DP Sports, Exercise and Health Science Questionbank

Topic 2: Exercise physiology
[N/A]Directly related questions
- 20N.1.SL.tz0.4: Which are principal structures of the ventilatory system? I. Lungs II. Heart III. Alveoli A....
The diagram shows various lung volumes. Which label represents tidal volume?
Which competitive activity requires the highest maximal oxygen consumption for a well-trained athlete?
A. 10 km cross-country skiing
B. 20 minutes arm ergometry
C. 40 minutes cycling
D. 1 km canoe slalom
- 20N.1.SL.tz0.8: What causes an increase in cardiac output during exercise?
The diagram shows the human heart. Which valve is labelled X?
[Source: Adapted from Heart diagram with labels in, ZooFari, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Cardiology#/media/File:Heart_diagram_blood_flow_en.svg, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode.]A. Bicuspid
B. Tricuspid
C. Aortic
D. Pulmonary
What promotes passive diffusion during inspiration?
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.4a: State the function of platelets in response to a skin cut.
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.7d: Discuss the distribution of blood at rest and redistribution of blood during strenuous exercise.
Explain the mechanics of inspiration for an athlete completing an aerobic fitness test.
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.4b: Describe the pathway of the electrical impulse during excitation of the heart muscle.
- 20N.2.HL:.tz0.4c: State the function of platelets in response to a skin cut.
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.6e: Discuss the increased maximal oxygen consumption of athletes after a period of endurance training.
Explain the mechanics of inspiration for an athlete completing an aerobic fitness test.
- 20N.2.HL:.tz0.7d: Discuss the increased maximal oxygen consumption of athletes after a period of endurance training.
- 20N.1.HL:.tz0.3: What causes the change in blood acidity that results in increased ventilation? A. Increased...
- 20N.2.HL:.tz0.4d: Describe the pathway of the electrical impulse during excitation of the heart muscle.
- 20N.1.HL:.tz0.6: Which tissues receive most of the blood during exercise? A. Kidneys and working muscles B....
- 21M.2.SL.tz0.2a: State the blood vessels A, B and C in the diagram. A: B: C:
Distinguish between the pulmonary and systemic circulatory systems.
- 21M.2.SL.tz0.2c: Explain the changes in blood distribution that occur during an endurance training run.
- 21M.2.SL.tz0.5c: Outline six cardiovascular changes that would be expected as a result of an endurance cycling...
Explain the physiological changes which contribute to a person experiencing cardiovascular drift during an endurance event such as the Tour de France.
Describe the functions of the main blood vessels connecting the heart and the lungs.
Explain the mechanics of inhalation in the lungs during exercise.
Explain the variability in VO2max in the following groups: male and female.
Explain the variability in VO2max in the following groups: trained and untrained.
Explain the variability in VO2max in the following groups: young and old.
Describe the function of the conducting airways in maintaining a healthy state.
- 21M.2.HL:.tz0.9a.i: List two structures of the ventilatory system.
Which is a definition of vital capacity?
A. Volume of air in the lungs after a maximum inhalation
B. Maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximum inhalation
C. Volume of air in excess of tidal volume that can be forcibly exhaled
D. Volume of air breathed in and out in any one breath
- 21M.1.SL.tz0.4: The graph below represents lung volume. What is labelled X? A. Tidal volume B. Vital...
What is the primary role of platelets?
A. Supporting immune function
B. Carrying dissolved substances
C. Transporting oxygen
D. Blood clotting and preventing bleeding
- 21M.1.SL.tz0.9: What does systolic blood pressure measure? A. The force exerted on venous walls during atrial...
Which statement(s) about the functions of the conducting airways is/are correct?
I. Provide a low resistance pathway for airflow
II. Provide a site for gaseous exchange
III. Warm and moisten the air
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
How is cardiac output calculated?
A. Heart rate × stroke volume
B. Heart rate + stroke volume
C. Heart rate + tidal volume
D. Tidal volume × stroke volume
What causes an increase in ventilation?
A. A decrease in carbon dioxide content in the blood
B. A decrease in hydrogen ions in the blood
C. A decrease in blood pH
D. A decrease in blood acidity
- 21N.1.SL.tz0.5: What is total lung capacity? A. The volume of air in the lungs after a maximum inhalation B....
- 21N.1.SL.tz0.7: Which circulation is responsible for the exchange of oxygen between the blood and the lungs? A....
- 21N.1.SL.tz0.9: What action of the heart is responsible for the force of systolic pressure as measured on the...
Which four are principal structures of the ventilatory system?
What changes occur to a boxer’s stroke volume and heart rate while punching during a bout?
- 21N.1.SL.tz0.6: Which does blood transport? I. Proteins II. Hormones III. Platelets A. I and II only B. I...
- 21N.1.HL:.tz0.4: Under normal conditions, what is the percentage saturation of hemoglobin in red blood cells as...
- 21N.1.HL:.tz0.5: An athlete has a low blood platelet count. Which process will be difficult for the athlete’s...
Explain cardiovascular drift and the relevance of hydration during a 50 km walk.
- 21N.2.SL.tz0.4a: Discuss the variability of maximal oxygen consumption relative to age for trained and untrained...
- 21N.2.SL.tz0.4b: Outline how maximal oxygen consumption differs between running and arm ergometry.
- 21N.2.SL.tz0.5c: Analyse the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli during exercise.
- 21N.2.SL.tz0.6a: Describe the regulation of heart rate.
Explain cardiovascular drift and the relevance of hydration during a 50 km walk.
Outline the nervous control and mechanics of inspiration during exercise.
Describe the sequence of excitation of the heart muscle.
The diagram represents blood flow in the heart, muscle, brain and skin of an athlete (i) at rest and (ii) at maximal exercise.
[Source: Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.]
Which represents the blood flow for muscle when changing from rest to exercise?
- 22M.1.SL.tz0.9: The maximal oxygen uptake of an athlete when tested on a treadmill is measured to be 53 ml kg–1...
- 22M.2.SL.tz0.5c: A chronic adaptation of aerobic training is an increase in hemoglobin. Outline how this...
The diagram shows average respiratory volumes. What happens to the expiratory reserve volume (ERV) when an athlete begins to run?
[Source: William F. Ganong, MD: Review of Medical Physiology 19th Edition, Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.]
A. It increases until the residual volume is 0 litres.
B. It decreases.
C. There is no change.
D. It increases but is limited by residual volume.
- 22M.1.SL.tz0.5: Which occurs during the inhalation phase of ventilation during exercise?
- 22M.1.HL:.tz0.5: What is the function of leucocytes? A. To assist in clotting the blood. B. To transport...
- 22M.1.SL.tz0.6: What blood vessel does the cardiovascular system use to send deoxygenated blood to the lungs? A....
- 22M.1.SL.tz0.8: Which describes the cardiac output of an athlete recovering from strenuous exercise?
The diagram shows a gymnast holding a position called an iron cross.
[Source: Gwoeii / Shutterstock.]
Discuss the response of systolic and diastolic blood pressure to this static position.
Describe nervous control of ventilation during exercise.
Explain the phenomenon of cardiovascular drift and one method of reducing it.
- 22M.2.HL:.tz0.3c: A chronic adaptation of aerobic training is an increase in hemoglobin. Outline how this...
Explain the phenomenon of cardiovascular drift and one method of reducing it.
Describe nervous control of ventilation during exercise.
- 16N.2.SL.tz0.3a: List one type of blood cell.
- 16N.2.SL.tz0.5b: Analyse the systolic blood pressure response of an endurance runner.
Explain the mechanics of pulmonary ventilation in the human lungs at rest.
- 16N.2.SL.tz0.3b: State the receptor in the aorta which responds to carbon dioxide and pH levels in the blood.
Explain the process of gaseous exchange between the lungs and pulmonary capillaries at rest and during exercise.
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.5b: Describe the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli.
Describe the cardiovascular adaptations resulting from endurance training.
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.8: Which of the following are correct statements about the pulmonary and systemic circulatory...
Which of the following is correct for an athlete who is exercising at a steady pace on flat terrain for a prolonged period of time?
A. Stroke volume gradually decreases and submaximal heart rate gradually increases
B. Cardiac output gradually decreases as they get used to the exercise load
C. Stroke volume and submaximal heart rate gradually decrease
D. Stroke volume and submaximal heart rate gradually increase
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.10: Which of the following correctly describes the sequence of excitation of heart muscle? A. AV...
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.4b: Comment on the variability of diastolic blood pressure during dynamic and static exercise.
Which of the following applies to hemoglobin?
A. It binds strongly to oxygen when there is a low partial pressure
B. It is an iron compound
C. It transports approximately 80 % of oxygen in the blood
D. It is a component of white blood cells
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.6: Which of the following is the correct order for carbon dioxide moving from the pulmonary artery...
What does the elevated breathing rate after exercise allow the body to do?
A. To stimulate the peripheral chemoreceptors
B. To increase the pH of the blood
C. To trigger the Hering-Breuer reflex
D. To stimulate muscle proprioreceptors
What is the structure labelled X in the diagram below?
[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2017]
A. Bicuspid valve
B. Tricuspid valve
C. Aortic valve
D. Pulmonary valve
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.4c: Explain the difference between adult males and females in maximal oxygen consumption.
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.10: Which describes pulmonary and systemic circulation? A. Pulmonary circulation delivers oxygenated...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.5: What are the functions of the nose during inspiration? I. To moisten the air II. To diffuse...
Outline the functions of two components of blood.
- 17M.2.SL.tz0.5c: Outline cardiovascular drift.
- 17M.2.SL.tz0.5e: Explain the process of oxygen exchange at the alveoli.
Describe the functions of erythrocytes, platelets and leucocytes.
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.9: What are some of the principal structures of the ventilatory system? A. Nose, mouth, pharynx,...
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.5: What factors may cause ventilation to increase during exercise? A. Decreased oxygen levels and...
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.6: What is vital capacity? A. Total lung capacity + tidal volume B. Tidal volume + inspiratory...
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.8: Where in the heart is the electrical impulse generated for contraction? A. Atrioventicular...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.6: Which combination is used to calculate vital capacity? A. Total lung capacity + expiratory...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.7: What is the relationship between heart rate, cardiac output and stroke volume? A. Cardiac output...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.4: What are the principal structures of the ventilatory system? A. Mouth, trachea, ribs,...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.9: Which cardiovascular adaptions are a result of endurance exercise training? I. Increased stroke...
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.9: Where does blood exert the force measured as systolic blood pressure? A. On the arterial walls...
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.5: Which are involved in neural control of ventilation? A. Sinoatrial and atrioventricular...
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.4: What is pulmonary ventilation? A. Exchange of respiratory gases between the lungs and blood B....
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.6: Where is hemoglobin located? A. In white blood cells B. In platelets C. In muscle cells D. In...
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.8: Which are involved in the regulation of heart rate? I. Sinoatrial node II. Autonomic nervous...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.8: What percentage of oxygen in the blood is transported by hemoglobin as oxyhemoglobin within red...
Describe the mechanics of inspiration in the final stages of a cycling race.
Analyse the distribution of blood during maximal exercise.
- 17N.2.SL.tz0.6a: Describe how cardiovascular drift occurs during a marathon.
What is the action of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles during exhalation?
- 18N.1.SL.tz0.9: Which defines maximal oxygen consumption? A. Maximum volume of oxygen inhaled and used per...
What is the equation for cardiac output?
A. Heart rate ÷ stroke volume
B. Tidal volume × frequency
C. Heart rate ÷ tidal volume
D. Stroke volume × heart rate
Which is a principal structure of the ventilatory system?
A. Capillary
B. Bronchiole
C. Hemoglobin
D. Pulmonary artery
Which demonstrates how blood is redistributed to the working muscles during exercise?
What is residual volume?
A. Volume of air in the lungs after maximum inhalation
B. Inflow and outflow of air between the atmosphere and the lungs
C. Volume of air still contained in the lungs after maximal exhalation
D. Additional inspired air over and above tidal volume
- 18N.1.HL:.tz0.4: Which is a function of the conducting airways? A. Exchange gases B. Resist air flow C. Cool...
Distinguish how cardiac output, stroke volume and resting heart rate would differ between trained and untrained women during exercise.
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.9a: Describe the path taken by blood from the right ventricle to the left ventricle.
- 18N.2.SL.tz0.2c: Distinguish between maximal oxygen consumption during cycling and arm ergometry.
Which is a principal structure of the ventilatory system?
A. Capillary
B. Bronchiole
C. Hemoglobin
D. Pulmonary artery
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.3c: Distinguish between maximal oxygen consumption during cycling and arm ergometry.
Which is the function of platelets?
A. Clot blood
B. Deliver oxygen
C. Produce antibodies
D. Carry carbon dioxide
- 18N.1.HL:.tz0.5: What is the action of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles during exhalation?
- 18N.2.SL.tz0.5a: Outline the chemical control of ventilation during exercise.
- 18N.2.SL.tz0.2d: Describe the process of oxygen exchange between the lungs and pulmonary capillaries at rest.
Explain how running versus static exercise (such as holding a plank position) affect systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels.
- 18N.2.SL.tz0.6b: Describe how cardiovascular drift takes place.
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.7a: Describe how cardiovascular drift takes place.
- 18N.1.HL:.tz0.7: Which demonstrates how blood is redistributed to the working muscles during exercise?
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.3d: Describe the process of oxygen exchange between the lungs and pulmonary capillaries at rest.
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.9b: Distinguish how cardiac output, stroke volume and resting heart rate would differ between trained...
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.7c: Outline the chemical control of ventilation during exercise.
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.4: What is vital capacity? A. Inspiratory reserve volume plus total lung capacity B. Total lung...
Predict the effect of a 100 m sprint on a runner’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
State one component transported by blood.
The heart rate data is from a study of younger swimmers (aged 14–16 years) and older swimmers (aged 35–40 years) during a 1500 m swim.
Explain the lower increase of heart rate in older swimmers.
Describe the mechanics of ventilation during high intensity interval training.
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.8: How does the heart meet the demand for oxygenated blood during physical activity? A. Increasing...
Explain the redistribution of blood during exercise.
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.7: What type of blood is pumped by each of the blood vessels listed?
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.5: Which component of blood is greatest by volume? A. Electrolytes B. Plasma C. ...
Define systolic blood pressure.
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.9: What does diastolic blood pressure measure? A. The force exerted by blood on arterial walls...
Explain how cardiac output is maintained during prolonged exercise.
Explain the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli.
Describe long-term vascular adaptations to endurance training.
How does an increased erythrocyte level benefit an athlete?
A. By increasing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood
B. By decreasing the capacity of the blood to clot in case of an injury
C. By increasing the ability of the body to fight infection
D. By decreasing viscosity of the blood
Explain the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli.
Predict the effect of a 100 m sprint on a runner’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Define systolic blood pressure.
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.2c: Explain the mechanics of inhalation in the human lungs.
Explain how the mechanics of exhalation change from rest to exercise.
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.7: What describes the effect of exercise on cardiac output?
Describe the exchange of carbon dioxide from the bloodstream during exercise.
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.9: How does blood pressure respond during a warm-up?
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.4: Which term is defined as the volume of air breathed in and out in one breath? A. Pulmonary...
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.8: Where does blood exert the force measured as systolic blood pressure? A. On the arterial walls...
- 19N.1.HL:.tz0.7: What cardiovascular adaptations can result from endurance training? A. Increased left...
- 19N.1.HL:.tz0.3: What is the action of the diaphragm and the alveolar pressure relative to the atmospheric...
Analyse the long-term effect of training on maximal oxygen consumption.
Explain the cause of the blood pressure response shown in the graph.
[Source: adapted, with permission, from G. Haff and C. Dumke, Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology,
1st edition, © 2012 Human Kinetics, Inc.] -
Describe the extrinsic regulation of the sinoatrial (SA) node as an athlete begins a warm-up.
- 19N.2.SL.tz0.6c: Describe how breathing is controlled during exercise.
The diagram shows an anterior view of the heart. Which blood vessel is labelled X?
[Source: adapted from Heart diagram with labels in, ZooFari, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiology#/media/File:Heart_
diagram_blood_fl ow_en.svg, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license,
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode]A. Aorta
B. Pulmonary artery
C. Pulmonary vein
D. Vena cava
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.6: What describes the sequence of excitation of the heart muscle? A. Sinoatrial node →...
Analyse the long-term effect of training on maximal oxygen consumption.
Sub sections and their related questions
2.1. Structure and function of the ventilatory system
Which of the following applies to hemoglobin?
A. It binds strongly to oxygen when there is a low partial pressure
B. It is an iron compound
C. It transports approximately 80 % of oxygen in the blood
D. It is a component of white blood cells
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.6: Which of the following is the correct order for carbon dioxide moving from the pulmonary artery...
What does the elevated breathing rate after exercise allow the body to do?
A. To stimulate the peripheral chemoreceptors
B. To increase the pH of the blood
C. To trigger the Hering-Breuer reflex
D. To stimulate muscle proprioreceptors
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.5: What factors may cause ventilation to increase during exercise? A. Decreased oxygen levels and...
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.6: What is vital capacity? A. Total lung capacity + tidal volume B. Tidal volume + inspiratory...
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.9: What are some of the principal structures of the ventilatory system? A. Nose, mouth, pharynx,...
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.2c: Explain the mechanics of inhalation in the human lungs.
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.5b: Describe the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli.
- 17M.2.SL.tz0.5e: Explain the process of oxygen exchange at the alveoli.
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.4: What are the principal structures of the ventilatory system? A. Mouth, trachea, ribs,...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.5: What are the functions of the nose during inspiration? I. To moisten the air II. To diffuse...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.6: Which combination is used to calculate vital capacity? A. Total lung capacity + expiratory...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.8: What percentage of oxygen in the blood is transported by hemoglobin as oxyhemoglobin within red...
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.4: What is pulmonary ventilation? A. Exchange of respiratory gases between the lungs and blood B....
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.5: Which are involved in neural control of ventilation? A. Sinoatrial and atrioventricular...
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.6: Where is hemoglobin located? A. In white blood cells B. In platelets C. In muscle cells D. In...
Which is a principal structure of the ventilatory system?
A. Capillary
B. Bronchiole
C. Hemoglobin
D. Pulmonary artery
What is residual volume?
A. Volume of air in the lungs after maximum inhalation
B. Inflow and outflow of air between the atmosphere and the lungs
C. Volume of air still contained in the lungs after maximal exhalation
D. Additional inspired air over and above tidal volume
What is the action of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles during exhalation?
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.4: What is vital capacity? A. Inspiratory reserve volume plus total lung capacity B. Total lung...
Describe the mechanics of ventilation during high intensity interval training.
Explain the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli.
Explain the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli.
- 18N.1.HL:.tz0.4: Which is a function of the conducting airways? A. Exchange gases B. Resist air flow C. Cool...
Which is a principal structure of the ventilatory system?
A. Capillary
B. Bronchiole
C. Hemoglobin
D. Pulmonary artery
- 18N.1.HL:.tz0.5: What is the action of the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles during exhalation?
- 16N.2.SL.tz0.3b: State the receptor in the aorta which responds to carbon dioxide and pH levels in the blood.
Explain the process of gaseous exchange between the lungs and pulmonary capillaries at rest and during exercise.
Explain the mechanics of pulmonary ventilation in the human lungs at rest.
Describe the mechanics of inspiration in the final stages of a cycling race.
- 18N.2.SL.tz0.2d: Describe the process of oxygen exchange between the lungs and pulmonary capillaries at rest.
- 18N.2.SL.tz0.5a: Outline the chemical control of ventilation during exercise.
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.3d: Describe the process of oxygen exchange between the lungs and pulmonary capillaries at rest.
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.7c: Outline the chemical control of ventilation during exercise.
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.4: Which term is defined as the volume of air breathed in and out in one breath? A. Pulmonary...
- 19N.2.SL.tz0.6c: Describe how breathing is controlled during exercise.
Explain how the mechanics of exhalation change from rest to exercise.
Describe the exchange of carbon dioxide from the bloodstream during exercise.
- 19N.1.HL:.tz0.3: What is the action of the diaphragm and the alveolar pressure relative to the atmospheric...
- 20N.1.SL.tz0.4: Which are principal structures of the ventilatory system? I. Lungs II. Heart III. Alveoli A....
The diagram shows various lung volumes. Which label represents tidal volume?
What promotes passive diffusion during inspiration?
Explain the mechanics of inspiration for an athlete completing an aerobic fitness test.
Explain the mechanics of inspiration for an athlete completing an aerobic fitness test.
- 20N.1.HL:.tz0.3: What causes the change in blood acidity that results in increased ventilation? A. Increased...
Explain the mechanics of inhalation in the lungs during exercise.
- 21M.2.HL:.tz0.9a.i: List two structures of the ventilatory system.
Describe the function of the conducting airways in maintaining a healthy state.
- 21M.1.SL.tz0.4: The graph below represents lung volume. What is labelled X? A. Tidal volume B. Vital...
Which statement(s) about the functions of the conducting airways is/are correct?
I. Provide a low resistance pathway for airflow
II. Provide a site for gaseous exchange
III. Warm and moisten the air
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II and III
What causes an increase in ventilation?
A. A decrease in carbon dioxide content in the blood
B. A decrease in hydrogen ions in the blood
C. A decrease in blood pH
D. A decrease in blood acidity
Which is a definition of vital capacity?
A. Volume of air in the lungs after a maximum inhalation
B. Maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after a maximum inhalation
C. Volume of air in excess of tidal volume that can be forcibly exhaled
D. Volume of air breathed in and out in any one breath
Which four are principal structures of the ventilatory system?
- 21N.1.SL.tz0.5: What is total lung capacity? A. The volume of air in the lungs after a maximum inhalation B....
- 21N.1.HL:.tz0.4: Under normal conditions, what is the percentage saturation of hemoglobin in red blood cells as...
- 21N.1.HL:.tz0.5: An athlete has a low blood platelet count. Which process will be difficult for the athlete’s...
- 21N.2.SL.tz0.5c: Analyse the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli during exercise.
Outline the nervous control and mechanics of inspiration during exercise.
The diagram shows average respiratory volumes. What happens to the expiratory reserve volume (ERV) when an athlete begins to run?
[Source: William F. Ganong, MD: Review of Medical Physiology 19th Edition, Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved.]
A. It increases until the residual volume is 0 litres.
B. It decreases.
C. There is no change.
D. It increases but is limited by residual volume.
- 22M.1.SL.tz0.5: Which occurs during the inhalation phase of ventilation during exercise?
Describe nervous control of ventilation during exercise.
Describe nervous control of ventilation during exercise.
2.2. Structure and function of the cardiovascular system
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.8: Which of the following are correct statements about the pulmonary and systemic circulatory...
Which of the following is correct for an athlete who is exercising at a steady pace on flat terrain for a prolonged period of time?
A. Stroke volume gradually decreases and submaximal heart rate gradually increases
B. Cardiac output gradually decreases as they get used to the exercise load
C. Stroke volume and submaximal heart rate gradually decrease
D. Stroke volume and submaximal heart rate gradually increase
- 16M.1.SL.tz0.10: Which of the following correctly describes the sequence of excitation of heart muscle? A. AV...
What is the structure labelled X in the diagram below?
[Source: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2017]
A. Bicuspid valve
B. Tricuspid valve
C. Aortic valve
D. Pulmonary valve
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.8: Where in the heart is the electrical impulse generated for contraction? A. Atrioventicular...
- 17M.1.SL.tz0.10: Which describes pulmonary and systemic circulation? A. Pulmonary circulation delivers oxygenated...
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.4b: Comment on the variability of diastolic blood pressure during dynamic and static exercise.
- 16M.2.SL.tz0.4c: Explain the difference between adult males and females in maximal oxygen consumption.
Outline the functions of two components of blood.
Describe the cardiovascular adaptations resulting from endurance training.
Describe the functions of erythrocytes, platelets and leucocytes.
- 17M.2.SL.tz0.5c: Outline cardiovascular drift.
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.7: What is the relationship between heart rate, cardiac output and stroke volume? A. Cardiac output...
- 16N.1.SL.tz0.9: Which cardiovascular adaptions are a result of endurance exercise training? I. Increased stroke...
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.8: Which are involved in the regulation of heart rate? I. Sinoatrial node II. Autonomic nervous...
- 17N.1.SL.tz0.9: Where does blood exert the force measured as systolic blood pressure? A. On the arterial walls...
What is the equation for cardiac output?
A. Heart rate ÷ stroke volume
B. Tidal volume × frequency
C. Heart rate ÷ tidal volume
D. Stroke volume × heart rate
Which demonstrates how blood is redistributed to the working muscles during exercise?
- 18N.1.SL.tz0.9: Which defines maximal oxygen consumption? A. Maximum volume of oxygen inhaled and used per...
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.5: Which component of blood is greatest by volume? A. Electrolytes B. Plasma C. ...
How does an increased erythrocyte level benefit an athlete?
A. By increasing the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood
B. By decreasing the capacity of the blood to clot in case of an injury
C. By increasing the ability of the body to fight infection
D. By decreasing viscosity of the blood
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.7: What type of blood is pumped by each of the blood vessels listed?
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.8: How does the heart meet the demand for oxygenated blood during physical activity? A. Increasing...
- 19M.1.SL.tz0.9: What does diastolic blood pressure measure? A. The force exerted by blood on arterial walls...
State one component transported by blood.
Explain how cardiac output is maintained during prolonged exercise.
Define systolic blood pressure.
Predict the effect of a 100 m sprint on a runner’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Define systolic blood pressure.
Predict the effect of a 100 m sprint on a runner’s systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
Explain the redistribution of blood during exercise.
The heart rate data is from a study of younger swimmers (aged 14–16 years) and older swimmers (aged 35–40 years) during a 1500 m swim.
Explain the lower increase of heart rate in older swimmers.
Describe long-term vascular adaptations to endurance training.
Which is the function of platelets?
A. Clot blood
B. Deliver oxygen
C. Produce antibodies
D. Carry carbon dioxide
- 18N.1.HL:.tz0.7: Which demonstrates how blood is redistributed to the working muscles during exercise?
- 16N.2.SL.tz0.3a: List one type of blood cell.
- 16N.2.SL.tz0.5b: Analyse the systolic blood pressure response of an endurance runner.
- 17N.2.SL.tz0.6a: Describe how cardiovascular drift occurs during a marathon.
Analyse the distribution of blood during maximal exercise.
- 18N.2.SL.tz0.2c: Distinguish between maximal oxygen consumption during cycling and arm ergometry.
Distinguish how cardiac output, stroke volume and resting heart rate would differ between trained and untrained women during exercise.
Explain how running versus static exercise (such as holding a plank position) affect systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels.
- 18N.2.SL.tz0.6b: Describe how cardiovascular drift takes place.
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.3c: Distinguish between maximal oxygen consumption during cycling and arm ergometry.
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.7a: Describe how cardiovascular drift takes place.
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.9a: Describe the path taken by blood from the right ventricle to the left ventricle.
- 18N.2.HL:.tz0.9b: Distinguish how cardiac output, stroke volume and resting heart rate would differ between trained...
The diagram shows an anterior view of the heart. Which blood vessel is labelled X?
[Source: adapted from Heart diagram with labels in, ZooFari, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cardiology#/media/File:Heart_
diagram_blood_fl ow_en.svg, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license,
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode]A. Aorta
B. Pulmonary artery
C. Pulmonary vein
D. Vena cava
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.6: What describes the sequence of excitation of the heart muscle? A. Sinoatrial node →...
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.7: What describes the effect of exercise on cardiac output?
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.8: Where does blood exert the force measured as systolic blood pressure? A. On the arterial walls...
- 19N.1.SL.tz0.9: How does blood pressure respond during a warm-up?
Explain the cause of the blood pressure response shown in the graph.
[Source: adapted, with permission, from G. Haff and C. Dumke, Laboratory Manual for Exercise Physiology,
1st edition, © 2012 Human Kinetics, Inc.] -
Analyse the long-term effect of training on maximal oxygen consumption.
Describe the extrinsic regulation of the sinoatrial (SA) node as an athlete begins a warm-up.
Analyse the long-term effect of training on maximal oxygen consumption.
- 19N.1.HL:.tz0.7: What cardiovascular adaptations can result from endurance training? A. Increased left...
The diagram shows the human heart. Which valve is labelled X?
[Source: Adapted from Heart diagram with labels in, ZooFari, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Cardiology#/media/File:Heart_diagram_blood_flow_en.svg, licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 Unported license, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode.]A. Bicuspid
B. Tricuspid
C. Aortic
D. Pulmonary
- 20N.1.SL.tz0.8: What causes an increase in cardiac output during exercise?
Which competitive activity requires the highest maximal oxygen consumption for a well-trained athlete?
A. 10 km cross-country skiing
B. 20 minutes arm ergometry
C. 40 minutes cycling
D. 1 km canoe slalom
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.4a: State the function of platelets in response to a skin cut.
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.4b: Describe the pathway of the electrical impulse during excitation of the heart muscle.
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.6e: Discuss the increased maximal oxygen consumption of athletes after a period of endurance training.
- 20N.2.SL.tz0.7d: Discuss the distribution of blood at rest and redistribution of blood during strenuous exercise.
- 20N.2.HL:.tz0.4c: State the function of platelets in response to a skin cut.
- 20N.2.HL:.tz0.4d: Describe the pathway of the electrical impulse during excitation of the heart muscle.
- 20N.2.HL:.tz0.7d: Discuss the increased maximal oxygen consumption of athletes after a period of endurance training.
- 20N.1.HL:.tz0.6: Which tissues receive most of the blood during exercise? A. Kidneys and working muscles B....
- 21M.2.SL.tz0.2a: State the blood vessels A, B and C in the diagram. A: B: C:
Distinguish between the pulmonary and systemic circulatory systems.
- 21M.2.SL.tz0.2c: Explain the changes in blood distribution that occur during an endurance training run.
- 21M.2.SL.tz0.5c: Outline six cardiovascular changes that would be expected as a result of an endurance cycling...
Explain the physiological changes which contribute to a person experiencing cardiovascular drift during an endurance event such as the Tour de France.
Describe the functions of the main blood vessels connecting the heart and the lungs.
Explain the variability in VO2max in the following groups: trained and untrained.
Explain the variability in VO2max in the following groups: young and old.
Explain the variability in VO2max in the following groups: male and female.
What is the primary role of platelets?
A. Supporting immune function
B. Carrying dissolved substances
C. Transporting oxygen
D. Blood clotting and preventing bleeding
How is cardiac output calculated?
A. Heart rate × stroke volume
B. Heart rate + stroke volume
C. Heart rate + tidal volume
D. Tidal volume × stroke volume
- 21M.1.SL.tz0.9: What does systolic blood pressure measure? A. The force exerted on venous walls during atrial...
- 21N.1.SL.tz0.6: Which does blood transport? I. Proteins II. Hormones III. Platelets A. I and II only B. I...
- 21N.1.SL.tz0.7: Which circulation is responsible for the exchange of oxygen between the blood and the lungs? A....
What changes occur to a boxer’s stroke volume and heart rate while punching during a bout?
- 21N.1.SL.tz0.9: What action of the heart is responsible for the force of systolic pressure as measured on the...
Explain cardiovascular drift and the relevance of hydration during a 50 km walk.
- 21N.2.SL.tz0.4a: Discuss the variability of maximal oxygen consumption relative to age for trained and untrained...
- 21N.2.SL.tz0.4b: Outline how maximal oxygen consumption differs between running and arm ergometry.
- 21N.2.SL.tz0.6a: Describe the regulation of heart rate.
Explain cardiovascular drift and the relevance of hydration during a 50 km walk.
- 22M.1.SL.tz0.6: What blood vessel does the cardiovascular system use to send deoxygenated blood to the lungs? A....
The diagram represents blood flow in the heart, muscle, brain and skin of an athlete (i) at rest and (ii) at maximal exercise.
[Source: Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.]
Which represents the blood flow for muscle when changing from rest to exercise?
- 22M.1.SL.tz0.8: Which describes the cardiac output of an athlete recovering from strenuous exercise?
- 22M.1.SL.tz0.9: The maximal oxygen uptake of an athlete when tested on a treadmill is measured to be 53 ml kg–1...
- 22M.1.HL:.tz0.5: What is the function of leucocytes? A. To assist in clotting the blood. B. To transport...
The diagram shows a gymnast holding a position called an iron cross.
[Source: Gwoeii / Shutterstock.]
Discuss the response of systolic and diastolic blood pressure to this static position.
Describe the sequence of excitation of the heart muscle.
- 22M.2.SL.tz0.5c: A chronic adaptation of aerobic training is an increase in hemoglobin. Outline how this...
Explain the phenomenon of cardiovascular drift and one method of reducing it.
- 22M.2.HL:.tz0.3c: A chronic adaptation of aerobic training is an increase in hemoglobin. Outline how this...
Explain the phenomenon of cardiovascular drift and one method of reducing it.