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Date May 2017 Marks available 3 Reference code 17M.2.SL.tz0.5
Level Standard Level Paper Paper 2 Time zone time zone 0
Command term Explain Question number 5 Adapted from N/A


Distinguish between fibrous and cartilaginous joints.


Describe the essential elements of a generalized training programme.


Outline cardiovascular drift.


Discuss the characteristics of the lactic acid system during exercise.


Explain the process of oxygen exchange at the alveoli.



Award [1 max] per line.


usually consists of light continuous activity which builds in intensity/aerobic activity to help warm up the body/ loads the blood with oxygen✔

Stretching activities:
are done as part of the warm-up and cool down phase✔
stretching may increase flexibility/reduce injury✔

Endurance training:
where a person works for long periods of time to exercise their heart, lungs and large muscle groups✔

Cool down:
done at the end of the exercise session to enable the body to gradually come back to a resting state✔

Flexibility training:
stretching of the body to help improve the range of movement/ can be dynamic, static, PNF✔

Resistance training:
loading the muscles while doing exercise to help promote the maintenance and growth of muscle tissue✔

Incorporation of recreational activities and sports:
this could be walking or jogging with others/this is to help motivate individuals✔

Name it and describe it for [1].
Award [1 max] for each.


cardiovascular drift is the gradual increase in HR seen in an athlete doing prolonged ‹steady state› exercise✔

dehydration contributes to cardiovascular drift✔

cardiovascular drift is associated with increased blood viscosity✔

over prolonged periods of exercise stroke volume decreases✔

blood being sent to the skin/vasodilation for cooling reduces stroke volume to active muscles causing HR to increase✔

to maintain cardiac output HR increases✔

exercise in a hot environment exaggerates cardiovascular drift✔


uses glucose as the fuel✔

used at the start of exercise
is dominant for up to 3 minutes✔

used in high intensity exercise/eg, 400m sprint✔


has lactic acid as a byproduct✔

lactic acid limits longer duration exercise✔

<1 glucose> makes 2 ATP with this system✔

occurs in the cell cytoplasm/sarcoplasm/outside the mitochondria✔

the breakdown of glucose is activated by a reduction in PC levels✔


differences in the partial pressure/concentration of oxygen in the alveoli and blood create a pressure/concentration gradient✔

oxygen travels from areas of high partial pressure/concentration to low partial pressure/ concentration✔

transfer of O2 is into the blood stream/capillary ‹at the alveoli›✔

oxygen is dissolved at the alveoli in order to move across and into the blood stream✔

oxygen diffusion increases as one moves from rest to exercise✔

while exercising, muscles require more O2 to be used in the metabolic proces
venous oxygen is depleted and O2 exchange at the alveoli is facilitated✔


Examiners report

Many students were able to answer this question well. There was uncertainty regarding the amount of movement for each joint.


Candidates were not able to describe the elements of the generalized training program well. Commonly students referenced only warm-up and cool-down. Many candidates misconstrued this question to be about the principles of training and principles of overload. When candidates were able to identify the correct elements, they found it hard to describe the role or activities that form part of these elements.


This question was still a challenge for some students; however, many students were also able to outline some parts of the process very well.


Many students answered this question adequately.


Candidates struggled to explain the oxygen exchange at alveoli often delivering responses that were too vague or discussed carbon dioxide as well as discussion on the pathway for ventilation.


Syllabus sections

Topic 2: Exercise physiology » 2.1. Structure and function of the ventilatory system » 2.1.7. Explain the process of gaseous exchange at the alveoli.
Topic 2: Exercise physiology » 2.1. Structure and function of the ventilatory system
Topic 2: Exercise physiology

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