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Date November 2011 Marks available 3 Reference code 11N.2.HL.TZ0.2
Level Higher level Paper Paper 2 Time zone Time zone 0
Command term Distinguish Question number 2 Adapted from N/A


This question is about internal energy.

Humans generate internal energy when moving, while their core temperature remains approximately constant.

Distinguish between the concepts of internal energy and temperature.


internal energy:
total energy of component particles (in the human);
comprises potential energy + (random) kinetic energy;

measure of average kinetic energy of particles;
indicates direction of (natural) flow of thermal energy;
internal energy measured in J and temperature measured in K/°C ; (both needed) {(accept alternative suitable units)

Examiners report


Syllabus sections

Core » Topic 3: Thermal physics » 3.1 – Thermal concepts
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