviour.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1c:
Suggest an alternative or additional research method giving one reason for your choice.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.2:
Describe the ethical considerations that were applied in the study and explain if further ethical considerations could be applied.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.3:
Discuss how the researcher in the study could avoid bias.
19N.Paper 1.HL.TZ0.6:
Discuss how globalization may influence behaviour.
19N.Paper 1.SL.TZ0.6:
Discuss the use of one research method to investigate individuals and groups.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1a:
Identify the research method used and outline two characteristics of the method.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe one study related to one model of memory.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.4:
Discuss one evolutionary explanation of one behaviour.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1b:
Describe the sampling method used in the study.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Describe neuroplasticity, with reference to one relevant study.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
Outline social cognitive theory with reference to one relevant study.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.5:
Discuss two or more ethical considerations related to one study investigating the reliability of one cognitive process.
Sub sections and their related questions
Biological approach to understanding behaviour
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Describe the effect of one neurotransmitter on human behaviour with reference to one relevant study.
19M.Paper 1.SL.TZ1.4:
Discuss one or more techniques used to study the brain in relation to behaviour.
19M.Paper 1.HL.TZ1.4:
Discuss how animal research may provide insight into human behaviour.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.1:
Describe localization with reference to one relevant study.
19M.Paper 1.SL.TZ2.4:
Discuss the effect of pheromones on human behaviour.
19M.Paper 1.HL.TZ2.4:
Discuss two or more ethical considerations in animal research when investigating the brain and behaviour.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Describe neuroplasticity, with reference to one relevant study.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.4:
Discuss one evolutionary explanation of one behaviour.
20N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Describe one twin or kinship study.
20N.Paper 1.SL.TZ0.4:
Discuss the effect of one or more neurotransmitters on behaviour.
20N.Paper 1.HL.TZ0.4:
With reference to research investigating the brain, discuss the role of animal research in understanding human behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Outline one link between genes and behaviour with reference to one relevant study.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.4:
Discuss how one or more hormones affect human behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.1:
With reference to one study, outline the effect of one agonist or one antagonist on human behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.4:
Evaluate one or more research methods used when investigating the relationship between the brain and behaviour.
21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.1:
Outline neural pruning with reference to one relevant study.
21N.Paper 1.SL.TZ0.4:
Discuss how one or more hormones and/or one or more pheromones affect human behaviour.
21N.Paper 1.HL.TZ0.4:
Evaluate one or more studies that use an animal model to investigate the relationship between genetics and behaviour.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.1:
Describe one effect of one hormone on behaviour, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.4:
Discuss the relationship between genetics and behaviour.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.1:
Describe neuroplasticity, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.4:
Evaluate one technique used to study the brain in relation to behaviour.
Cognitive approach to understanding behaviour
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Describe one study investigating reconstructive memory.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Discuss the influence of emotion on one cognitive process.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5:
Discuss one or more biases in thinking and/or decision-making.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
Describe one study related to one model of memory.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.5:
Discuss two or more ethical considerations related to one study investigating the reliability of one cognitive process.
20N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.2:
With reference to one study, outline one model of memory.
20N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.6:
Discuss the formation of stereotypes and/or the effect(s) of stereotypes on human behaviour.
20N.Paper 1.SL.TZ0.5:
Discuss two or more ethical considerations in research investigating the link between emotion and cognition.
20N.Paper 1.HL.TZ0.5:
Discuss the influence of technology on one or more cognitive processes.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Describe one study investigating how one bias in thinking and decision-making influences human behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.5:
Evaluate one or more studies investigating reconstructive memory.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Describe one study investigating how one bias in thinking and decision-making influences human behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.5:
Discuss schema theory in relation to cognitive processing.
- 21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.5: Discuss one cognitive process.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.2:
Describe one ethical consideration related to one relevant study from the cognitive approach to understanding behaviour.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Describe social cognitive theory, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.SL.TZ1.5:
Discuss reconstructive memory.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.2:
Describe one model of memory, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.HL.TZ2.5:
Discuss one or more studies of the positive and/or negative effects of technologies on cognitive processes.
22M.Paper 1.SL.TZ2.5:
Evaluate one or more studies on the influence of emotion on cognitive processes.
Sociocultural approach to understanding behavior
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Outline social identity theory with reference to one relevant study.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.6:
Discuss the influence of culture on behaviour and/or cognition.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Explain one cultural dimension with brief reference to one relevant study.
19M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.6:
Evaluate social identity theory, with reference to one or more studies.
19N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
Outline social cognitive theory with reference to one relevant study.
19N.Paper 1.SL.TZ0.6:
Discuss the use of one research method to investigate individuals and groups.
19N.Paper 1.HL.TZ0.6:
Discuss how globalization may influence behaviour.
20N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
Describe one study investigating cultural norms.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.3:
Describe one study investigating acculturation.
21M.Paper 1.SL.TZ1.6:
Discuss one or more research methods used to investigate cultural origins of behaviour and/or cultural origins of cognition.
21M.Paper 1.HL.TZ1.6:
Discuss one or more effects of the interaction of local and global influences on behaviour.
21M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Describe one study investigating enculturation.
21M.Paper 1.SL.TZ2.6:
Discuss one or more ethical considerations related to research studies investigating cultural origins of behaviour and/or cultural origins of cognition.
21M.Paper 1.HL.TZ2.6:
To what extent does globalization influence behaviour?
21N.Paper 1.BP.TZ0.3:
Outline the influence of culture on behaviour and/or cognition with reference to one relevant study.
21N.Paper 2.HL.TZ0.4:
To what extent do sociocultural factors influence the development of identity?
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ1.6:
Discuss one cultural dimension of human behaviour.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.3:
Describe social identity theory, with reference to one relevant study.
22M.Paper 1.BP.TZ2.6:
Discuss one or more cultural influences on human cognition and/or behaviour.
Approaches to researching behavior
19M.Paper 2.BP.TZ0.1:
Discuss validity and reliability of diagnosis.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1a:
Identify the research method used and outline two characteristics of the method.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1b:
Describe the sampling method used in the study.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1c:
Suggest an alternative or additional research method giving one reason for your choice.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.2:
Describe the ethical considerations that were applied in the study and explain if further ethical considerations could be applied.
19M.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.3:
Discuss the possibility of generalizing/transferring the findings of the study.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1a:
Identify the research method used and outline two characteristics of the method.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1b:
Describe the sampling method used in the study.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1c:
Suggest an alternative or additional research method giving one reason for your choice.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.2:
Describe the ethical considerations that were applied in the study and explain if further ethical considerations could be applied.
19N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.3:
Discuss how the researcher in the study could avoid bias.
20N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1a:
Identify the research method used and outline two characteristics of the method.
20N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1b:
Describe the sampling method used in the study.
20N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.1c:
Suggest one alternative or one additional research method that could be used to investigate the aim of the original study, giving one reason for your choice.
20N.Paper 3.HL.TZ0.3:
Discuss the possibility of generalizing the findings of the study.
21N.Paper 2.HL.TZ0.12:
Evaluate one or more studies investigating social responsibility.