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Date May 2011 Marks available 4 Reference code 11M.2.SL.TZ2.3
Level Standard level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 2
Command term Determine, State, and Suggest Question number 3 Adapted from N/A


This question is about internal energy and thermal energy (heat).

Distinguish between internal energy and thermal energy.


Describe, with reference to the energy of the molecules, the difference in internal energy of a piece of iron and the internal energy of an ideal gas.


A piece of iron is placed in a kiln until it reaches the temperature θ of the kiln. The iron is then quickly transferred to water held in a thermally insulated container. The water is stirred until it reaches a steady temperature. The following data are available.

Thermal capacity of the piece of iron = 60JK–1
Thermal capacity of the water = 2.0×103JK–1
Initial temperature of the water = 16°C
Final temperature of the water = 45°C

The thermal capacity of the container and insulation is negligible.

(i)  State an expression, in terms of θ and the above data, for the energy transfer of the iron in cooling from the temperature of the kiln to the final temperature of the water.
(ii)  Calculate the increase in internal energy of the water as the iron cools in the water.
(iii)  Use your answers to (c)(i) and (c)(ii) to determine θ.


internal energy is the total kinetic and potential energy of the molecules of a body;
thermal energy is a (net) amount of energy transferred between two bodies;
at different temperatures;


the internal energy of the iron is equal to the total KE plus PE of the molecules; the molecules of an ideal gas have only KE so internal energy is the total KE of the molecules;


(i) 60×[θ−45];

(ii)  (2.0×103×29)=5.8×104J;

(iii)  60×[θ−45]=5.8×104;
θ=1000°C; (allow 1010°C to 3 sig fig)

Examiners report

Few could repeat the Subject Guide definition of internal energy and relate it to that of the molecules or atoms of the substance under discussion. Understanding of thermal energy was very limited with a widespread failure to describe it in terms of transferred energy. Candidates evidently struggle with this concept.
The distinction between internal energy of a solid and an ideal gas is not well understood by candidates. The emphasis is on the word “ideal” where no potential energy issues arise. Candidates were poor in their descriptions and explanations.
The three sub-sections of this question led towards a determination of the final energy when iron at high temperature is added to cold water in a container. There was confusion over both units and ideas. In (i) both K and °C appeared, in (ii) many answers of 29°C were presented for the increase in the internal energy of the water, and in (iii) there were further errors in temperature units and significant errors. Only about half the candidates were able to work towards a full answer in (iii).

Syllabus sections

Core » Topic 3: Thermal physics » 3.1 – Thermal concepts
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