DP History Questionbank

9: France (1815–1914)
- The Bourbon restoration, the Congress of Vienna and its impact on France
- The reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X: politics and society (1815–1830)
- Revolution of 1830 and the July Monarchy of Louis Philippe; reasons for the collapse of the July monarchy
- 1848 Revolution: Second Republic, repression and the emergence of Louis-Napoleon and the Second Empire
- Napoleon III and the Second Empire: domestic policies; stability; opposition; periods of reform; foreign policies, including Crimean War and interventions in Italy and Mexico
- Third Republic (1871–1914): stability and crises 1871–1890—problems in establishing the Republic and Boulangisme; 1890–1914—Dreyfus, growth of political extremes, corruption
Directly related questions
- 17M.3op4.HL.TZ0.17: Evaluate the reasons for the 1848 Revolution in France.
To what extent was the foreign policy of Napoleon III successful?
Evaluate the successes and failures of the domestic policies of Napoleon III.
To what extent were the policies of Charles X the main reason for the establishment of the July Monarchy?
Compare and contrast the policies of Louis XVIII and Charles X.
Evaluate the reasons why the Second Republic was overthrown.
“The Second Republic collapsed because it lacked popular support.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Evaluate the reasons that led to the political stability of the Third Republic by 1877.
“Napoleon III’s foreign policy had more successes than failures.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 18M.3op4.HL.TZ0.17: Discuss the reasons for the Bourbon Restoration in France.
“Napoleon III’s foreign policy was a complete failure.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.18: Examine the reasons why the Third Republic was able to survive crises in the period 1871–1890.
“The Revolution of 1830 was caused by discontent with Charles X, not enthusiasm for Louis Philippe.” Discuss.
“Stability was the main domestic benefit of the Second Empire.” Discuss.
“The weakness of the Second Republic led to the establishment of the Second Empire.” Discuss.
Examine the reasons for political instability in France during the reign of Louis XVIII.
“Economic factors were the main reason for the 1848 Revolution in France.” Discuss.
- 19M.3op4.HL.TZ0.18: “The threat of Boulangisme to the French Third Republic was exaggerated.” Discuss.
“The Congress of Vienna had a limited impact on France.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
“The Dreyfus Affair destabilized the Third French Republic.” Discuss.
Sub sections and their related questions
The Bourbon restoration, the Congress of Vienna and its impact on France
- 18M.3op4.HL.TZ0.17: Discuss the reasons for the Bourbon Restoration in France.
“The Congress of Vienna had a limited impact on France.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
The reigns of Louis XVIII and Charles X: politics and society (1815–1830)
Compare and contrast the policies of Louis XVIII and Charles X.
To what extent were the policies of Charles X the main reason for the establishment of the July Monarchy?
Examine the reasons for political instability in France during the reign of Louis XVIII.
Revolution of 1830 and the July Monarchy of Louis Philippe; reasons for the collapse of the July monarchy
“The Revolution of 1830 was caused by discontent with Charles X, not enthusiasm for Louis Philippe.” Discuss.
To what extent were the policies of Charles X the main reason for the establishment of the July Monarchy?
1848 Revolution: Second Republic, repression and the emergence of Louis-Napoleon and the Second Empire
- 17M.3op4.HL.TZ0.17: Evaluate the reasons for the 1848 Revolution in France.
Evaluate the reasons why the Second Republic was overthrown.
“Economic factors were the main reason for the 1848 Revolution in France.” Discuss.
“The Second Republic collapsed because it lacked popular support.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
“The weakness of the Second Republic led to the establishment of the Second Empire.” Discuss.
Napoleon III and the Second Empire: domestic policies; stability; opposition; periods of reform; foreign policies, including Crimean War and interventions in Italy and Mexico
To what extent was the foreign policy of Napoleon III successful?
“Napoleon III’s foreign policy had more successes than failures.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
“Stability was the main domestic benefit of the Second Empire.” Discuss.
Evaluate the successes and failures of the domestic policies of Napoleon III.
“Napoleon III’s foreign policy was a complete failure.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?
Third Republic (1871–1914): stability and crises 1871–1890—problems in establishing the Republic and Boulangisme; 1890–1914—Dreyfus, growth of political extremes, corruption
- 19M.3op4.HL.TZ0.18: “The threat of Boulangisme to the French Third Republic was exaggerated.” Discuss.
“The Dreyfus Affair destabilized the Third French Republic.” Discuss.
Evaluate the reasons that led to the political stability of the Third Republic by 1877.
- 21N.3op4.HL.TZ0.18: Examine the reasons why the Third Republic was able to survive crises in the period 1871–1890.