DP Mathematical Studies Questionbank

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[N/A]Directly related questions
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6f: Given that y = 2x3 − 9x2 + 12x + 2 = k has three solutions, find the possible values of k.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6e: Show that the stationary points of the curve are at x = 1 and x = 2.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6d: Find dydx.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6c: Find the value of y when x = 1 .
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6b: A teacher asks her students to make some observations about the curve. Three students...
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6a: Sketch the curve for −1 < x < 3 and −2 < y < 12.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4e: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for 0 < x ≤ 6 and −30 ≤ y ≤ 60.Clearly indicate the minimum...
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4d: Write down the two values of x which satisfy f (x) = 0.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4c: Use your answer to part (b) to show that the minimum value of f(x) is −22 .
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4b: Using your value of k , find f ′(x).
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4a: Find the value of k.
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5e: Write down the coordinates of the point of intersection.
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5d: Draw the graph of f for −3⩽x⩽3 and...
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5c: Use your answer to part (b)(ii) to find the values of x for which f is increasing.
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5b.ii: Find f′(x).
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5b.i: Expand the expression for f(x).
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5a: Find the exact value of each of the zeros of f.
- 17M.1.sl.TZ1.12c: Find the range of values of k for which f(x)=k has no solution.
- 17M.1.sl.TZ1.12b.ii: Write down the number of solutions to f(x)=−6.
- 17M.1.sl.TZ1.12b.i: Draw the line y=−6 on the axes.
- 17M.1.sl.TZ1.12a: Write down the domain of the function.
- 17M.1.sl.TZ2.13c: Draw the line N on the diagram above.
- 17M.1.sl.TZ2.13b: Find the equation of N. Give your answer in the form ax+by+d=0 where a, b,...
- 17M.1.sl.TZ2.13a: Write down the value of f(1).
- 16M.1.sl.TZ2.8b: Sketch the curve for −2⩽x⩽4 on the axes below.
- 16M.1.sl.TZ2.8a: Consider the curve y=1+12x,x≠0. For this curve, write down i) ...
- 16M.2.sl.TZ1.6d: The function f is the derivative of a function g . It is known that g(1)=3. i) ...
- 16M.2.sl.TZ1.6c: Sketch the graph of y=f(x) for −2⩽x⩽6 and...
- 16M.2.sl.TZ1.6b: Use your graphic display calculator to solve f(x)=0.
- 16M.2.sl.TZ1.6a: A function, f , is given by f(x)=4×2−x+1.5x−5. Calculate f(0)
- 10M.1.sl.TZ1.15a.i: On the axes below sketch the graph of f (x) and show the behaviour of the curve as x increases.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.3d: Let P be the point where the graph of f (x) intersects the y axis. Write down the coordinates of P.
- 10N.2.sl.TZ0.5e: Sketch the graph of f (x) for −5⩽x⩽7 and...
- 11N.1.sl.TZ0.13b: Sketch the graph of y=f(x) for the domain −1⩽x⩽3.
- 12N.2.sl.TZ0.5f: (i) Sketch the graph of y = g(x) for −2 ≤ x ≤ 5 and −15 ≤ y ≤ 25, indicating clearly your answer...
- 12M.1.sl.TZ1.4b: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) on the axes below for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 . Mark clearly on the sketch the...
- 12M.2.sl.TZ1.5h: Sketch the tangent to the graph of f (x) at x = −1 on your diagram for (a).
- 12M.2.sl.TZ1.5a: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for −3 ≤ x ≤ 6 and −10 ≤ y ≤ 10 showing clearly the axes intercepts...
- 12M.2.sl.TZ1.5i: P and Q are points on the curve such that the tangents to the curve at these points are...
- 11N.2.sl.TZ0.5c: The sketch below shows the graph of the function, h(t) , for the height above ground of C,...
- 09M.2.sl.TZ1.5f: Sketch the graph of the function f, for −3 ≤ x ≤ 6 and −7 ≤ y ≤ 15. Indicate clearly the point P...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ1.3b: Sketch the graph of the function y=f(x) for −5⩽x⩽5 and...
- 09M.2.sl.TZ2.2ii, b: Using the values in the table above, draw the graph of N for 0 ≤ t ≤ 20. Use 1 cm to represent 2...
- 09M.2.sl.TZ2.2ii, c: Use your graph to estimate the number of days for the population of fleas to reach 55.
- 13M.2.sl.TZ1.3c: Use the seven results in the table to draw a graph that shows how the temperature of the coffee...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.5e: Sketch the graph of f(x) for −10⩽x⩽10 and...
- SPM.1.sl.TZ0.7a: On the grid below sketch the graph of the function f(x)=2(1.6)x for the domain...
- SPM.1.sl.TZ0.5b: where the function attains its least value;
- SPM.1.sl.TZ0.5c: where the function attains its greatest value;
- SPM.2.sl.TZ0.4d: The table below gives the intensity of light (correct to the nearest integer) at different...
- 07M.2.sl.TZ0.3ii.d: Draw a graph showing the path of the football from the point where it is kicked to the point...
- 07M.2.sl.TZ0.3ii.e: The goal posts are 35 m from the point where the ball is kicked. At what height does the ball...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4b: The following table shows values for m and T(m). (i) Write down the value of...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4c: Consider the function S(m)=20m−40 for 2⩽m⩽6 . The function...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4d: Consider the function S(m)=20m−40 for 2⩽m⩽6 . The function...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4e: Consider the function S(m)=20m−40 for 2⩽m⩽6 . The function...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ1.1a: Sketch the graph of the function f(x), for −10⩽x⩽10 . Indicating...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ2.4i.c: As x increases from −1, the graph of y=f(x) reaches a maximum value and then...
- 10M.1.sl.TZ1.15a.ii: Write down the coordinates of any intercepts with the axes.
- 14M.2.sl.TZ2.5d: The parcel is tied up using a length of string that fits exactly around the parcel, as shown in...
- 13N.1.sl.TZ0.10a: Sketch the graphs of y=f(x) and y=g(x) on the axes below. Indicate clearly the points...
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.4d: The graph of the function f(x) has a local minimum at the point where x=−2. Sketch...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ1.5g: The graph of y=f(x) has a local minimum point at x=4. Write down the coordinates of...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ1.5f: The graph of y=f(x) has a local minimum point at x=4. Sketch the graph of...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.5e: Let T be the tangent to the graph of f at x=−2. Sketch the graph of f for...
- 14N.1.sl.TZ0.11c: Write down the interval for the values of x for which f(x)>g(x).
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.5f: Let T be the tangent to the graph of f at x=−2. Draw T on your sketch.
- 14N.1.sl.TZ0.14c: (i) Find the value of b and the value of c. (ii) Draw the graph of the function...
Sub sections and their related questions
Drawing accurate graphs.
- 09M.2.sl.TZ2.2ii, b: Using the values in the table above, draw the graph of N for 0 ≤ t ≤ 20. Use 1 cm to represent 2...
- 13M.2.sl.TZ1.3c: Use the seven results in the table to draw a graph that shows how the temperature of the coffee...
- SPM.2.sl.TZ0.4d: The table below gives the intensity of light (correct to the nearest integer) at different...
- 07M.2.sl.TZ0.3ii.d: Draw a graph showing the path of the football from the point where it is kicked to the point...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4b: The following table shows values for m and T(m). (i) Write down the value of...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4c: Consider the function S(m)=20m−40 for 2⩽m⩽6 . The function...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ2.4i.c: As x increases from −1, the graph of y=f(x) reaches a maximum value and then...
- 14M.2.sl.TZ2.5d: The parcel is tied up using a length of string that fits exactly around the parcel, as shown in...
- 14N.1.sl.TZ0.14c: (i) Find the value of b and the value of c. (ii) Draw the graph of the function...
- 16M.1.sl.TZ2.8a: Consider the curve y=1+12x,x≠0. For this curve, write down i) ...
- 17M.1.sl.TZ1.12a: Write down the domain of the function.
- 17M.1.sl.TZ1.12b.i: Draw the line y=−6 on the axes.
- 17M.1.sl.TZ1.12b.ii: Write down the number of solutions to f(x)=−6.
- 17M.1.sl.TZ1.12c: Find the range of values of k for which f(x)=k has no solution.
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5a: Find the exact value of each of the zeros of f.
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5b.i: Expand the expression for f(x).
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5b.ii: Find f′(x).
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5c: Use your answer to part (b)(ii) to find the values of x for which f is increasing.
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5d: Draw the graph of f for −3⩽x⩽3 and...
- 17N.2.sl.TZ0.5e: Write down the coordinates of the point of intersection.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4a: Find the value of k.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4b: Using your value of k , find f ′(x).
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4c: Use your answer to part (b) to show that the minimum value of f(x) is −22 .
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4d: Write down the two values of x which satisfy f (x) = 0.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4e: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for 0 < x ≤ 6 and −30 ≤ y ≤ 60.Clearly indicate the minimum...
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6a: Sketch the curve for −1 < x < 3 and −2 < y < 12.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6b: A teacher asks her students to make some observations about the curve. Three students...
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6c: Find the value of y when x = 1 .
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6d: Find dydx.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6e: Show that the stationary points of the curve are at x = 1 and x = 2.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6f: Given that y = 2x3 − 9x2 + 12x + 2 = k has three solutions, find the possible values of k.
Creating a sketch from information given.
- 10N.2.sl.TZ0.5e: Sketch the graph of f (x) for −5⩽x⩽7 and...
- 12N.2.sl.TZ0.5f: (i) Sketch the graph of y = g(x) for −2 ≤ x ≤ 5 and −15 ≤ y ≤ 25, indicating clearly your answer...
- 12M.1.sl.TZ1.4b: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) on the axes below for 0 ≤ x ≤ 4 . Mark clearly on the sketch the...
- 12M.2.sl.TZ1.5a: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for −3 ≤ x ≤ 6 and −10 ≤ y ≤ 10 showing clearly the axes intercepts...
- 12M.2.sl.TZ1.5h: Sketch the tangent to the graph of f (x) at x = −1 on your diagram for (a).
- 11N.2.sl.TZ0.5c: The sketch below shows the graph of the function, h(t) , for the height above ground of C,...
- 09M.2.sl.TZ1.5f: Sketch the graph of the function f, for −3 ≤ x ≤ 6 and −7 ≤ y ≤ 15. Indicate clearly the point P...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ1.3b: Sketch the graph of the function y=f(x) for −5⩽x⩽5 and...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.5e: Sketch the graph of f(x) for −10⩽x⩽10 and...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ1.1a: Sketch the graph of the function f(x), for −10⩽x⩽10 . Indicating...
- 13N.1.sl.TZ0.10a: Sketch the graphs of y=f(x) and y=g(x) on the axes below. Indicate clearly the points...
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.4d: The graph of the function f(x) has a local minimum at the point where x=−2. Sketch...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ1.5f: The graph of y=f(x) has a local minimum point at x=4. Sketch the graph of...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.5e: Let T be the tangent to the graph of f at x=−2. Sketch the graph of f for...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.5f: Let T be the tangent to the graph of f at x=−2. Draw T on your sketch.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4a: Find the value of k.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4b: Using your value of k , find f ′(x).
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4c: Use your answer to part (b) to show that the minimum value of f(x) is −22 .
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4d: Write down the two values of x which satisfy f (x) = 0.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4e: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for 0 < x ≤ 6 and −30 ≤ y ≤ 60.Clearly indicate the minimum...
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6a: Sketch the curve for −1 < x < 3 and −2 < y < 12.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6b: A teacher asks her students to make some observations about the curve. Three students...
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6c: Find the value of y when x = 1 .
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6d: Find dydx.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6e: Show that the stationary points of the curve are at x = 1 and x = 2.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ2.6f: Given that y = 2x3 − 9x2 + 12x + 2 = k has three solutions, find the possible values of k.
Transferring a graph from GDC to paper.
- 10M.1.sl.TZ1.15a.i: On the axes below sketch the graph of f (x) and show the behaviour of the curve as x increases.
- 11N.1.sl.TZ0.13b: Sketch the graph of y=f(x) for the domain −1⩽x⩽3.
- 12N.2.sl.TZ0.5f: (i) Sketch the graph of y = g(x) for −2 ≤ x ≤ 5 and −15 ≤ y ≤ 25, indicating clearly your answer...
- 12M.2.sl.TZ1.5a: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for −3 ≤ x ≤ 6 and −10 ≤ y ≤ 10 showing clearly the axes intercepts...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ1.3b: Sketch the graph of the function y=f(x) for −5⩽x⩽5 and...
- 11M.2.sl.TZ2.5e: Sketch the graph of f(x) for −10⩽x⩽10 and...
- SPM.1.sl.TZ0.7a: On the grid below sketch the graph of the function f(x)=2(1.6)x for the domain...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4b: The following table shows values for m and T(m). (i) Write down the value of...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4c: Consider the function S(m)=20m−40 for 2⩽m⩽6 . The function...
- 08M.2.sl.TZ2.4i.c: As x increases from −1, the graph of y=f(x) reaches a maximum value and then...
- 13N.1.sl.TZ0.10a: Sketch the graphs of y=f(x) and y=g(x) on the axes below. Indicate clearly the points...
- 13N.2.sl.TZ0.4d: The graph of the function f(x) has a local minimum at the point where x=−2. Sketch...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ1.5f: The graph of y=f(x) has a local minimum point at x=4. Sketch the graph of...
- 15M.2.sl.TZ2.5e: Let T be the tangent to the graph of f at x=−2. Sketch the graph of f for...
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4a: Find the value of k.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4b: Using your value of k , find f ′(x).
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4c: Use your answer to part (b) to show that the minimum value of f(x) is −22 .
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4d: Write down the two values of x which satisfy f (x) = 0.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4e: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for 0 < x ≤ 6 and −30 ≤ y ≤ 60.Clearly indicate the minimum...
Reading, interpreting and making predictions using graphs.
- 10M.2.sl.TZ1.3d: Let P be the point where the graph of f (x) intersects the y axis. Write down the coordinates of P.
- 12M.2.sl.TZ1.5i: P and Q are points on the curve such that the tangents to the curve at these points are...
- 09M.2.sl.TZ2.2ii, c: Use your graph to estimate the number of days for the population of fleas to reach 55.
- SPM.1.sl.TZ0.5b: where the function attains its least value;
- SPM.1.sl.TZ0.5c: where the function attains its greatest value;
- 07M.2.sl.TZ0.3ii.e: The goal posts are 35 m from the point where the ball is kicked. At what height does the ball...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4d: Consider the function S(m)=20m−40 for 2⩽m⩽6 . The function...
- 08N.2.sl.TZ0.4e: Consider the function S(m)=20m−40 for 2⩽m⩽6 . The function...
- 10M.1.sl.TZ1.15a.ii: Write down the coordinates of any intercepts with the axes.
- 14N.1.sl.TZ0.11c: Write down the interval for the values of x for which f(x)>g(x).
- 15M.2.sl.TZ1.5g: The graph of y=f(x) has a local minimum point at x=4. Write down the coordinates of...
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4a: Find the value of k.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4b: Using your value of k , find f ′(x).
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4c: Use your answer to part (b) to show that the minimum value of f(x) is −22 .
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4d: Write down the two values of x which satisfy f (x) = 0.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4e: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for 0 < x ≤ 6 and −30 ≤ y ≤ 60.Clearly indicate the minimum...
Included all the functions above and additions and subtractions.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4a: Find the value of k.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4b: Using your value of k , find f ′(x).
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4c: Use your answer to part (b) to show that the minimum value of f(x) is −22 .
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4d: Write down the two values of x which satisfy f (x) = 0.
- 18M.2.sl.TZ1.4e: Sketch the graph of y = f (x) for 0 < x ≤ 6 and −30 ≤ y ≤ 60.Clearly indicate the minimum...