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Date May 2022 Marks available 3 Reference code 22M.1.AHL.TZ2.17
Level Additional Higher Level Paper Paper 1 Time zone Time zone 2
Command term Find Question number 17 Adapted from N/A


The cross-section of a beach is modelled by the equation y=0.02x2 for 0x10 where y is the height of the beach (in metres) at a horizontal distance x metres from an origin. t is the time in hours after low tide.

At t=0 the water is at the point (0, 0). The height of the water rises at a rate of 0.2 metres per hour. The point W(x(t), y(t)) indicates where the water level meets the beach at time t.


A snail is modelled as a single point. At t=0 it is positioned at (1, 0.02). The snail travels away from the incoming water at a speed of 1 metre per hour in the direction along the curve of the cross-section of the beach. The following diagram shows this for a value of t, such that t>0.

When W has an x-coordinate equal to 1, find the horizontal component of the velocity of W.


Find the time taken for the snail to reach the point (10, 2).


Hence show that the snail reaches the point (10, 2) before the water does.



use of chain rule        (M1)


attempt to find dydx at x=1        (M1)


dxdt=  5m h-1          A1


[3 marks]


if the position of the snail is X, Y

from part (a) dXdt=10.04XdYdt

since speed is 1:

finding modulus of velocity vector and equating to 1         (M1)

1=Y˙0.04X2+Y˙2   OR   1=X˙2+0.0016X2X˙2

1=Y˙210.0016X2+1   OR   1=X˙21+0.0016X2

Y˙=110.08Y+1   OR   X˙=11+0.0016X2         (A1)

0.02210.08Y+1dY=0Tdt   OR   1101+0.0016X2dX=0Tdt         (M1)

T=9.26 hours          A1


[4 marks]



time for water to reach top is 20.2=10 hours (seen anywhere)          A1


or at time t=9.26, height of water is 0.2×9.26=1.852          A1


so the water will not reach the snail          AG


[1 mark]


Examiners report

In part (a), a small minority of candidates found the horizontal component of velocity correctly. Few candidates made any significant progress in part (b).


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